
  • 网络Heilongjiang TV;HLJTV
  1. 本研究有助于黑龙江卫视提高和巩固自己的市场占有率,提高发展潜力和市场竞争能力,具有一定的现实意义。

    This research helps to improve and consolidate their Heilongjiang TV market share , improve the potential development and the market competition ability , has some of the realistic significance .

  2. 战略的下一个环节是品牌推广,第四章通过对黑龙江卫视频道的品牌推广方式的分析,提出行为包装和形象包装两项措施。

    The next part of strategy is brand promotion . Chapter IV comes up with two measures : behavior packaging and image packaging through analysis on brand promotion method of Heilongjiang TV channels .

  3. 本文从新闻节目、娱乐节目两个方面详细阐述黑龙江卫视频道品牌塑造的内容。

    The article states the content of brand shaping strategy from two aspects-news programs and entertainment programs .

  4. 第一章围绕电视品牌节目提出电视品牌的概念、构成以及黑龙江卫视频道的发展现状,由此阐述了黑龙江卫视频道进行品牌开发的必要性。

    Chapter I introduces the concept of television brands , composition and status quo of Heilongjiang satellite television channels , thus pointing out the necessity of brand development .

  5. 本文通过调查数据对黑龙江卫视频道的观众反馈、频道自身优势、竞争对手状况加以分析整理,最终将黑龙江卫视频道定位为:新闻立台、娱乐为辅。

    The paper analyzes and collects survey data on audience feedback , own advantages of the channel , situation of competitors , ultimately positioning Heilongjiang satellite TV channel-news channel with entertainment as supplementary programs .

  6. 基于黑龙江卫视媒体可持续发展战略的视角,从实施品牌营销战略、实施卫视节目持续创新战略、实施卫视人才战略和建立企业价值观等方面提出了提高黑龙江卫视媒体市场竞争力对策。

    Based on the view of sustainable development strategy of the Heilongjiang TV , the author puts forward some strategy which includes Brand Marketing Strategy , program Sustainable innovation Strategy , Talented Person Strategy and building corporate values to advance the Market Competitiveness for Heilongjiang TV .