
  • 网络secondary index
  1. 将辅助索引拆分成数块,以实现并行性(请参阅下面题为PIECESIZE的讨论)。

    Break up the secondary indexes into pieces in order to achieve parallelism ( see discussion below entitled PIECESIZE ) .

  2. 读取外键或索引视图或者修改辅助索引时,使用readpast的更新或删除操作可能发生阻塞。

    Update or delete operations that use readpast may block when reading foreign keys or indexed views , or when modifying secondary indexes .

  3. PRA树索引增加了一个建于叶节点之上的Hash辅助索引结构,并采用自底向上的删除搜索算法,具有很好的动态性能和并发性。

    A PRA-tree is supplemented by a hash index on leaf nodes , and uses bottom-up delete algorithm , thus having a good update performance and concurrency .

  4. 实验结果表明,采用辅助索引结构的BiR-tree具有最优的查询和更新性能。

    Using experimental comparison , we illustrate that the BiR-tree which uses B ~ + - tree for object ids as auxiliary index structure has the best window query and update performance under all conditions .

  5. 针对这两种方案设计了不同的辅助索引结构,以同时满足较高的查询效率和较低的空间开销。

    In these two solutions , different auxiliary structures are designed in order to meet the higher query efficiency and lower space overhead .

  6. 本文运用定量统计方法,从收录范围、报导速度、摘录质量、辅助索引等方面对1988年《情报科学文摘》行分析评价。

    This paper uses quantitative-statistical method to analyse and evaluate " Information Science Abstracts " published in 1988 in terms of coverage , announcement time lag , abstracting quality and auxiliary index etc.

  7. 1997年以后改为78个大类,在辅助索引上也由原来的5个索引减到3个索引,这些变动,使得该文摘更科学更规范,也便于科学工作者利用。

    It was improved into 78 categories from 84 after 1997.Assistant index have been streamlined from 5 to 3.These modifications make the Abstract more scientific and standardize , more convenient for scientific researchers .

  8. 为了解决数据库中加密字符串数据的查询问题,提出了为待加密的字段建立辅助索引字段的两阶段查询方法。

    To solve the problem of querying on encrypted string data in databases , an auxiliary index column is built for each attribute need to be encrypted , which will be used in two-phrase query .

  9. 同时,引入辅助的索引结构,实现对象叶结点直接操作及信息过渡,并对实时树及历史树的插入、更新和查询算法进行了相应的改进。

    A secondary index structure was used to achieve information transition , and improve the algorithm of insert , update and query of the index .