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  1. 为了提高机器人辅助针穿刺精度,提出一种对软组织变形分析的准静态有限元法。

    A quasi-static finite element approach is presented to simulate soft tissue deformation during robot-assisted needle insertion with satisfactory precision .

  2. 建置产品导向工程图学与电脑辅助刽针课程之网路学习模组、多媒体资料模组、学员资料撷取模组、课程输入与管理介面模组等之线上学习系统。

    Establishing web-based learning system including the models of student database , curriculum database and multi-media data model , for mechanical product-oriented CADD curriculum .

  3. 为了避开脑部重要组织,降低手术造成的损伤,脑外科手术机器人需要具有良好的任务灵活性,可以辅助医生将手术针按照特定位姿精确定位到病灶点上。

    Task dexterity is of importance for the brain surgical robots to aid surgeons to locate the focus precisely and alleviate the injuries to the important brain tissues .