
  1. 在独立公投的过程中,苏格兰顶尖大学的教授们分为了两个阵营:支持独立的独派学者(AcademicsforYes)和反对独立的统派学者(AcademicsTogether)。

    In the run up to the referendum , Scotlands top university professors had split into two groups : the pro-independence Academics for Yes versus the anti-independence Academics Together .

  2. 因此,这次独立公投正在迫使snp对联合王国让步,同时推动统派政党进一步放权。

    So the referendum is forcing the SNP to make concessions to the union , while pushing unionists towards further devolution .

  3. 与此同时,统派正在试图使苏格兰人确信:投票支持统一将使苏格兰获得大量新权益。

    Unionists , meanwhile , are trying to convince Scots that voting " no " would result in a hefty dose of new powers .