
quán pín dào
  • all-channels
  1. 全频道CATV特殊故障分析及处理

    The analysis and treatment of special breakdown of whole frequency channel CATV

  2. 硅UHF混频二极管用于全频道电视机。

    Si UHF mixer diodes are used in all-channel TV sets .

  3. 本文就全频道CATV系统中如何选择相容的闭路电视频道进行了探讨,并介绍了如何用袖珍计算机进行辅助设计问题。

    This article discusses the selection of compatible closed circuit television channels in all channel CATV system and explains how to use pocket computer to aid the design .

  4. 本文详细地介绍了用PC-1500袖珍计算机进行全频道CATV用户分配系统设计崔序的功能,并举例说明其应用。

    This article describes the function of design programmes for all channel CATV users distribution system using pocket computer PC-1500 and gives examples for its application .

  5. 建议把结构简单的对数周期天线,用于CATV技术,并给出VHF全频道电视接收天线的实例。

    Concerning the problem of application , the author suggests to use the simple LP antenna in the techniques of CATV , and a practical design for the receiving antenna covering all VHF TV channels .

  6. 非频变天线的概念与全频道电视接收天线

    The Concept of FI Antenna And Receiving Antenna Covering All VHF TV Channels

  7. 用微机实现有线电视信号全频道自动监测

    To Monitor All Channels of CATV With Computer

  8. 全频道无线寻呼接收机的研制

    Research and Development of Full Frequency Channel Pager

  9. 全频道彩色电视接收机

    An all-channel coloured TV receiver

  10. 例如文中第2类码是目前已知的各方面综合性能最好的全频道跳频码。

    For example , the codes of class 2 are the best full frequency hop codes up to now .

  11. 用于船上接收当地电视台的全频道电视信号,不会因船只航行转向而影响接收效果。

    It is application for receiving full channel TV signal of local TV , The system 's receive capacity is not be effected by navigation turning of vessel .

  12. 宽电源稳压围,全波段增补频道;

    Wai Kuan power regulator , the addition of wide-band channels ;

  13. 下一步,江苏国际频道将继续推进在英国、德国等欧洲国家的覆盖工作,逐步成为一个覆盖全世界的国际频道。

    With prospective coverage of UK , Germany , and other countries , JSBC International is gradually becoming a global TV channel .