
  • 网络In dreams;In a dream;In the Dream;In my dream
  1. 我常常在梦中回到我的故乡。

    I often return in dreams to my hometown .

  2. 但是狗确实会出现在梦中。

    But dogs in dreams , I mean they really are .

  3. 他只有在梦中表现出恐惧。

    Only in his dreams does he give expression to his fears .

  4. 这个主意是他在梦中想到的。

    The idea occurred to him in a dream .

  5. 我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦中似的。

    I had a sensation of falling , as if in a dream .

  6. 她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。

    Her dreams were troubled , reflecting the tenor of her waking hours .

  7. 在梦中,他变成了一个小精灵。

    In his dream , he became a fairy .

  8. 他在梦中获得了灵感。

    He received his inspiration in his dream .

  9. 在梦中他成了一名军官。

    He dreamed of being an officer .

  10. 过了一会儿,他一梦醒来,见自己仍是庄周,又不是蝴蝶,觉得十分惊奇,他实在不明白是自己在梦中变成了蝴蝶呢?还是蝴蝶在梦中变成了自己。

    without noticing9 that this butterfly was only something in his dream . After a while10 , he woke11 up and found12 that he was still himself , not a butterfly . He felt surprised13 and couldn 't tell whether14 it was he turned into a butterfly in his dream or a butterfly turned into him .

  11. Elena和Katherine做了同样的一个梦,在梦中Stefan处于危险之中且非常需要她们的帮助,于是她们俩说服Damon一起去找Stefan。

    When Elena and Katherine have the same dream that Stefan is in danger and desperately needs their help , they convince Damon to help them find Stefan .

  12. 一群住在郊区的青年有著同一个梦魇:他们都在梦中被一个严重毁容的杀手-FreddyKrueger追杀。

    A group of suburban teenagers share one common bond : they are all being stalked by Freddy Krueger , a horribly disfigured killer who hunts them in their dreams .

  13. “当你在梦中做事情时,大脑感知好像是在现实中做的,”LaBerge说。

    " When you do something in a dream , to the brain it 's as if you 're actually doing it ," LaBerge said .

  14. 而且我希望能在梦中看到Deana,我的尼罗河天使正在俯视我们,满意地微笑着。

    And , in my dreams I hope to see my Deana , my Angel of the Nile , looking down upon us and smiling in approval .

  15. 我感觉到的就像所有我在梦中感受到的一样。

    I feel just like I felt in all my dreams .

  16. 我昨夜在梦中梦见了我们过去的那条狗。

    I remembered our old dog in my dreams last night .

  17. 你一直活在梦中世界,尼奥。

    You 've been living in a dream world , neo .

  18. 这么看来,牧师刚才并没有昏昏睡去,并非在梦中才见到这一切的!

    So the minister had not fallen asleep , and dreamed !

  19. 漂亮的公主只在梦中。

    And pretty princesses who now exist only in our dreams .

  20. 亚瑟:对我来说,这似乎只在梦中才能实现。

    Arthur : That seems like a pipe dream to me .

  21. 在梦中,事物变幻莫测,讲不清道理。

    In a dream , things change suddenly , without reason .

  22. 当我看见,如人在梦中所见的那么清晰。

    While I behold , as plain as one who dreams .

  23. 毕业一星期后,她在梦中安详地离开了人世。

    One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep .

  24. 那是你们在梦中也不能想见的。

    Which you cannot visit , not even in your dreams .

  25. 我迷失在梦中的天堂,那里有你最甜美的爱。

    I lost in paraclise , where your sweet love is .

  26. 在梦中,你妩媚的双眸牢牢锁住了我游离的视线;

    In my dream , your charming eyes lock my dissociative eye-sight ;

  27. 他在梦中忆起了他的第一次生命。

    He 's remembering his first life in his dreams .

  28. 13、但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!

    Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream !

  29. 我在梦中想像自己能够飞翔。

    In my dream , I imagined I could fly .

  30. 在梦中见苏珊娜漫步下山来相迎。

    I thought I saw Susanna a-coming down the hill .