
  • 网络Jugendstil
  1. 克里姆特是维也纳分离派运动的元老,许多人将该派艺术视为“青年风格”,即德国与中欧的“新艺术运动”。

    Klimt was a founder of the Vienna Secession art movement that for many became synonymous with jugendstil , the German and central European version of art nouveau .

  2. 在这个标题下,美院五位青年画家风格各异的作品或隐或显地包含了他们各自的思考。

    Under this title , the works by these five young artists of CAFA demonstrate distinct styles and more or less embody their respective thinking .

  3. 个体利用拼贴、同构、戏仿等符号构型方式建构出独特的青年亚文化风格。

    Employing symbol configuration , such as " collage ", " isomorphism " and " parody ", individuals can build up a unique style of the youth subculture : resistance of the game and appreciation of the fashion .

  4. 本论文试图对当代语境下的中国青年油画家个人风格的形成进行分析研究。

    This paper attempts to study the formation of the personal style of Chinese youth oil painters in the contemporary context .