
  • 网络Qinghai Satellite TV;Qinghai
  1. 今年初,湖南电视台说服青海卫视播出它的一些节目。

    Earlier this year Hunan TV persuaded Qinghai Satellite TV to carry some of its programmes .

  2. 第三部分包括青海卫视发展历程、节目构成,以及从优势、劣势、机遇、威胁等四个方面分析了青海卫视的发展现状。

    The third part of the course discusses the development history of the Qinghai TV , its program composition , as well as the development status of the Qinghai Satellite TV , from the four aspects of the advantage , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges .

  3. 与湖南卫视深度合作后,青海卫视大量本土节目被拿下,换之以大量娱乐节目。

    Deep cooperation with Hunan TV leads to a large number of local programs of Qinghai TV being replaced by entertainment program .

  4. 在这一历史洪流中,宁夏卫视、甘肃卫视和青海卫视在寻求突破上均选择了与国内其他强势媒介合作的道路。

    Ningxia TV , Qinghai TV and Gansu TV have chosen to cooperate with other domestic powerful media to seek new breakthrough .

  5. 同时,青海卫视推出的选秀节目《花儿朵朵》也因为将年轻女学生刁杨打扮成兔女郎而饱受批评。

    Qinghai TV 's talent show Blossoming Flowers is also under fire for staging a young female student named Diao Yang to dress up like a bunny girl .

  6. 第二部分从自然、政治、经济、社会文化四个方面分析了青海卫视所处的媒介生态环境。

    The second part is about the analysis of the media environment of the Qinghai TV from the four aspects of the natural , political , economic and cultural .

  7. 第一部分绪论,介绍了青海卫视本土受众研究的背景意义、研究方法、相关文献评述以及研究的理论基础:一是使用与满足理论;二是选择性理论。

    The first part of the introduction , introduces background significance of the Qinghai local audience research , research methodology , literature review and theoretical basis : the " usage and meet " theory and selective theory .

  8. 第五部分是结合青海卫视本土受众现状、媒介生态环境及青海卫视发展现状,提出青海卫视发展及本土受众市场培养策略。

    The fifth part is a combination of the current situation of the Qinghai local TV audience , the media environment and the development of the present situation of the development of the Qinghai TV and local audience market training strategy .

  9. 如今的青海卫视外忧内患,对外在全国市场不具备与强势卫视竞争的实力,对内面临本土受众市场的动摇。

    Today , the Qinghai TV is faced with both external and internal problems . Externally , it does not have the advantage to compete with other strong TV Stations in the country . Internally , it faces the shaking domestic market of the local audience .