
  • Black and White;black or white;Black & White
  1. 黑与白是截然相反的。

    Black and white are opposite .

  2. 每一个人都知道这些人隶属于LeT。很快地,他们画有黑与白与交叉双剑的旗帜在山谷中迎风飘扬。

    Everyone knew these men belonged to LeT , and soon their black and white banners with crossed swords were flying everywhere in the mountains and valleys .

  3. 这款手机都包裹在五颜六色的新彩壳当中,在由黑与白构成的智能手机海洋中,这些彩壳让iPhone5c独树一帜。

    This is all wrapped up in the new colorful shells that make the iPhone 5c stand out in a retail sea of charcoal and white smartphones

  4. 它只有两种颜色——黑与白,也没有如iPhone及其它苹果产品那般光滑轻薄的外形,而只是将电池贴在背部,凸出一块。

    It only comes in two colors - white and black . And rather then mimicking the slick , thin design of the phone and other Apple products , it packs the battery in a bulge on the back .

  5. 谁说人生不只是黑与白?

    Who says life is not all black and white ?

  6. 与目前的黑与白的电子图书,采用了彩色触摸屏信使。

    Unlike current black-and-white e-books , the Courier utilizes a color touchscreen .

  7. 我的世界也不是只有黑与白。

    My world is no only black and white .

  8. 它的所有有在黑与白。

    It 's all there in black and white .

  9. 不同文化下的黑与白内涵之比较

    Connotations of White and Black for Different Cultural Backgrounds

  10. 当这是黑与白的问题。

    But rights to benefits is a black-and-white issue .

  11. T型台上备受宠爱的就属黑与白的色彩组合了。

    The favourite combination of colours on the catwalk was black and white .

  12. 黑与白本来就是不同的世界

    Black and white 's a different world .

  13. 我们不用关心夜的深与浅,黑与白。

    We do not care about the deep and shallow night , black and white .

  14. 我的天使,没有你的我的世界,只有黑与白。

    My angel , have no you of my world , only black and white .

  15. 知道吗,在我们这就仿佛只有黑与白。

    See , this is pretty much black and white from where I 'm standing .

  16. 论黑与白的绘画形式

    On black and white painting forms

  17. 不同民族文化中黑与白词汇的象征意义比较

    The Symbolic Meanings of the Words " Black " and " White " in Different Cultures

  18. 黑与白的关系,山水画与古代哲学分不开,黑白是辨证统一的。

    Black and white , landscape and ancient philosophical inseparable , black and white is dialectical unity .

  19. 色彩对比中最强的明度对比是黑与白的对比。

    The most strong and clear a contrast in inside in contrast in color is black and white contrast .

  20. 我一直以为黑与白之间是灰色,却发现在我的世界里,是空白。

    I used to think the midest of them is pale , but now I find the empty within them .

  21. 色调:是颜色三特性之一。色调是黑与白之间的明暗感觉。

    Tone : One of the three characteristics of color . It is the brightness sensation between black and white .

  22. 在研究康华里之前,我一直以黑与白、好与坏的眼光看待历史。

    Before researching Cornwallis , I had been seeing history in terms of black and white , good and bad .

  23. 16.能在绝对的黑与白之间看到事物的多面性。

    16 . Able to see the various shades of grey between the extremes of black and white in every situation .

  24. 亚里士多德认为天空有七种深浅不同的颜色,而且都起源于黑与白。

    Aristotle think that the sky has seven different shades of color , and all originated in the black and white .

  25. 但是正如没有完全的黑与白一样,在每个不同的情况下你必须用你的辨别能力。

    But as there is no black and white , you must use your critical faculties applied to each different situation .

  26. 视界上的颜色并非只有白色和黑色,黑与白之间还有很漫长的灰色地带。

    Field of vision is not only the colour white and black , between black and white there is a long grey areas .

  27. 然而,杆状细胞只能看清黑与白的影像,而很少地反应出颜色。

    However , as the Rods can only " see " a black and white image , the overall impression is much less brightly coloured .

  28. 对于激光雕刻系统,其控制的激光状态只有两种,即出光与不出光,对应图像就是黑与白。

    There are two kinds of laser states in laser marking system , laser-open and laser-close that correspond to black and white in one image .

  29. 他说耶拿“不是黑与白的问题”,而是“正确与错误的问题”。

    He said of Jena that it was " not a matter of black and white " , but of " right and wrong " .

  30. 我知道你想要在黑与白里的答案-但是答案不在那里面-你所感知到的汹涌澎湃对你的灵魂来说是最好不过的。

    I know that you want the answers to be in black and white-but they are not-so flow with what you feel is best for your soul .