
  1. 成长在美国的土地上戴小华三度情间

    Initiation on American Lands Life on Three Lands

  2. 第三章情对灵与利的超越,作者描述了情爱的滥觞,认为这是对教会压制情爱、世俗忽视情爱状况的超越。

    In Chapter 3 , the author describes different manifestations of love and believes that these were the results of suppression of love by the Christian faith and neglect of it by the lay forces .

  3. 通过介绍人体器官在医学上和刑法学上的概念及其法律属性,重点提出三种情,以形讨论人体器官作为抢劫罪行为对象的问题。

    By introducing the human organs in medicine and punishment law concepts and legal attribute , highlighted the three kind of feeling , to form to discuss issues of robbery behavior as the object of human organs .

  4. 通过这三个层面情智冲突的分析,揭示社会的桎梏、母爱的羁绊以及新女性自我的困惑与良心不安是阻碍她们在自由的道上大胆迈进的原因。

    It reveals that the shackles from family and society as well as their own puzzles and gritty are the obstacles on their way to freedom .

  5. 1986~1988年,对上海市进行了三年鼠情监测,观察到在市区、郊县室内以小家鼠为优势种,分别占捕获鼠总数的67.84%和46.08%;

    By a three years monitor of rodents in Shanghai from 1986 to 1988 , it was found that Mus musculus was the dominant species whose proportions indoor of urban and rural districts were 67.84 % and 46.08 % , Rattus flavipectus was the second .

  6. 对于佛朗哥,我最初是怀有敌意,后来却发现人们对他有很大的误解,终于有了“三分仰慕之情。”

    With Franco , I started from a point of hostility , discovered how profoundly he had been misrepresented and reached the stage of " grudging admiration . "

  7. 本章主要结合陆机的诗歌作品分析其诗歌中所表现的丰富情感和体现的鲜明特征,论证陆机诗歌是及情之作。第三章,缘情的追求与困境。

    This chapter combines the poetry of Lu in the performance of his poetry rich distinctive characteristics of emotion and expression , demonstration Lu poetry " and the situation works . " The third chapter , " Emotion " and the plight of the pursuit .