
  • 网络accidental load
  1. 确保结构的安全性是进行结构设计的首要目标,因偶然荷载的不确定性,在进行建筑结构设计时其一般不在考虑范围之内。

    The assurance of safety of structure is a primary structural design objective , because of the uncertainty of accidental load , it generally is out of consideration when designing the building structure .

  2. 建筑结构在使用期内有可能遭遇由于突发事件产生的偶然荷载。

    Building maybe encounters incidental load caused by some incidents during the usage period .

  3. 常规设计是针对正常荷载作用下结构物的安全性设计,并未考虑偶然荷载的作用。

    Regular design has paid attention to the security design about structures with normal loads .

  4. 因此对平台进行偶然荷载作用下的风险评估十分必要。

    So it is essential to analyze and assess the behaviors of platform subjected to the accidental loading .

  5. 结合风险评估方法,建立海洋平台在偶然荷载作用下的风险分析框架。

    The analysis framework of offshore platforms in the risk of accidental loads is established , using the risk assessment methods .

  6. 风荷载是可变荷载、水平荷载,不能笼统地视为偏心荷载,应参与基本荷载组合计算,并参与偶然荷载组合验算。

    Wind load is a kind of variable , horizontal load and it shall not be generally defined as an eccentric load .

  7. 偶然荷载引发的事故不但会造成人员伤亡和重大的经济损失,而且会对近海周边环境和海洋生态造成严重的污染和破坏。

    Major disaster caused by accidental loading will not only result in casualties and major economic losses , but also the surrounding coastal environment and marine ecosystem caused by pollution and destruction .

  8. 海洋平台在复杂恶劣的环境中工作,除正常的工作荷载、环境荷载的作用外,还受到偶然荷载威胁,如船舶的撞击、平台上部落物的撞击。

    Offshore platforms work in complex and harsh environments , in addition to normal work load , environment loads , also threatened by accidental loads , such as the impact of ships , impact of dropped objects .

  9. 几次典型的连续倒塌事件造成了严重的生命财产损失,如何有效地保证各类建筑物及构件在遭受偶然荷载作用下仍然正常工作已经成为各国工程科技人员的一项重要而现实的课题。

    Several famous continuous collapses have caused severe losses of life and property . It has become an important and realistic topic for national engineering technicians how to effective protect buildings and structures to still work under effect of accidental loads .

  10. 桥梁结构作为道路连接的重要设施在其施工及运营过程中,由于可变荷载以及各种偶然荷载的作用和影响,导致结构出现多种不同的损伤、缺陷、病害。

    Road connecting the bridge structure as an important facility in its construction and operation of the process , because the variable load and a variety of accidental role and impact loads , leading to different structural damage , defects , diseases .

  11. 上世纪60年代建筑连续倒塌经典事件发生至今,已经多次发生结构连续倒塌的事件,如何防止各类建筑结构在偶然荷载作用下发生连续倒塌,已经是工程研究人员的一项重要课题。

    Progressive collapse of buildings has occurred many times since the classic progressive collapse event in 1960s . It has become an important and realistic topic for national engineering technicians to know how to effectively protect buildings and structures to still work under effect of accidental loads .

  12. 在偶然强荷载作用下混凝土重力式平台的塑性破坏分析

    Plastic damage analysis of concrete gravity platforms subjected to strong accidental loading