
  • 网络Conflict Global Storm
  1. 选民们希望避开这场全球风暴。

    Voters want shelter from the global storms .

  2. 他表示,美国本土的暴风雨很容易就会转化成全球风暴,给经济增长带来深远影响。

    He warned that the local Squall in the US could easily turn into a global tempest with profound consequences for economic growth .

  3. 中国分析师坚称,重新盯住美元只是一项临时措施,目的是在全球风暴中得到一个安全的避风港,等到一切恢复平静后,汇率改革之船将再次启程,前往国际水域。

    Chinese analysts insist the repegging is a temporary measure , a safe port in the global storm before it is calm enough for the ship of currency reform to head out into international waters again .

  4. 调查结果表明,全球经济风暴已将该地区推入技术意义上的衰退国内生产总值(gdp)连续两个季度下降。

    The findings indicate that global economic storms have pushed the region into a technical recession two quarters of contracting gross domestic product .

  5. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)昨日承认,尽管出现全球经济风暴,但欧元区的经济出人意料地活跃,IMF将不得不大幅上调欧元区2008年的经济增长预期。

    Eurozone growth has proved unexpectedly brisk in spite of global economic storms , the International Monetary Fund admitted yesterday , as it conceded that its 2008 forecast would have to be revised significantly higher .

  6. 全球热带风暴时空分布特点

    The statistical characteristics of the spatio-temporal distribution for global tropical storms

  7. 公允价值计量面临全球金融风暴的考验

    Fair Value Measurement Facing the Challenge of Global Financial Storm

  8. 2008年,全球金融风暴使世界经济的历史发生了彻底的改变。

    In 2008 , the financial storm had rewritten the history of the world economy .

  9. 现在人们正感谢雷迪博士,因为他使得印度抵御了全球经济风暴。

    Now people are thanking Dr Reddy for buffering India from the global economic storm .

  10. 十年前,亚洲股市处于全球金融风暴的核心。

    Asian equities were at the centre of a global financial storm 10 years ago .

  11. 警惕全球金融风暴

    On Alert for Global Financial Crisis

  12. 全球金融风暴下两代农民工的就业出路探析

    On How to Improve Employment for the Two Generations of Migrant Workers under Global Financial Storm

  13. 全球金融风暴下我国中小企业融资出路探讨

    China under the global financial turmoil and a way out to explore the financing of SMEs

  14. 正因为如此,08年全球金融风暴给整个时尚杂志产业带来了巨大冲击。

    That is why in 2008 the global financial storm greatly shocked the entire fashion magazine industry .

  15. 他们满怀激情地将之形容为全球金融风暴中的“一缕阳光”。

    They lyrically described it as " a little ray of sunshine " amid the global financial storm .

  16. 该公司同样也是受全球金融风暴影响,生产经营举步维艰,面临倒闭。

    The company is also affected by the global financial turmoil , production and management difficult , face closure .

  17. 但是突如其来的一场全球金融风暴,使班轮运输市场遭遇了“冬天”。

    However , a sudden global financial turmoil made liner shipping market in our country suffered a " cold winter " .

  18. 另一方面,全球金融风暴带来的巨大冲击就是中国的就业群体遭遇了不同程度的就业危机。

    On the other hand , our employment groups suffered varying degrees of employment crisis too in the global financial crisis .

  19. 尽管都受到了全球经济风暴的冲击,但印度和中国现在的状况可距巴西所处的技术性衰退有着相当的距离。

    Although battered by global economic winds , India and China are nowhere close to the technical recession Brazil is now experiencing .

  20. 印度财长奇丹巴兰姆说,印度的金融体系是稳固的,并且有足够的弹性挺过这场全球金融风暴。

    Finance Minister P.Chidambaram says the Indian financial system is stable , and has the resilience to weather the storm blowing across the world .

  21. 一年前全球金融风暴开始聚集的时候,中国看起来就像已经准备好了防护雨衣一般从容。

    When the global financial storm began to gather a year ago , China appeared to be a nation that was well supplied with raincoats .

  22. 盖特纳表示,随着证券化和资产支持证券市场的情况改善,全球金融风暴的强度略有减弱。

    Mr Geithner said : The force of the global storm is receding a bit , as conditions in securitisation and the market for asset-backed securities eased .

  23. 基于此,即使在全球金融风暴影响下,该大学仍然获得了英国高等教育拨款委员会增加的投入,并提升了在英国大学中的综合排名。

    Then the university still won the financial support of UK higher education fund against the impact of global financial crisis and promoted its comprehensive ranking in UK universities .

  24. 在全球经济风暴之后,欧洲工业昨日出现新的不稳迹象。数据显示,德国和英国工业产出下降大过预期。

    European industry yesterday showed fresh signs of spluttering in the wake of global economic storms , with Germany and the UK reporting sharper than expected falls in output .

  25. 目前这场全球金融风暴还将延续多久,并对中国经济产生多大影响,各方都予以密切关注。

    All parties pay close attention to the problem that how long this global financial storm will be continued and how much it will impact to the Chinese economy .

  26. 全球金融风暴的产生始于次级贷危机,次贷危机起源于银行向信用程度较差且收入并不高的借款人提供贷款。

    Produce the global financial crisis began in sub-prime mortgage crisis , subprime mortgage crisis originated in the banks to lower credit and income level is not high loan borrowers .

  27. 第三,穷国不可避免地受全球经济风暴打击最严重汇款、对内投资和出口都会下降发展援助对它们将变得甚至更重要。

    Third , with poor countries inevitably the hardest hit by the global economic storms remittances , inward investment and exports will all fall development assistance will become even more important for them .

  28. 为了应对2007年从美国开始蔓延的全球金融风暴,扩大内需,刺激消费,帮助企业渡过金融危机,国家从2009年开始了全国范围的增值税转型改革。

    To boost domestic spending , to help firms tide over the financial turmoil , which started in the US since 2007 , China launched value added tax ( VAT ) reform experiments in 2009 .

  29. 很多人认为这次全球金融风暴的根源是银行业低估了次级贷款的潜在风险,一时间银行贷款问题成为大家茶余饭后的话题。

    A lot of people agreed that the banking underestimating potential risks of the subprime loans was the source of the worldwide financial storm and talked about banking lending at their leisure during that period .

  30. 随着《新巴塞尔协议》的推行以及由美国次债危机引发全球金融风暴所带来的反思,信用风险管理无疑已成为金融行业关注的核心问题之一。

    Along with the implementation of the Basel Accord and the reflection on the financial crisis bring about by sub-loan crisis of the United States , credit risk management has undoubtedly become the core issue of financial industry .