
  1. 贾斯汀比伯在洛杉矶幻想工厂出席Xbox360活动,这位年轻流行偶像在离开活动时变得突然很害羞,把自己藏在一本游戏书后面。

    Justin Bieber attends the Xbox 360 event at the Fantasy Factory in LA . The suddenly shy pop idol tried to hide behind a game copy when he left the event .

  2. 红山玉器则以其独特的造型和神秘的内涵,被认为是图腾崇拜的偶像或宗教活动中通灵的神器。

    The jade article of Hongshan culture is considered that it is the idol of the worship of totem and the divine ware which was used in the religion rite due to its particular sculpt and mysterious meaning .