
  • 网络Dynamic mass;kinetic mass
  1. 由这相等性,得出了海森堡反铁磁体所具有的性质,预言了Neel磁振子动力学质量生成。

    Therefore , The author get some qualities of Heisenberg antiferromagnet , and predict the dynamic mass generation by the Neel magnon .

  2. 为了计算强子矩阵元,我们采用了Cornwall提出的具有动力学质量的红外有限胶子传播子消去端点发散。

    To calculate the hadronic matrix elements , we use the Corn-wall prescription of the infrared finite gluon propagator by introducing a dynamical mass of gluon to avoid enhancements in the soft endpoint region .

  3. 讨论了在t夸克凝聚模型中,利用梯形近似下的Schwinger-Dyson方程计算t夸克动力学质量的方法。

    Discussed in this paper is a calculation method for the dynamical mass of the top quark in the top quark condensation model with the ladder Schwinger-Dyson equation .

  4. 利用费米子的动力学质量为序参量讨论了相结构和手征相变,给出了相交的临界温度。

    Taking the fermion mass as an order parameter , we discuss the phase structure and chiral phase transition and obtain the critical temperature .

  5. 基于SOA理论的多体系统动力学广义质量建模

    Generalized mass modeling of multi-body system dynamics based on SOA theory

  6. SCR模型是根据Eley-Rideal反应机理,并利用化学反应动力学及质量平衡原理创建的物理模型。

    The SCR model for the control is based on the Eley-Rideal mechanism and combined with the chemistry reaction dynamic and material balance principle .

  7. 持久性有机污染物质量平衡模型主要有Borgmann-Whittle模型,包括基于胃肠道化学动力学的质量平衡模型和基于污染物同化-排泄的质量平衡模型;

    The persistent organic pollutant mass balance models , represented by the Borgmann-Whittle Models , including the model based on chemical kinetics across the gastrointestinal tract and the model based on a constant contaminant assimilation rate and direct excretion ;

  8. 浅析用动力学定义质量的方法

    Brief Analysis of Method with Dynamics to Definite Mass

  9. 动力学环境质量载荷效应的统计能量分析与试验研究

    Statistical Energy Analysis and Test Investigation of Mass Loading Effects on the Dynamic Environment

  10. 详细地讨论了生物制品多孔载体干燥过程中的干燥动力学、质量降解动力学、及质量保护参数等。

    To minimize the losses of the product quality , drying of biomass with porous carriers was applied .

  11. 建立了其干燥动力学及质量降解动力学的数学模型,用于预测热力干燥过程中颗粒结构对产品质量的影响。

    The particle bulk porosity was incorporated into the moisture diffusion model of concentration dependent to estimate the effect of particle structure on product quality .

  12. 初步建立脉冲激光烧蚀靶材的理论模型,根据流体动力学的质量连续性、动量守恒和能量守恒这三个基本方程,研究高能脉冲激光照射靶材产生等离子体的物理特性。

    The theory model for pulsed-laser-driven ablation is established , and the plasma ′ s characteristics of the bulk target irradiated by pulsed laser with high power are studied in detail according to mass continuous condition , energy balance condition and momentum conservation .

  13. 依据粒数衡算原理,结合结晶动力学方程、质量衡算方程建立了溶析结晶过程数学模型,并通过Ronge-Kutta-Gill算法和FORTRAN语言实现过程模拟。

    On the basis of population balance , crystallization kinetics and mass balance equations , the mathematical model for dilution crystallization of SDP was established . Process simulation was developed by Ronge-Kutta-Gill algorithm and FORTRAN language .

  14. 对接动力学仿真台质量惯量模拟件研究

    Mass and Inertia Simulator for Docking Dynamic Test Bed

  15. 弦动力学中带质量项拉氏算子的求值问题

    A Method for Determining the Value of Mass-termed Operator Determinant Differentials in String Dynamics

  16. 天体动力学过程与其质量密切相关,质量越大其非线性动力学过程就越强。

    We know that dynamics process is associated with the celestial bodies mass . The heavier the celestial bodies , the stronger nonlinear dynamics process .

  17. 在教学中许多学生对变质量问题的物理图象概念非常模糊,变质量系统的动力学方程是质量可变系统的牛顿运动定律的一种瞬时表达式呢?还是质点系动量定理的具体应用。

    The dynamic equations of variable bodies are the applications of the Newton law or the theorem of momentum , which is ambiguous to the students .

  18. 继纬向正常密度假说和板块运动纬向重力模式提出之后,本文给出了纬向重力和经向重力的定义,提出了板块运动在地球重力学方面的动力学条件和质量极限的概念;

    After presenting latitudinal normal density hypotheses and latitudinal gravity model of plate motion , we , in this paper , proposed the definitions of latitudinal gravity and longitudinal gravity , as well as dynamic conditions and mass limit conditions of Earth gravity for plate motion .

  19. 并采用该反应动力学模型对TS-1质量分数、溶剂中水质量分数对在不同温度下的双氧水转化速率常数进行了关联。

    This reaction kinetics model was used to correlate the TS-1 concentration , the content of water in solvent with the H_2O_2 conversion rate rate under different temperature .

  20. 分别建立NO2-O2-N2体系和SO2-O2-H2O(g)-N2体系的动力学方程;根据质量守恒理论建立污泥吸附剂固定床的模型,模拟结果与实验数据吻合得较好。

    Dynamical equations of systems of SO_2-O_2-N_2 and SO_2-O_2-H_2O_ (( g )) - N_2 were found , and according to conservation of mass , stationary bed model of sludge adsorbents was also established , simulation values and experiment values were tallied preferably .

  21. 三七素手性药物代谢动力学研究噻唑硫磷质量控制及残留监测

    Study of Enantiomeric Pharmacokinetics of Dencichine Quality Criterion and Residue Monitoring of Fosthiazate

  22. 本文给出了质量矩控制导弹的动力学模型,对质量矩控制方法的控制力和控制力矩、转动惯量的变化和惯性力矩的作用进行了分析。

    The dynamics models are presented for mass moment control missile in the paper .

  23. 根据这个相对论速度基本关系,可以推导出相对论质点动力学方程,能量质量关系,动量能量关系,洛伦兹变换等结果。

    The relativistic equations of particle dynamics , energy-mass relation , momentum-energy relation and Lorentz transformations are derived .

  24. 目的:比较瑞芬太尼和芬太尼用与小儿腭裂修复术中麻醉的血流动力学变化及苏醒质量。

    Objective : To compare the hemodynamic change and analepsia quality after application of remifentanil or fentanyl in children palatoplasty .

  25. 双重星系或天体系统,用动力学方法测定其质量时,观测到的视向速度和距离间距,都是各自值的投影值,可用统计方法,求出一个关于它们的平均投影因子。

    Both of the observed radial velocity and separation being projective values , in order to determine the mass of binary galaxies the average projection factor may be derived by a statistical method .