
  • 网络Total working hours;TWT
  1. 资源应在上面整个时间段的设置过程中报告其总工作时间

    Resources should report their total hours worked during the entire time period set up above

  2. 相反,定期监督、减少困倦和犯错误的可能性,与总工作时间无关。

    Conversely , regular access to supervision reduced the likelihood of sleepiness and errors , irrespective of the total hours worked .

  3. 如果进行了一处或者多处的变更,那么像总工作时间、消耗时间、浪费的时间以及效率这样的未来状态将会发生什么变化?

    If one or more changes were instituted , what would the future state look like in terms of total working time , elapsed time , wasted time , and efficiency ?

  4. 该协会称,今年第三季度其成员雇用员工的数量要比2016年同期减少了3%,总工作时间同比下降了4.2%。

    The BRC said its members employed 3.0 per cent fewer staff in the third quarter of this year than during the same time in 2016 , and total hours worked fell by 4.2 per cent year-on-year .

  5. 入学前平均每年各类工作占总的工作时间的比例最多的为?

    Which job occupy most of your time per year before your entrance ?

  6. 估计总的工作时间,逃逸的时间,浪费的时间以及效率。

    Total working time , elapsed time , wasted time , and efficiency are calculated .

  7. 发动机工作性能对火箭飞行性能的严重影响已引起众多研究人员的重视,尤其是火箭发动机推力总冲及其工作时间等重要参数。

    The severe influence of the rocket engine property , especially its total thrust impulse and work time on the rocket flight performance has aroused great attention among technological workers .

  8. 许多公司的工作效果都在下降的一个主要原因就是因为总有员工在工作时间干私活。

    One of the main reasons many offices experience decreasing productivity is because of reverse telecommuting-staff doing personal tasks on work time .