
dù yuè shí jiān
  • transition time;transit time
渡越时间[dù yuè shí jiān]
  1. 但是,基于移相器的普通相控阵天线在进行宽带宽角扫描时,由于渡越时间和孔径效应的影响,使信号的瞬时带宽受限。

    However , the instantaneous bandwidth of signals is restricted for general phased array because of its transition time and aperture effect .

  2. 在此基础上,通过改变测井工艺以及改进解释方法,还可以较好地识别出注入剖面测井中的“反吐”现象和提高在非对称谱中渡越时间的求解精度。

    What 's more , by revising log-ging techniques and interpretations , workers can spot bursts during injection profile logging more easily and improve the accuracy of transition time on asymmetric chart .

  3. C波段三腔渡越时间振荡器的数值模拟

    Numerical simulations of C-band three-cavity transit-time oscillator

  4. 宽带相控阵雷达Stretch处理孔径渡越时间数字补偿技术

    Digital Compensation Technique of Aperture Fill Time for Wideband Phased Array Radar Stretch Processing

  5. 短沟道MOSFET渡越时间物理模型

    A Physical Model of Short Channel MOSFET 's Transit Time

  6. SiGe异质结双极晶体管基区渡越时间分析

    Base Transit Time of Si / SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor

  7. GaAsHBT中BC结耗尽区电子渡越时间的修正

    Chinese Knot Revision of Electron Transit Time in BC Junction Depletion Region in GaAs HBT

  8. SiGeHBT基区渡越时间模型

    A model of the base transit time of SiGe HBT

  9. 电子温度对SiGeHBT基区渡越时间的影响

    Effects of Electron Temperature Distribution on Base Transit Time of SiGe HBT

  10. 超薄基区SiGeHBT基区渡越时间能量传输模型

    Energy Transport Model for Base Transit Time of Ultrathin Base SiGe HBT 's

  11. SiGeHBT大电流密度下的基区渡越时间模型

    A Model for Base Transit Time in SiGe HBT 's at High Current Density

  12. 并在此模型基础上对电子在基区中的渡越时间、HBT的电流增益和截止频率等进行了计算。

    Based on this model , the electron transit time , the current gain and the cutoff frequency are calculated .

  13. 而对于有着较大初速度的CME,异侧事件的渡越时间明显小于同侧事件。

    For CMEs with large initial velocity , the transit time of the opposite side events are shorter than that of same side events .

  14. 对于新型N ̄+IP发射结结构的微波功率管,采用一维数值模拟,分区计算了它的渡越时间,结果表明其截止频率的小电流特性可以获得明显的改善。

    The transit times in the silicon microwave power transistors with the novel structure of N + IP emitter are regionally calculated by one-dimensional numerical simulation . The results indicate that its low current characteristics of the cut-off frequency f_T can be obviously improved .

  15. 径向渡越时间振荡器(RadialTransitTimeOscillator,简称RTTO)是一种前景光明的基于径向渡越时间效应的新型高功率微波源,能在低阻抗、无外加磁场条件下工作。

    Radial Transit Time Oscillator ( RTTO ) is a promising novel high power microwave source based on the radial transit-time effect . It can operate under the condition of low impedance and without external guiding magnetic fields .

  16. 利用考虑了空间电荷效应和束波非线性相互作用的2.5维PIC粒子模拟程序,对非均匀和均匀三腔渡越时间振荡器进行了粒子模拟研究,结果与理论分析相符。

    By employing a 2.5D particle-in-cell code , which involves the space-charge-effect and the nonlinear beam-wave interaction , the NTC-TTO and TC-TTO have been simulated , and the simulation results accord with the theoretical analysis .

  17. 采用符合方法,测量级联γ放射源60Co在光电倍增管(PMT)光阴极窗上激发产生的切伦科夫光,从而测定PMT渡越时间涨落。

    Using coincidence method , transit time spread ( TTS ) is measured with Cherenkov light produced by cascade γ radioactive source , 60Co on photocathode window of photomultiplier tube ( PMT ) .

  18. 采用光纤技术的X波段光控相控阵雷达通过引入光实时延迟线OTTD,减轻了传统相控阵雷达因渡越时间和孔径效应对信号瞬时带宽的限制,实现了宽带宽角扫描。

    The Optically Controlled Phased Array Radar uses Optical True Time Delay ( OTTD ), abates the limit to signal instantaneous bandwidth aroused by aperture effect , actualizes the scan in broadband and wide-angle range .

  19. 建立了SiGeHBT基区渡越时间与基区Ge组分任意剖面分布的分析模型,模拟分析了它们之间的关系,得到了获得最小基区渡越时间的基区Ge组分剖面函数。

    An analytical model for the base transit time in SiGe HBT with an arbitrary base Ge profile is developed and the optimum base Ge composition profile function for minimizing the base transit time is also obtained by simulation and analysis .

  20. 通过分析SiGeHBT超薄基区中非平衡效应对载流子温度,扩散系数等参量的影响,建立了超薄SiGeHBT基区渡越时间模型。

    The influences of non-equilibrium effect on the carrier temperature and diffusion coefficient in the ultra-thin-base SiGe HBT are analyzed in this paper . This leads to the forming of a base transit time model for ultra-thin-base SiGe HBT .

  21. SFMRUI能很好地消除渡越时间误差,能求出波头滞后误差,并能对测量精度做出评价。

    It is possible to eliminate the error of TOF , to calculate the wave lagging error and to estimate the measurement accuracy by SFMRUI .

  22. 结果表明,背景太阳风速度和ICME渡越时间并没有明显的相关性,在考虑了磁云通量管轴相对黄道面夹角的影响后相关性仍然不明显。

    The results show that the ambient solar wind speed and the ICME transit time errors show little correlation , even after taking into account the angle of magnetic cloud flux tube to the ecliptic plane the correlation is still not obvious .

  23. 晶体管延迟注入渡越时间器件的原理与分析

    Principle and Analysis of Transistor Delayed Injection and Transit Time Device

  24. 基于超声衍射反射回波渡越时间的缺陷识别技术

    Crack Identification Technique Based on Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction Reflection

  25. 超声测距中的伪随机码渡越时间的捕获

    Time of Flight Capture in Ultrasonic Pseudo Random Number Distance Measurement

  26. 边加载径向三腔渡越时间振荡器设计

    Design facts in side appending radial three-cavity transit time oscillator

  27. 势垒注入渡越时间二极管振荡器多晶铁电半导体晶界处的肖特基势垒

    The Schottky Barrier at Grain Boundaries of Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Semiconductors

  28. 峰值渡越时间法测气固两相流流量

    Measurement of Solid-Gas Phase Flow Using Flight Time of Peak

  29. 集电极电流密度和基区渡越时间的解析模型

    Analytical Model of Collector Current Density and Base Transit Time

  30. 合成孔径激光雷达新型渡越时间振荡器的研究

    A Preliminary Study on Synthetic Aperture Ladar Investigation on Novel Transit-time Oscillators