
  • 网络Shortage cost;stock-out cost
  1. 目前国内最常见的一种确定最佳现金持有量的分析模式存在着一个基本错误,即它将短缺成本看成与现金持有量呈线性关系,从而导致了一些错误的结论。

    In the model , the shortage cost is assumed as a linear function of the amount of cash on hand and some wrong conclusions are then drawn .

  2. 此次研究的目标函数是风电厂的运营总成本,其中包括电力短缺成本、风机运维成本和风机启动成本。

    The objective function is total cost of operating a wind farm , including power shortage cost , wind turbine operations and maintenance cost , and wind turbine start-up cost .

  3. 第五章,为了确定最佳的赊销总额,本章分析了信用成本的计算。主要是短缺成本的计算方法,模型分析在第五章中介绍。

    The fifth chapter , this chapter analyzed how to compute the credit cost , mainly the computational method of short cost .

  4. 事实证明,行政诉讼因司法资源的短缺、成本的高昂而无法很好地解决越来越多的行政纠纷。

    Fact proof is administrative to claim because of the shortage of judicial resource , cost high can not solve more and more administrative disputes well .

  5. 经营国际化的一个最主要的动因是旧有市场中劳动力的短缺和成本问题,以及新兴工业国家和地区的低成本生产。

    A major driver of internationalization of business has been labour shortages and costs in established markets , and the availability of low-cost production in newly industrialized regions .

  6. 自然资源短缺、成本上涨问题以及国际农产品市场的贸易避垒问题等等使中国农业企业危机重重,为此国家提出了中国农业企业走出去进行海外投资的战略目标。

    Chinese agricultural enterprises are involved into various risks , due to lack of natural resources , increasing costs , and trade barrier in international agricultural market , therefore , the government puts forward the oversea investment strategy called " Going Abroad " .

  7. 随着社会经济快速发展的同时,水资源的短缺和劳动力成本的增加等问题不断涌现。

    Along with the social economy rapid development , the shortage of water resources and increasing labour costs and other issues emerging .

  8. 在劳动力短缺和生产成本增加的新形势下,选择适宜的化学方法替代人工疏花疏果是实现苹果省力化栽培的迫切需要。

    Under the new situation of labor shortages and production cost increase , the blossom and post-blossom thinning of apple is an appropriate alternative method to thin by hands .

  9. 随着水资源和能源的短缺及劳动力成本的上升,棉田膜下滴灌技术必然走向自动化,实现智能决策。

    With the shortage of water resource and energy and rising of labor cost , techniques of drip irrigation with plastic film cover in cotton field must achieve auto-irrigation , and realize intelligent irrigation .

  10. 美国属于农业自然资源相对丰富、经济相对发达的国家。农业人口人均耕地面积大,农业人口少,只占总人口的2.2%左右,农业劳动力资源相对短缺,机会成本高。

    Farmland for each farmer is large and the agricultural population is few , only makes up 2.2 % of the total population , agricultural labor force resource is relatively lack , the opportunity cost is high .

  11. 这些公司都将压缩天然气汽车需求有限,归因于压缩天然气充气站短缺以及气罐的成本和尺寸。

    All of the companies attributed the limited demand for CNG vehicles to the shortage of CNG filling stations and the cost and size of the fuel tanks .

  12. 但经济学家们警告称,这类行动有可能引发全球食品价格扶摇直上,因为世界市场上农产品短缺将推高成本,并鼓励投机性泡沫。

    But economists warned that such actions risked provoking an upward spiral in global food prices , as a shortage of farm produce on world markets pushed costs higher and encouraged speculative bubbles .

  13. 艾滋病对该地区人力资源破坏明显,并导致了劳动力短缺、工商企业成本增加、投资减少,以及经济增长率下降等问题。

    And AIDS has made heavy breakage to its human resources , which has resulted in many problems such as shortage of labor , increase of industrial and commercial cost and decrease of investment , and the dropping economic growth rate .

  14. 由于中国主要食用肉猪肉短缺,以及饲料成本上升对食品和蔬菜市场造成冲击,食品价格迅速上涨(8月份较上年同期上涨18.2%),从而推动通胀局势进一步加剧。中国7月份的通胀率为5.6%。

    Inflation was pushed up from July 's 5.6 per cent rate by rapidly rising food prices , which were up 18.2 per cent year-on-year in August , as a shortage of pigs and pork , a staple meat , and higher feed costs buffeted grocery and vegetable markets .