
  1. 方法对我院2004年8月~2005年9月收集到的115例ADR报告进行分类统计和综合评价。

    Methods The classification statistics of 115 ADR reports which had taken place in our hospital from August 2004 to September 2005 were collected and overall evaluation was provided .

  2. 医院统计信息综合评价系统的研究与设计

    Research and design of the comprehensive evaluation system for hospital statistical information

  3. 采用多元统计方法综合评价环境、遗传、基因这三个因素在食管癌发生过程中的作用大小及作用特点。

    The multivariate analysis methods were used to assess the roles of environmental factors , inheritance and genes expression in the progress of esophageal cancer .

  4. 本文利用Access2000建立数据的分类输入、统计分析、综合评价和外部数据导入功能,利用VBADO数据访问方法实现对数据库的管理和数据处理功能的调用,构成了海洋渔业生态环境监测数据库系统。

    The modules of marine fisheries eco-environmental monitoring database , including classified data input , statistics and analysis , comprehensive assessment and outer date input , were approached by software of Access 2000 . The date analysis and management of database were realized through VB-ADO program .

  5. 交通运输可持续发展的统计测度与综合评价

    The Statistic Measurement and Comprehensive Evaluation of Sustainable Development in Transportation

  6. 棉花区试品种性状统计分析及综合评价

    Statistical Analysis and Overall Evaluation on Characters of Regional Trial Cotton Varieties

  7. 模糊统计在体质综合评价中的应用研究

    Application of Fuzzy Theory in Synthetical Physique Evaluation

  8. 对第14届亚运会田径决赛结果进行了统计分析,综合评价了参赛国及整个亚洲竞技田径运动实力。

    Through the statistical analysis on the results of the 14th Asian Games , the author absolutely evaluates entrant countries and whole track and field sports strength .

  9. 1994~1995年对引进的黍属资源进行田间植物学特征与生物学特性的观测,对生物产量构成的诸因素作统计分析和综合评价。

    The field botanical and biological characteristics of Panicum resources introduced were observed during 1994 and 1995 ; the factors which were composed of bio-production were statistically analysed and comprehensively evaluated .

  10. 通过信息的公布和披露,建立中介行业信用体系、统计体系、综合评价体系,利用整个社会的力量来实现监管目标。

    Through the publication and disclosure of information , the establishment of intermediary trade credit system , statistics system , comprehensive evaluation system , using the power of the whole community to achieve regulatory objectives .

  11. 选取反映经济发展水平与投资环境的17项指标,运用因子分析法对中国中部地区的统计数据进行综合评价,依此反映中部各地区投资环境的优势之所在,为各地区的发展提供参考。

    Selecting seventeen items reflecting the level of the economy development and the invest environment , evaluating these statistic data using the divisor analysis method and finding the advantages of the invest environment of the central section which can provide references to these sections'devel - opment .

  12. 该数据库系统提供了浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物、鱼卵仔鱼、生物体残毒和水文、水质、底质数据的输入,分区、分时段统计查询、综合评价、输出打印等功能。

    The database offers six forms of date input including water quality and hydrology , phytoplankton , zooplankton , benthos , fish eggs and larval fish , and residue of marine organisms . It provides functions of query , comprehensive assessment according to region and time , and output-print .

  13. 在统计分析中对综合评价过程的认识

    Knowledge of the Process of Comprehensive Assessment in Statistic Analysis

  14. 基于多元统计的城市设施综合评价研究

    Evaluation of City Facilities Based on Multi-statistics

  15. 把考试成绩分析表的信息划分为三大类,即表头信息、统计信息以及综合分析评价信息。

    The information of score analysis table is divided into three kinds , namely table-head information , statistic information and synthetical analysis and evaluation information .

  16. 方法依据三省(区)疟疾联防市县疟疾疫情报告和疟疾监测统计数据进行综合分析评价。

    Methods According to the data of malaria epidemic reports and statistics in these cities and counties of 3 provinces , the effect of malaria control was analyzed and evaluated comprehensively .

  17. 从经济运行的条件、状态和成果等全过程考察了经济活动的质量问题,建立了由15个代表性统计指标构成的综合评价指标体系。

    From the terms of economical operation , state and achievement , investigated the quality problems of the economic activity , built up the comprehensive appraisal system that formed of 15 representatives statistics indexes .

  18. 以系统整体最优的原则和系统自身的现实状态与系统自身的最佳状态相比较的原则为基本思想,综合使用多目标决策分析方法及多元统计方法,建立综合评价模型。

    In the paper , using the principle of entirety optimum and actual state compared with optimum state , applying th method of multiobjective decision analysis and multivariate statistical analysis , we build the model of synthetical appraisal .

  19. 这完全不同于传统的医学统计方法和模糊综合评价方法,这是因为利用粗糙集理论能够挖掘到数据内部深层的知识,而不是停留在数据表面。

    It is entirely different from the methods of traditional medical statistics and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method . The rough set theory not remains on the surface of data and it can be used to dig up the depth information in the data set .

  20. 通过其在高校档案文献主题词自动标引系统&AISCAU中的具体应用,表明该方法具有较好的聚焦特性,可得到如下统计结果:标引综合评价指标92%,人工与自动标引的平均标引深度比为5:6.3。

    Through its application in AISC-AU , this method shows a better character of focusing on , and some statistic re-sults can be obtained as follows : the precision of overall correct indexing is 92 % , the ratio of manual and automatie indexing average lengths is 5:6.3 .