
  • 网络conditional access system;cas
  1. 安全性是衡量有条件接收系统的重要指标,它直接取决于所采用的加扰算法和密钥分配算法。

    Security is an essential factor of CAS , which mainly depends on scrambling algorithm and key distribution algorithm .

  2. 考虑到当前有条件接收系统的不足之处,提出了一种基于频道分级的密钥分配算法.其中,分级访问控制技术被用来分配频道的授权密钥,而中国剩余定理被用来为用户分配组密钥。

    Considering the inefficiency of the current CAS , a novel key distribution algorithm based on hierarchical channel was put forward , in which hierarchical access control technology is used to distribute the authorization keys of channels while Chinese remainder theorem is adopted to distribute group keys to subscribers .

  3. IP网络电视应用中的有条件接收系统

    A Conditional Access System for IP Networking TV Systems

  4. 用FPGA实现数字电视条件接收系统

    Realization of Conditional Access System of Digital TV with FPGA

  5. 嵌入式Linux机顶盒及条件接收系统实现研究

    Research on set-top-box based on embedded Linux and implementation of conditional access system

  6. IP条件接收系统和数字版权管理系统是目前这个领域内两种主要的内容保护技术解决方案。

    IP CAS and IP DRM are two primary Content Protection technologies in this field at present .

  7. 基于CI接口的机卡分离条件接收系统设计与实现

    Design and Application of CA Separation Base on Common Interface in CAS

  8. AES加密算法在条件接收系统中的应用

    The application of the AES encryption arithmetic in the conditional access system

  9. 基于MPEG-2的数字有线电视条件接收系统的实现

    The Implementation of Conditional Access System of Digital Cable TV Based on MPEG-2

  10. 条件接收系统(CAS)是数字电视的关键技术之一。

    Conditional Access System ( CAS ) is one of the key technologies of digital television .

  11. DVB条件接收系统中独立加扰器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Stand Alone Scrambler on DVB-CA System

  12. 同时EPG也为数字电视系统其他重要的增值服务提供了方便、标准的接口,如CAS(ConditionalAccessSystem条件接收系统)、数据广播等。

    EPG also supplies the advantageous and standard interfaces for another added operations . Such as CAS ( Conditional Access System ), data broadcast etc.

  13. 条件接收系统CAS是保证数字电视系统安全运行的子系统。

    Conditional Access System ( CAS ) is the subsystem that ensures the security of digital television system .

  14. 它包括了三大关键技术即机顶盒、中间件以及条件接收系统(CAS)。

    It contains three key technologies called Set-top Box , Middleware and Conditional Access System ( CAS ) .

  15. 接着详细描述了IP机顶盒的设备特征、设计约束、设计思路、硬件平台和条件接收系统。

    Secondly , this thesis describes the detailed device characteristics , design restrictions , design idea of the IP-STB , the hardware system and the conditional access system ( CAS ) .

  16. DVB-C条件接收系统及智能卡解决方案的设计与实现

    The Conditional Access System of DVB-C and Design of the Intelligent Card

  17. 探讨了当前条件接收系统的安全性并给出相关的防御措施;从信息传输的角度,介绍了MPEG-2/DVB标准中CA系统相关信息的复用和传输。

    Also paper discusses the security of current conditional access system and relative recovery measure , introduces the composite and transport technology relative to CA system in MPEG-2 / DVB standard .

  18. 在IPTV平台上集成有条件接收系统将会保护IPTV内容提供商的合法权益,也是实现其产业化的前提条件。

    Integrating Conditional Access System in IPTV platform can protect the rights and interests of IPTV content providers , also a precondition of implementing its industrialization .

  19. 对广电网络有条件接收系统(CA)中加解扰与加解密的概念进行了介绍,并对节目有条件接收系统的原理进行了阐述。

    This paper introduces the concepts of scrambling / descrambling and e nc ryption / decryption in conditional access system of broadcast and TV network , and expounds the principle of conditional access system of programme .

  20. 条件接收系统(CAS)是DVB系统实现增值的核心,能够提供有效的系统管理和用户控制。

    Conditional access system ( CAS ) is the key to realize the increment of the DVB system and provides effective system management and subscriber control .

  21. 基于DVB-T的PCTV条件接收系统设计

    The Design of the PCTV Conditional Access System Based of DVB-T

  22. 然后文章简要地分析了条件接收系统相关的国际标准和中国条件接收系统规范,并简明介绍了智能卡信息传输协议和DES和RSA加密算法。

    Then some CAS related international standards and Chinese national standards are briefly described , and smart card communication protocol , encryption arithmetics like DES and RSA are simply introduced .

  23. 基于PRBS的有条件接收系统

    Conditional access system based on PRBS

  24. 介绍了数字电视广播条件接收系统的基本原理,以及机卡分离技术在DVB机顶盒中的应用。

    This paper introduces the basic theory of DVB conditional access system and how does the technology of the separation between host and card application in DVB set-top-box .

  25. 针对FROG算法速度较慢的缺点,基于对称式数据加密算法的基本原理,提出了FROG算法的一种改进方案,并对该算法在条件接收系统中的应用进行了探讨。

    In order to improve the calculating speed of FROG algorithm , some modifications are made based on the principle of symmetric encryption algorithm . It 's application in the conditional access system is studied .

  26. 有条件接收系统是开展数字CATV增值业务的基础,是确保数字电视健康发展的一个重要技术保障系统。

    Basic Requirements for the Design of HFC CATV Link The conditional access system is both a foundation to develop the business value of digital television and an important technical system which would ensure the healthy development of digital television .

  27. 本文的研究为条件接收系统的设计提供了一条重要思路。

    This thesis offers a significant approach for the design of CAS .

  28. 宽带互动电视双模有条件接收系统架构

    Dual Mode Conditional Access System Architecture for Broad Interactive TV

  29. 分布式环境下的访问控制数字电视中的条件接收系统

    ACCESS CONTROL IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Conditional Access in Digital Television

  30. 条件接收系统中的密钥分配及寻址优化研究

    Key Distribution and Subscriber Addressing Optimization for Conditional Access System