
  • 网络Adrian;Zi-Gang Zheng
  1. 珠宝零售帝国周大福(ChowTaiFook)的继承人郑志刚(AdrianCheng)说,过去五年出现了送圣诞礼物的大热潮。

    Adrian Cheng , heir to the Chow Tai Fook jewellery store empire that has been selling baubles to mainlanders for decades , says the past five years have experienced a big boom in giving Christmas presents .

  2. K11的第一个购物中心2009年在香港开业。香港是它的创始人、主席郑志刚的故乡。

    K11 " s first mall opened in 2009 in Hong Kong , the hometown of its founder and chairman , Adrian Cheng .

  3. 郑志刚的基金会通常为自己的两个购物艺术中心提供武汉和贵阳的两个K11艺术村的作品,中国艺术家们可以在这两个艺术村申请住所。

    Mr. Cheng 's foundation often supplies its two art malls with work from its two K11 Art Villages , in Wuhan and Guiyang , where Chinese artists can apply for residencies .

  4. 郑志刚表示:这是一种机遇驱动的多样化。

    It was an opportunity-driven diversification , he says .

  5. 郑志刚说:很多第三代和第四代都是在国外接受的教育,他们有自己的梦想。

    A lot of the third and fourth generation have been educated abroad * they have their own dreams , says Adrian .

  6. 郑志刚是个热心的艺术收藏者,在美国接受教育,2008年回中国后开设了这个基金会。

    Mr. Cheng , an avid art collector who was educated in the United States , started the foundation in 2008 after moving to China .

  7. 随着全球金融危机的尘埃落定,郑志刚表示,他正在“登门拜访许多公司,询问它们是否有意出售”。

    As the dust from the global financial crisis settles , Mr Cheng says he is " knocking on a lot of company doors asking if they want to sell " .

  8. 郑志刚是一位训练有素的男高音歌唱家,一些唱片公司曾试图与他合作。新世界表示,他现在正专注于一个新的艺术购物中心综合性建筑系列,即带有购物中心的艺廊。

    Mr Cheng , who is a trained tenor and was courted by recording companies , is concentrating on a new series of art malls combining , New World says , an art gallery with a shopping mall .

  9. 拥有哈佛学位的郑志刚表示,家族企业中年轻一代面临的挑战是,如何自由地挥洒他们的才华,重塑存在已久的家族生意。

    The challenge for the younger generation in a family business , says Adrian – who has a degree from Harvard – is to be able to give their talents free rein to mould a longstanding family business .