
  1. 最后,将总抚养比划分为幼儿抚养比与老年人口抚养,使其代表人口结构影响因素,分别刻画其对储蓄率的影响。

    Finally , the total raising dependency ratio gestures into child-care and elderly dependency . We could respectively describe their impact on the savings rate .

  2. 随着人口总抚养比的上升,我国将进入人口老龄化新的发展阶段,也就是没有人口红利的老龄化(或者是人口负债的老龄化)。

    China is going to enter a new stage of population ageing following the escalation of total dependency ratio , which is called ageing without bonus ( or ageing with demographic debt ) .

  3. 2000年辽宁省进入后人口红利期时,社会总抚养比只有34.24%,远远的低于50%的标准,但是老龄化率已经高达10.52%,高速增长的老年人口给经济社会发展带来许多压力。

    When Liaoning province stepped into population dividend in 2000 , the bring-up rate is only 34.24 % , far less than the standard 50 % . Meanwhile , the Elderly population rate is almost 10.52 % which brought a lot of pressure to the society and economic development .