  • Hao;moat
  • 〔~水〕水名,在中国安徽省。

  • 同“壕”。

  1. 智慧的庄子和聪明的惠子在濠水的桥上游玩。

    The intelligent Zhang Zi and the clever Hui Zi were strolling on the bridge over the Haoshui River .

  2. 庄子说:“你说‘你怎么会知道鱼的快乐呢’的时候,表面你已经肯定了我知道鱼的快乐。所以我是知道鱼快乐的,我是在濠水之上知道鱼快乐的呀!”

    Zhuang Zi said , " When you said ' How could you know that the fish was joyous . ' So I know the fish is joyous , and I know this on the Haoshui River . "

  3. 结论濠口试点残差GM(1,1)模型预测效果好;

    Conclusions The prediction effect of residual-ameliorated model was good .

  4. 他者的理解:《庄子》的思考&从濠梁之辩说起

    Understanding of the Otherness : Reflecting Zhuang Zi

  5. 濠河水文化对南通城发展的作用研究

    The research of Hao river hydrology culture to the function of Nantong city development

  6. 不同主体之间的交往、理解、沟通是否可能以及如何可能?在对人之在的沉思中,庄子对此作了多方面考察,后者首先体现于濠梁之辩。

    Whether and how it is possible to communicate and understand between different subjects ?

  7. 为抵抗这样的时侯,我把战濠深筑,

    For such a time do I now fortify

  8. 对于骑士来说这无疑是千里濠梁,即便这支崭新的骑士队比之前支离破碎的队伍更好。

    That is a bridge too far , even if the new Cavs are better than their broken , discarded predecessors .

  9. 通过证明所有具有机动性的物种都是具有意识的和所有具有意识的物种都是有苦乐感受的等命题,可以帮助评价濠梁之辩。

    From the proofs that all plastic species are conscious and all conscious species are affective sentients , the Haoliang Debate may be better evaluated .

  10. 该文结合南通市濠西路改造工程,介绍水泥混凝土路面病害处理后,加铺沥青混凝土面层的设计方法。

    Combining the Haoxi Road Transformation Project , the paper introduces the design method of paving bituminous concrete surface after treating the disease of cement concrete pavement .

  11. 介绍了白濠尾自动锁锭装置的工作原理、设计条件、设计材料、单价分析,提出锁锭装置的推广性和实用性。

    It has introduced the operation principle , design condition , design materials , unit price analysis of the bai-hao-wei lock automatic spindle device , and proposed its popularization and practicability .

  12. 记者采访的主要对象和内容是实验小学和北濠桥社区国学班在城隍庙联合举办的端午祭活动,以及北濠桥社区成立的义工联合会。

    The interview was between the reporter and the person who organized the activity . Also , we have interviewed the Voluntary worker federation founded by the Residents'committee of Beihaoqiao Nanyuan .

  13. 禅院之内的“放生池”,莲浮碧泓,红鲤俟矣,又形成“濠上观鱼”一景。

    " The release pond " is in the hospital , the lotus floats the bluish green , the red carp waits , becoming one view of " haoshangguanyu " again .

  14. 这个水系统由四级水体组成:街渠→六脉渠→濠→海(江),保证了城市免受海潮和洪水的危害。

    The drainage system consists of four water composition : street drainage → drainage veins → trench → sea ( river ), to ensure the city against the tide , flood hazards .

  15. 明、清时期的濠畔街一带(当时是城濠),秦楼楚馆、商铺林立,堪似南京的秦淮河。

    Ming and Qing periods Street along the banks of the Ho ( Ho City at that time ), Qinlou Chu Museum , shops forest , indeed like the Qinhuai River in Nanjing .

  16. 濠河水很清,濠东绿苑的树很绿,景点优美而且精致,南通人好客、友善。

    Water in the river of Haohe is very clear , the trees in the green garden are green , the beauty spot is beautiful and exquisite , Nantong Ren are hospitable , kindness .

  17. 所以你当知道,当明白:从出令重新修建耶路撒冷,直到弥赛亚君的时候,必有七个七和六十二个七;既使在艰难的时候,耶路撒冷城也必连街带濠,重新建造。

    Know therefore and comprehend : from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the time of Messiah the prince will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks ; it will be built again , with street and trench , even in distressful times .