
  • 网络Citation Analysis
  1. 从《PlantPhysiology》的引文分析看植物生理学国外核心期刊的分布

    To Determine Plant Physiology Foreign Core Periodicals on the Basis of citation Analysis on Plant Physiology

  2. SCI引文分析及其在科学研究中的应用

    SCI Citation Analysis and Its Application in Scientific Research

  3. Web形态下引文分析的科学指征研究&以10所医学院校数据为例

    A probe on the scientific indicators of documents citation under web

  4. 基于PageRank的引文分析方法探讨

    Exploration of PageRank-based citation analysis method

  5. SCIE林业类期刊论文引文分析

    Citation Analysis of the Forestry Periodicals in SCIE

  6. 本文采用文献计量法和引文分析法,对《福建林学院学报》近10a文章的外文引文数量、文献类型、语种分布、时间分布、主要被引用外刊、学科分布等进行量化统计分析。

    Foreign language quotations from Journal of Fujian Forestry College published during 1996 to 2005 , were statistically analyzed on the aspects such as citation amount , document type , language and time distribution , main cited foreign periodicals and their subject distribution .

  7. 摘要基于cssci及其“引文分析仓库”对于2000-2004年间整个艺术学研究论文所进行的主题词调查分析显示,电影研究是此间艺术学研究较有深度的热点,其次是音乐研究。

    Based on the CSSCI and " citation analysis ", the analysis of the key words appeared in research papers in the science of art indicates that cinema studies is the one that is heated and has some depth , and next to it is music studies .

  8. 基于关联规则挖掘的科技论文引文分析&以化学领域科技期刊为例

    Citation Analyses Based on Association Rule & Example of Chemical Journals

  9. 《青海大学学报》1995&2001年引文分析

    Citation analysis of Journal of Qinghai University from 1995 to 2001

  10. 汕头大学研究生学位论文引文分析与研究

    Analysis and research on quoted passages of master - degree dissertations

  11. 《佳木斯工学院学报》1990-1998年引文分析

    Analysis for the citation of Journal of Jiamusi Institute of Technology

  12. 2000年以来《图书馆论坛》作者与引文分析

    Authors and Citations of Library Tribune : an Analysis since 2000

  13. 《山西护理杂志》1996年&1999年引文分析

    Quotation Analysis of Shanxi Nursing Journal Issued From 1996 to 1999

  14. 专利引文分析在军工企业中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Patent Citation Analysis in Defense Firms

  15. 关于我国体育期刊的引文分析

    The analysis on the quotations of physical educational periodical in China

  16. 《福建林业科技》引文分析

    Citation Analysis of the Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology

  17. 《天津轻工业学院学报》1997~2000年引文分析

    Citation analysis of Journal of Tianjin University of light industry 1997-2000

  18. 本院学报论文的引文分析

    The Citation Analysis of Papers in the Journal of this Institute

  19. 《中国烟草科学》引文分析

    Citation Analysis of the " Chinese Journal of Tobacco Science "

  20. 《烟草科技》2006&2008年的引文分析

    Citation analysis on Tobacco Science & Technology articles of 2006-2008 years

  21. 用引文分析指导馆藏建设

    A study on using citations to analyse and guide the holding construction

  22. 《中国动脉硬化杂志》2002~2004年引文分析

    Citation analysis of the Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis from 2002 to 2004

  23. 两种农业学报引文分析

    Analysis on Paper Citation in Two Journals of Agricultural Science

  24. 论引文分析方法的发展科学发展观透析

    On Development of Citation Analysis Analysis on the Scientific Approach of Development

  25. 天津农学院学报1997-2001年引文分析

    Citation Analysis of Journal of Tianjin Agricultural College from 1997 to 2001

  26. 《武汉水利电力大学学报》引文分析

    Citation analysis of Journal of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering

  27. 《浙江林学院学报》1999~2003年引文分析

    Citation analysis for Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College during 1999 to 2003

  28. 2001年中文眼科学期刊引文分析

    Citation characterization of the ophthalmological journals in Chinese in 2001

  29. 《中国药物依赖性杂志》2001年-2003年引文分析

    Citation analysis of Chinese Journal of drug dependence from 2001 to 2003

  30. 社会科学交叉科学定量评价中的引文分析方法

    Citation Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Social Sciences and Interdisciplines