
  • 网络statistical equilibrium
  1. 统计平衡状态下的RED建模和仿真

    Modeling and Simulations of RED Under Statistical Equilibrium

  2. 通过均值分析方法对RED在统计平衡时的动态特性进行了建模,并得出了在多个TCP流竞争一条瓶颈链路的情况下,平均队长和RED参数之间的解析关系。

    In this paper average value analysis is used to model the statistical equilibrium state RED performance , which results in the analytic relation between the EWMA queue length and RED parameters under the circumstances of multiple TCP flows competing for a bottleneck link .

  3. 多重休假GI/G/1排队系统的非统计平衡理论

    Multiple Vacation of Queue System GI / G / 1

  4. 8种统计平衡分布上的一个变换群及其一些应用

    A Transformation Group on Eight Kinds of Statistical Equilibrium Distributions and some Applications

  5. 统计平衡状态下复合系统的维修理论及其优化设计

    Maintenance theory and optimal design for a compound system under a statistical equilibrium state

  6. 国民经济统计平衡表体系

    System of Statistical Balance of the National Economy

  7. 因此这种效应应该包含到统计平衡的计算中。

    Therefore , this effect should be included in the calculation of the statistical equilibrium .

  8. 关于编纂国民经济统计平衡表体系的基本方法原

    Basic Methodological Principles Governing the Compilation of the System of Statistical Balances of the National Economy

  9. 给出了统计平衡条件下的排队网络主要指标。

    And the main factors of queue network under the condition of statistical balance are given .

  10. 当激子系统趋近统计平衡时,该公式就自动过渡到具有角动量的费米气能级密度公式。

    When the exciton system closes to the statistical equilibrium , this exciton state density automatically approaches to the Fermi-gas nuclear level density with angular momentum .

  11. 在假定统计平衡的条件下提取了有关核温度参量,并研究了不同反应机制及靶核对提取的核温度的影响。

    Under the assumption of statistical equilibrium , the nuclear temperatures are extracted , and the influence of the reaction mechanism on the nuclear temperature are also investigated .

  12. 利用排队法对自助银行的排队系统进行分析,确定排队模型。给出了统计平衡条件下的主要指标。

    The article provides a queue model for auto bank queue system based on the queue theory , and figure out the main index under the condition of statistical equilibrium .

  13. 本文采用由自由核子,α粒子及平均重核组成的核统计平衡模型描述由自由核子和许多种类原子核组成的系铣。

    In this paper , the properties of system consisting of various nuclear species and free nucleons are described by a nuclear statistical equilibrium system consisting of a typical heavy nucleus , a particles , free neutrons and protons .

  14. 用组合计算和模拟的方法求解网络的增量特性,并在统计平衡方程组中引入增量成功率以进行通信交换系统的话务计算。

    The solution of incremental characteristic of network is found by means of combinatorial calculation and simulation test . And the incremental probability of success is introduced into a set of statistical equilibrium equations for traffic calculation of the communication switching system .

  15. 取代芳烃混合物吸附平衡特性的研究&Ⅰ.均匀势统计吸附平衡模型

    Study on adsorption equilibria of substituted aromatic mixtures on zeolites & i. a new homogeneous adsorption equilibrium model

  16. 本文利用经典统计能量平衡方程的形式研究了非保守耦合系统的能量平衡机制,从而得到了等效内损耗因子的计算公式;

    Abstract : Using energy balance equations in classical Statistical Energy Analysis ( SEA ), the energy balance mechanism of non-conservatively coupled systems is studied , and calculating formulae of equivalent internal loss factors for non-conservatively coupled systems are derived .

  17. 单分子光子源光子统计的非平衡探测

    Effects of unbalanced detection on the photon statistics of single-molecule photon source

  18. 而统计核算、平衡因素则是从宏观的角度对证券市场的总需求与总供给所作的分析。

    Supply and demand are two variables at the top hierarchy of the study of the security market .

  19. 运用统计及盈亏平衡的方法进行了企业举债经营过程中超负债经营状况的研究;

    It analyzes the operating state of enterprise in exessive indebtedness by the methods of statistical and break even analysis ;

  20. 修正的统计能量分析能量平衡方程

    Modification of energy balance equations in Statistical Energy Analysis

  21. 建立了复影响系数法的数学矩阵模型,采用最小二乘法对影响系数进行优化,用统计实验法对平衡机精度进行评定和标定实验误差验证。

    The mathematics matrix of vector influence coefficient and calculation of the coefficient are introduced .

  22. 用统计力学方法讨论平衡稳定条件

    The derivation of the conditions of stability of thermodynamical equilibrium by the method of statistical mechanics

  23. 基于遥感估产和农业统计的粮食供需平衡模型研究

    A Short-term Model of Grain Supply-Demand Balance Based on Remote Sensing for Crop Monitoring and Agriculture Statistical Data

  24. 用统计方法和水量平衡法推导出江淮地区潜水蒸发经验计算模型。

    The calculating model of phreatic water evaporation in the Jianghuai region is given by means of statistic and water balance methods .

  25. 本文首先对有限域上的相关免疫函数进行了研究,揭示了相关免疫性,统计独立性和平衡性之间的关系。

    Firstly , correlation immune functions over finite field is discussed , the relationship among correlation immune , statistical independence and balance is revealed .

  26. 然后推广粒子的统计模型为非平衡态统计模型,并用于粒子内部结构。

    Next , the statistical model of particle is extended to a non-equilibrium statistical model , and it is applied to the structures inside particle .

  27. 首先,利用经典保守耦合系统统计能量分析能量平衡方程的形式,推导了非保守耦合系统中耦合损耗因子与结构振动能量比的关系;

    First , based on the form of the energy balance equations of conservatively coupled systems , the relationship between the coupling loss factors and the energy ratios in non - conservatively coupled systems is derived ;