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tǒng zhì
  • control;govern;dirigisme
统制 [tǒng zhì]
  • [control] 辖制,统领管制

  • 经济统制

统制[tǒng zhì]
  1. 日伪在华北沦陷区新闻统制述论

    On the news control by the Japanese in the enemy-occupied North China

  2. 抗战时期国民政府的统制经济政策与国家资本企业

    Republic Government 's Control Economic Policy and State-owner Enterprise during the Anti-Japanese War

  3. 这种做法让一些评论员怀疑她真正的信念到底是什么,她是不是为了在国家经济统制的法国打造政治前程而牺牲了更多市场友好性本能。

    This leads some commentators to wonder what her real convictions are , and whether she has sacrificed her more market-friendly instincts in order to forge a political career in statist france .

  4. Saito(1991)认为某些看似违反反成分统制要求的例证可以用附加语外置的方式得到解释。

    Moreover , Saito ( 1991 ) proposes extraposition to maintain the anti-c-command requirement , which seems to be violated in some instances .

  5. 在此课程的网页(都铎(Tudors)王朝和斯图亚特(Stuarts)王朝那一页)上面,选择一幅肖像,讨论它所代表的君主和统制的形象。

    Choose one portrait on the class website ( Tudors and Stuarts page ) and discuss the image it presents of both sovereignty and the sovereign .

  6. 这是一种战时教育统制政策。

    This was a ruling policy of education during the war .

  7. 试论抗战时期日本对福建的经济统制与经济掠夺

    Japanese Economic Plunder and Control of Fujian During the Anti-Japanese War

  8. 这是掩藏在福利经济统制者们反对金本位制的演说中的卑劣秘密。

    This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists'tirades against gold .

  9. 监控行政裁量运行需要程序统制。

    Monitoring the operation of administrative discretion need program controlling .

  10. 这种统制经济政策所带来的影响是复杂的、多方面的。

    The consequences of this policy are complex and many - sided .

  11. 可是统制政策依然没有改变。

    Yet the policy of autocratic rule remains unchanged .

  12. 统制工会活动的法律。

    Legislation to control the activities of trade unions .

  13. 行政裁量权必须置于立法统制之下的。

    The administrative discretion must lie under legislation regulation .

  14. 在经济统制中,政府对同业市场营业进行严格管理。

    In the economic control for the trade market business to strict management .

  15. 统制经济已让位于开放的市场。

    Controlled economies have given way to open markets .

  16. 训练理论统制挡住体育强国建设

    Dominating Sports Training Theory Impeding the Construction of a Strong Country in Sports

  17. 日本战时统制经济研究概述

    Summarization of the Researches on Japanese Wartime Controlled Economy

  18. 制浆厂用纤维分离机工厂分类帐统制帐户

    Defibrator , for pulp mills factory ledger controlling account

  19. 粮食统制政策实行以来,江西粮食秩序得以重新确立。

    Since the implementation of food hierarchy , food order was re-established in Jiangxi .

  20. 人自觉地统制着交换过程

    Process of exchange is governed by men

  21. 日本战时统制体制的形成有着深厚的社会背景。

    The formation of the wartime control regime in Japan had a profound social basis .

  22. 尽管进行了一些不温不火的改革,叙利亚大部分经济仍然深陷于统制经济的僵局。

    Despite some tepid reforms , most of its economy remains stuck in a dirigiste impasse .

  23. 日伪在沦陷区的棉花增产与棉花统制

    Puppet Japanese ' Policy of Cotton Yield-increasing and His Control Over Cotton In the Enemy-occupied Area

  24. 对外贸易的统制政策

    Policy of controlling foreign trade

  25. 合约物品统制记录单

    Control sheet for contract items

  26. 我们不能同意这样的观点,以为完全用长官的严厉统制办法,就可以达到上述目的。

    We cannot agree with the idea that these aims can be attained only by officers'strict control .

  27. 工厂分类帐统制帐户

    Factory ledger controlling account

  28. 福利国家形成之前的日本是一种垂直统制模式的中央与地方关系。

    Before the come into being of welfare state , central-local relations in Japan are in a vertical pattern .

  29. 这是一种要把贵族政治一笔勾销,而把国王变成唯一、绝对的专制统制者的狡猾诡计。

    It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy , and make the king sole and absolute autocrat .

  30. 抗战时期,特矿地位相当重要。为此,国民政府授权资源委员会对特种矿产实行统制。

    In the Anti-Japanese War , the National Resources Committee authorized by the government implemented the special mineral hierarchy .