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tiáo kǒu
  • Tiaokou
条口[tiáo kǒu]
  1. 电针条口穴透承山穴为主治疗肩痛症131例

    131 Cases of Shoulder Pain with Electro-acupuncture of Tiaokou Acupoint and Chengshan Acupoint

  2. 有人发送了一条口讯。

    Someone 's sending us a message .

  3. 本文以阿是穴、曲池外关、条口透承山、阳陵泉为基本方治疗肩凝症。

    Ashi Point , Quchi point , Waiguan point , Tiaokou point through Chengshan point and Yanglingquan point are basic for frozen shoulder treatment .

  4. 异型橡胶密封胶条挤出口模设计

    Design of Extrusion Die for a Rubber Sealing Bar

  5. 第十五条进出口货物,应当适用海关接受该货物申报进口或者出口之日实施的税率。

    Article 15 . Imported and exported goods are subject to the tariff rate applied on the day when the customs accepts declaration for import or export of the goods .

  6. 从一种汽车用异型橡胶密封胶条挤出口模的设计及试验分析出发,对橡胶异型材料挤出口模型的设计提出了一些见解。

    On the basis of the design and experimental analysis of the extrusion die for a rubber sealing bar used for cars , some ideas about the design of the extrusion die for a rubber profile are presenced .

  7. 本文介绍一种利用单片机A/D转换功能实现多按键的新方法及其应用,该方法仅需一条I/O口线。

    This article introduces a new method that use A / D conversion of microcontroller , use one I / O of microcontroller , and control a lot of keys . And also introduces the typical application of the new method .

  8. 第11条对进出口产品征收的税费

    11 . Taxes and Charges Levied on Imports and Exports

  9. 一条鳄鱼一口咬在了我脸上

    One croc bit me on the face .

  10. 我试着翻译一下:工程应用,一条带有紧缩口而引起压力差的水槽,通常用于流量测量。

    An open flume with a constricted flow which causes a drop in the hydraulic grade line ; used in flow measurement .

  11. 一条总统录音的口讯被播送给全世界的美国军队。

    A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world .

  12. 似锥低颈吸虫焰细胞的纤毛数为115条,宫川棘口吸虫为125条。

    The number of Cilia was115 in H.conoideum , 125 in E.miyagawai .

  13. 那条河在入海口处变宽了。

    The river widens where it meets the sea .

  14. 钢筋混凝土条基下三口大口径深井的地基处理城市深基坑大口井井点降水施工工法

    Foundation Treatment of Three Obsolete Deep Big-diameter Wells under Reinforced Concrete Strip Footing Big Mouth Well Point Precipitation Construction Method

  15. 第五十六条煤炭的进出口依照国务院的规定,实行统一管理。

    Article 56 Unified control shall be maintained over the import and export of coal in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council .

  16. 第三十四条国家采取进出口信贷、口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。

    Article 34 The State may take import and export credit , export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade .

  17. 出了孟费?,到了向利弗里去的那条公路的岔路口,人们便能见到那条公路在高原上一直延伸到很远的地方。

    When one leaves Montfermeil and reaches the turn which the road takes that runs to Livry , it can be seen stretching out before one to a great distance across the plateau .

  18. 无产阶级政党一般地还是要有两条:君子动口不动手,第一条;第二条,小人要动手,老子也动手。

    Generally speaking , the political parties of the proletariat had better be prepared for two possibilities : one , a gentleman uses his tongue , not his fists , but two , if a bastard uses his fists , I 'll use mine .

  19. 连接条和接线柱的焊接必须使极柱顶部和盖子的铅衬套与连接条环口或接线柱完全熔焊牢固。

    Cell connectors and terminal post burning must be done in such a manner that there is complete fusion of the post strap top and the cover lead bushing with the connector ring or terminal post .