
  • 网络Unified Market;Single Market
  1. 进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,形成全国统一大市场和畅通的国内大循环,促进南北方协调发展,需要水资源的有力支撑。

    Strong support of water resources is needed as the nation enters a new development stage , implements growth between northern and southern China .

  2. 农村市场究竟如何最终融入统一大市场;

    How does rural market blend in the unified market ?

  3. 他对欧洲统一大市场的前景很乐观。

    He is ~ about the future of the single European market .

  4. 改造组织结构,建立统一大市场;

    Constructing unified seed market through rebuilding its structure ;

  5. 1999年欧洲统一大市场展望。

    Prospects of the great unified European market for1999 .

  6. 消除货币兑换成本;推动了欧洲统一大市场的建立;

    It eliminates the exchange cost of Euro-currency and impulses the establishment of Euro-market .

  7. 在通往欧洲统一大市场的道路上

    On the Way to the European Unified Market

  8. 部门垄断和地区封锁的危害性,阻碍了全国统一大市场的形成,恶化了市场竞争条件。

    The department monopolism and region quarantine blocked forming a large national market and worsen the market competition condition .

  9. 走在区域一体化最前面的欧盟在建立统一大市场后,已经实现了单一货币。

    The European Union that forwardly walks on the regional integration has realized the single money system after founding its unified market .

  10. 清末菜场的建立标志着由小市、散市到固定地点的统一大市场的转变。

    In the late Qing Dynasty , the establishment of the vegetables market marks the transformation from the small and scattered markets to a big and unified market .

  11. 随着欧洲统一大市场的形成,越来越多的人认识到统一欧洲各国民法的重要性。

    With the establishment of the Common market of the Europe , more and more people realize the importance of the harmonization of the civil law of Europe .

  12. 近年来,随着全国统一大市场的逐步形成和要素成本的全面提升,东部沿海地区原有的体制优势基本消失。

    In recent years , with a unified national market , and the increasing of elements cost , the existing institutional advantages for the eastern coastal edge is disappearing .

  13. 为了促进全国统一大市场的形成,规范市场经济运行秩序,在经济转型过程中要规范市场秩序,优化信用制度环境,加强信用制度供给,完善信用体系。

    The normalization of the market order , the improvement of the credit system and its surroundings will help better the market operation order and form a unified national market .

  14. 欧盟经济一体化的首要目标就是建立共同市场与内部统一大市场,实现货物、人员、服务以及资本的自由流动。

    The main object of EU economic integration is to build common market and internal large market and to achieve free movement of goods , people , service and capital .

  15. 进入市场经济以来,传统体制下形成的事业单位人事管理制度已经越来越不适应统一大市场的要求,改革势在必行。

    After the inception of market economy , the traditional personnel management system has become increasingly incompatible with the integration of market . Thus , reform is imperative under such situation .

  16. 因此,必须尽快采取应对措施:建立统一大市场、组建产业集群、改进经营谋略、利用信息技术改善市场条件。

    The author advises to set up unified market , build industrial group , improve the management strategy and make full use of the IT to improve the condition of market .

  17. 本文认为:要重视对统一大市场的分析与研究,制订对欧共体的出口战略,加快向欧共体的投资。

    This paper deems it necessary to analyze and study this big unified market , to put forth a strategy in exporting to the EEC and to suggest accelerating investment in the EEC .

  18. 建设统一大市场是欧共体一体化进程的产物,也是为了应付美、日的挑战。

    The creation of a larger common market is a product of the integration of the EC and also is a measure with which to meet challenges from the United States and japan .

  19. 分割力量的存在,将会增加区际贸易的交易成本,阻碍地区间的分工协作、贸易发展和国内统一大市场的形成,是影响国内市场整合进程的关键因素之一。

    Market segmentation forces impedes the development of inter-regional trades , raises the transaction costs , hampers the inter-regional cooperation and division of labor , and hinders the formation of a unified domestic market .

  20. 这种基于地区层面存在的地方行政垄断行为造成了市场的人为分割,影响了各种产品、要素在全国范围内的自由流动,严重阻碍了国内统一大市场的建立。

    This kind of regional administrative monopoly arise unnatural market fragments , effects the free movement of production and factors within one country and thus severely handicaps the foundation of domestic integrated magnitude market .

  21. 基于地理上的边界效应,文章提出我国各省份应侧重考虑打破省际贸易壁垒,建立国内统一大市场。

    In view of the boundary effect , this paper suggests that emphasis should be given on how to break the trade barriers between provinces in China , so as to establish an integrated domestic market .

  22. 作为对微观市场失灵的纠正,中观效率市场表现为城乡一体化市场,宏观效率市场表现为宏观经济目标实现的全国统一大市场。

    As to micro market failures , regional efficiency market is shown as the integration of urban and rural areas market , and macro efficiency market is shown as national big market of realization of macroeconomic goal .

  23. 改革开放虽然开启了计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的进程,但全国统一大市场的建立却频遇障碍。在阻碍统一市场建设的众多因素中,地区性行政垄断是一重要因素。

    The Reform and Opening-Up Policy has initiated the transition from planned economy system to market economy system . However , the establishment of nationally unified market is blocked by many obstacles , of which regional administrative monopoly is a major one .

  24. 它假设经济均衡发生在一个时点、一个统一大市场、没有外部性、没有规模收益递增、没有消费者、生产者的相互影响、没有信息、没有交易成本。

    It visualizes the process of the economic equilibrium taking place at a single point in time , in one large market without externalities , without returns to scale , without interactions among consumers or producers and without information or transaction cost .

  25. 这种行为违背了市场经济自由、公平的竞争规则,阻碍了全国统一大市场的形成,侵犯了广大经营者和消费者的基本权利,导致了行政权力的寻租和政治的腐败,是一种违法行为。

    Such behavior goes against market economic rule of freedom and fair , blocks the formant of national big market , encroaches basic rights of many proprietors and consumers , brings about " looking for rents " of executive power and political corruption , is illegal behavior .

  26. 我国加入WTO,汇入经济全球化潮流,国内市场与国际市场融合为一个开放统一的大市场。

    The domestic market and international market became a whole market after China joined the WTO .

  27. 而经济处于弱势的中东欧各国又为何积极加入到欧洲统一的大市场中去?

    Why did the latter take an active part in the unified European market ?

  28. 当今社会,交换关系已经将全球连成一个统一的大市场,合作与竞争变得同样重要。

    With the development of the world economy , the global market has united together . Cooperation is as important as competition .

  29. 有的地方推行大部门制改革,整合多个部门的市场监管职能和资源,构建统一的大市场监管体系,提升了服务管理水平和效率。

    Some have consolidated the market regulation functions and resources of several departments into one bigger department in order to build a unified , overarching market regulation system and thereby upgrading the quality and efficiency of its services and management .

  30. 在经济全球化条件下,统一的国际大市场逐步形成。

    Under the conditions of economic globalization , economies are gradually forming a whole .