
  • 网络pacta sunt servanda
  1. 首先,条约必须遵守原则是解决领土争端必须遵守的首要原则,国际条约是解决国际领土争端的首要依据。

    First , Pacta Sunt Servanda Principle is the leading principle of solving territorial disputes ; international treaty is the overriding criterion of solving territorial disputes .

  2. 这是由权力制衡、检察职能、检察权的内容及条约必须遵守的国际义务决定的。

    This is determined by the power of checks and balances , prosecutorial functions , procuratorial powers and the content must comply with international treaty obligations decision .

  3. 第二章提出与国际条约的国内执行密切联系的条约必须遵守和国家主权两大国际法基本原则,这是进一步具体研究美国的立法与实践的认识前提。

    Chapter II puts forward the fundamental international law principles of Pacta Sunt Servanda and National Sovereignty that are closely connected with the domestic enforcement of the international treaties and also the prerequisites for further specific study on the legislation and practice of the United States .

  4. 遵守条约对于维护国际法律秩序,开展国际交往与合作,确保本国的利益,都有着重要的意义,国际法上有条约必须遵守的原则。

    Adhering to the treaties is of great importance for keeping the international law order , for conducting the international contact and cooperation and for ensuring national interests .