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  1. 玉米的引进使我们受惠不少。

    The introduction of corn benefits us a lot .

  2. 然而,重数量轻质量、粗放型的外资引进使资源消耗严重,我国已面临可持续发展的严峻挑战。

    However , attaching importance to quantity and looking down on quality and extensive import of foreign capital investment caused the serious crisis of resources consumption , and China has encountered the sternly challenges of sustainable and stable development .

  3. 面对这些问题,尚需加强新制剂、新品种及多种规格的制剂的开发与引进,使临床使用NSAIDS类药物品种结构更趋于合理。

    Facing these problems , the development and introduction of new NSAIDs and various dosage forms preparations should be warranted .

  4. 微波技术的引进,使样品制备的技术进入了新的生命性的阶段。

    The introduction of microwave technique makes the sample preparation to step into a new stage .

  5. 他们引进了使人不能在社会上发挥创造作用的西方教育模式。

    They introduced western styles of education which unfitted people for a constructive role in society .

  6. 沿径向线性平流的引进可使外区涡量向台风中心方向传播。

    The radial linear advection may transfer the vorticity of the outer region towards the center of the typhoon .

  7. 随着地震资料处理技术的不断发展,对所使用的计算机运算速度和存贮量的要求越来越高,而高性能计算机集群系统的引进,使这一问题得到了理想的解决。

    With the ceaseless development of seismic data processing technology , the request for operational speed and store capacity of computer becomes higher and higher .

  8. 可以预见,目标管理理论的引进必将使高校学生工作管理走向更加科学、规范和高效的道路。

    It is foreseeable that the introduction of target management theory will enable management to college students ' work more scientific , standardized and efficient way .

  9. 此外,适当的交通管理技术的引进将使需要协调相关的环境,以经济效率,安全和尊重的挑战。

    Moreover , the introduction of optimum traffic management technologies will enable the challenges related to economic efficiency , safety and respect for the environment to be reconciled .

  10. 尽管大量高新技术的引进,使武器装备系统的作战性能等到了显著提高,但同时也使武器装备系统的自动测试和故障诊断难度增加,成本也大大提高。

    The operational performance of weapon system has been improved greatly because of new technology , but the difficulty of automatic test and fault diagnosis has been increased , and the cost is more expensive .

  11. 近年来,由于许多国家对电信管理体制进行改革,电信标准化进一步完善,先进技术的引进,使当代世界电信市场的竞争与合作呈现出许许多多的色彩。

    Recent years , the reformation in telecommunication manage system , the perfection in standardization of telecommunication and the introduction of advanced technology make the competition and coordination of world telecommunication market in present day colourful .

  12. 电子商务的引进,使贸易发展面临一次新的发展机遇,为企业开辟了新的生长途径,大大加速了经济一体化和市场化的进程。

    The introduction of electronic business , which makes the trade be faced with a new developing opportunity and opens a new growth channel for the enterprises , accelerates greatly the progress of economic integration and marketization .

  13. 因此在计算机视觉系统中,有必要引进能使雾天图像得到有效处理的机制,对受天气影响的图像进行复原,进而减小天气对图像质量的影响。

    So in the computer vision systems , it is necessary to introduce the work mechanism which can not only effectively process the image , but also can recover the image to reduce the impact of weather on image quality .

  14. 我国现行监事会制度设计的缺陷,以及以外部监管为主要特征的独立董事制的引进,使我国公司法人治理结构面临新的抉择。

    The current supervisory system of our country blemishes that have been designed . With the ushering of the independent director system , which main characteristic is exterior supervision , the institution of corporate governance of our country is facing the new choice .

  15. 把Sudden近似应用于原子、分子与固体表面的散射,通过引进变换矩阵使分子与表面散射的S矩阵及势能矩阵成对角;

    In this paper , Sudden approximation is applied to atom-and molecule-Surface scattering .

  16. 系统采用J2EE三层体系架构组成开发、部署平台,引进工作流技术使业务调整更加方便。

    The GGMES takes the 3-tier J2EE architecture for its platform of development and deployment . The usage of workflow technique makes the adjustment of business more flexible .

  17. 引进形状因子使形成的三角形网格形状达到近优.实例及特性表明所提出的算法可靠、有效且易实现二维CAD/FEM一体化。

    Triangular mesh shape could be near-optimal by using shape factor . Examples and their characteristics demonstrate that the algorithms presented are reliable and efficient , and can be easily integrated CAD with FEM .

  18. 为了适应公司的长远发展,企业不断引进人才,使公司在运行中不断的革新和完善。

    Also , we are constantly introducing talents to renovate and improve business operation so as to meet the demands of company'further development .

  19. 期待可能性理论的引进,可以使我国刑法理论中的许多问题得到合理的解释,对刑事司法的指导意义也是明显的。

    The introduction of expected possibility can well explain many issues of the criminal law in China , and obviously guide the criminal judiciary in China .

  20. 因此要重视教练员的培训,拓宽高水平运动员的引进渠道,使院校篮球队的水平能够再上一个新台阶。

    So should attach great importance to the training , broaden the coaches high-level introduction channels so as to improve the level of basketball in higher vocational colleges .

  21. 结论管理科学研究的新技术、新方法的引进与应用,使医院管理科学研究水平和层次都得到了提升。但仍存在工作体会多、规范研究少;

    Conclusion The introduction and application of new techniques and methods in the research on management have contributed to the enhancement of the research level of hospital administration .

  22. 淀粉生产工艺采用先进技术路线,引进关键设备,使淀粉得率达到98%。

    An advanced technology was adopted for starch processing and the key equipment was introduced from abroad , and the gain rate of starch can reach to 98 % .

  23. 在边界层下部,例如20米处,引进热成风将使风向改变达25°左右。

    In the lower part of the Ekman boundary layer , for instance , at 20 meter level , the direction of the wind can change about 25 after introducing the thermal wind .

  24. 近两年来,德国在原有对再保险业实行间接监管的模式上逐步引进直接监管,使目前德国形成了综合运用间接监管和直接监管的新的再保险监管模式。

    Germany executes an indirect supervision model on reinsurance , but it has introduced the direct supervision model gradually recently , and come out with a reinsurance model with both direct and indirect supervision .

  25. 引进大学文化,使中小学教师具有质疑、自信、自我更新意识等教师专业发展不可缺少的因素,使之成为教师专业发展的不竭动力;

    Fifthly , we should train the teachers boldly to question the authority , increase their self-confidence and self-improvement sense by introducing university culture to the school teachers , for they are key factors for teachers ' professional development .

  26. 赖穆煦表示,他对创维的信心,来自5年跟踪该股票的经验以及他的信念,即创维是最擅长引进外国技术,使其适应国内市场的中国电视机制造商之一。

    Mr Lai says his confidence in Skyworth came from five years ' of experience covering the stock , and his conviction that they were among the best Chinese TV makers at adapting foreign technology to the domestic market .

  27. 分析了地下建筑的传热特性,建立了深埋地下建筑壁面动态传热的数学模型,在边界条件的处理上引进了反应系数使动态问题得以解决。

    This thesis analyses the heat transfer feature of underground structures , establishes the mathematical model of dynamic heat transfer of wall surfaces in the deep underground structures and introduces the reaction coefficient in the treatment of boundary conditions so as to solve the dynamic issues .