
  • 网络Mythological characters;mythical figure;mythic figure;mythical characters
  1. 但我知道它改编自一个家喻户晓的传统神话人物。

    But I know it 's based on a mythical figure everybody knows .

  2. 然而,由于缺少其他史料证据,大多数考古学家都认为这位蝎子王是一个虚构的神话人物。

    In the absence of any supporting evidence , however , most archeologists had believed that this King Scorpion was a mythical figure .

  3. 这些神话人物被轻蔑地描述为“仅在传说中出现”的人物

    These mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging only to a story .

  4. 然而根据多个航天器发回的照片,科学家似乎一致认为,伊森同神话人物伊卡洛斯(Icarus)一般,已在与太阳的近距离接触中死去。

    But based on images arriving from various spacecraft , the consensus among scientists appeared to be that ISON , like the mythical Icarus , didn 't survive its close encounter with the sun .

  5. 他们并不是神话人物,而是外星来客。

    They were not mythological creatures , but actual space aliens .

  6. 这座建筑装饰着神话人物,阿西娜和爱马仕。

    This building is adorned with mythological characters , Athena and Hermes .

  7. 这故事里充满了神话人物。

    The stories are full of mythical beings .

  8. 这首先证明了神话人物在维持国家形象的重要性。

    This first verifies the importance of mythical figures in sustaining a national image .

  9. 绘有神话人物的屏风。

    A screen painted with mythological figures .

  10. 嫦娥,是中国神话人物,美貌非凡,传说住在月亮上的仙宫里。

    Chang'e , originally known as Heng'e , is the Chinese goddess of the moon .

  11. 蚩尤作为神话人物已经移位为文学殿堂中的意象。

    Chiyou as a mythical charcter had already became the image of the palace of literature .

  12. 这位近5000年来被视为神话人物的国王曾经创立了非凡的业绩。

    Great achievements for a man who for nearly 5 000 years was thought to be mythical .

  13. 这幅画与真人一般大小,取材于希腊神话人物达娜厄,达娜厄是珀尔修斯的母亲。

    It is a life-sized depiction of the character Dana from Greek mythology , the mother of Perseus .

  14. 女娲是在中华大地流传最广泛、最久远、影响力最大的神话人物之一。

    Nvwa is one of the myth characters who have been most popular , wide-spreading and influential in China .

  15. 昆仑丘与西王母以及与之有关联的众多神话人物,构成中国神话的一个庞大家族。

    The Kunlun Hills , the Queen Mother of the West , along with numerous myths and legends , constitute a major unit in the Chinese mythology .

  16. 而且首次加入一个新角色——猴子巫师,他是根据中国神话人物孙悟空创作的。

    and , for the first time , a new character , the Monkey Master , who is based on the Monkey King , a figure of Chinese legend .

  17. 盖伯尔加之矛是爱尔兰神话人物库·丘林的一把独特兵器,由他的情人,也是他独子的生母乌伊芙所赠。

    Gae Bulg was a unique spear owned by the Irish mythological figure Cuchulainn and given to him as a gift by Aiofe , the mother of his only son .

  18. 作为神话人物,普罗米修斯和耶稣都有爱人类并为之承受苦难的献身精神,均可称为“圣者”与“殉道者”。

    As mythological characters , both Christ and Prometheus love man and possess the spirit of enduring suffer-ings for him , and can be called " saints " and " martyrs ";

  19. 综合百年来大禹传说的研究成果,有以下几方面特点:其一,早期的争论主要集中在大禹是神话人物还是历史人物方面;

    The results of the research can be classified as follow : Firstly , the early debate mainly concentrated in the question that if Yu was a truly person or a god .

  20. 在工厂里,在我的工厂里,我们聚集了成千上万的工人,老板对他们不可能了解许多,而对他们来说,老板也不过是个神话人物。

    We assemble thousands of operatives in the factory , and in the mine , of whom the employer can know little or nothing , and to whom he is little better than a myth .

  21. 这些寺庙以其独特的建筑风格闻名于世,其神秘的石墙上装饰着纷繁复杂的雕刻以及神话人物和故事的雕塑,而学者和研究人员仍在努力解开当中的谜团。

    Known for their 5 ) architectural style , the temples ' mysterious stone walls are decorated with 6 ) intricate carvings and sculptures of mythical figures and stories that scholars and researchers still work to 7 ) unravel .

  22. 论文从情节、人物及意象三个方面展开,将主人公帖木儿、巴拉巴斯、浮士德的经历和性格与法厄同、弥达斯、伊卡洛斯这三个希腊神话人物进行比较分析。

    This study concentrates on the plot , character , and image in these plays and it explores the life and temperament of the three protagonists Tamburlaine , Barabas , and Faustus in the light of Greek mythological figures Phaethon , Midas , and Icarus .

  23. 作家通过人物形象的重写,试图还原神话传说人物人性的一面,挖掘脸谱式人物背后复杂、矛盾、多变的性格特征。

    In terms of the rewriting of characters , the writer attempts to restore the nature of human in myths and legends , mining figures behind the complex , contradictory , changing character also .

  24. 不可否认,他是一个神话般的人物。

    Undeniably , he is a man of mythical status .

  25. 耶鲁公开课-弥尔顿课程节选他是神话般的人物,可以批准,可以授权这场女性文学的革命,这场革命佛吉尼亚·伍尔夫,在20世纪早期就预言到了。趣味单词v集合;聚集;

    He 's almost a mythological figure who can sanction , who can authorize this revolution in women 's writing that Virginia Woolf is beginning to prophesy here early in the twentieth century .

  26. 他那一代的非国大党员都是神话般的人物:曼德拉、奥利弗•坦博(OliverTambo)、沃尔特•西苏鲁(WalterSisulu)等等许多人。

    His ANC generation has a mythical status : Mandela , Oliver Tambo , Walter Sisulu and so many more .

  27. 一路高飞的成功人士有重蹈伊卡洛斯(Icarus)覆辙的危险——这位希腊神话中的人物是最早的“高飞者”,他飞得太靠近太阳,身上的蜡翼融化,因而坠落。

    High-flyers risk the fate of Icarus , the original high-flyer of the Greek myth , whose wings came apart when he flew too close to the sun .

  28. 嫉妒之心&希腊罗马神话故事中人物的性格特征

    Jealousy & The Characters ' Dispositions in Greek and Roman Mythology

  29. 这两位现在看来几乎是神话般的人物,贝聿铭从他们身上学到了什么呢?

    What did Pei learn from these now almost mythical figures ?

  30. 紫色象征着魔术,神秘,水晶和神话中的人物。

    Purple symbolizes magic , mystery , crystal and myths in the figure .