
lán kuānɡ
  • rim;hoop;ring
篮筐 [lán kuāng]
  • [canister,cannister] 装面包、水果或鲜花的小篮

  1. 雷阿伦曾经在他高中时在一次跳球后把篮球扣进了自家篮筐。

    Ray Allen once dunked the ball in his own hoop following the tip-off as a high school senior .

  2. 他会有手感不佳的晚上,希望他坚持住并积极地寻找篮筐。

    He 'll have off nights shooting the ball so hopefully he stays active looking to go to the hoop .

  3. 篮筐分别从体育馆两头的天花板上悬吊下来。

    The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium

  4. 戴维斯是NBA最好的防守者之一,(但字母哥)仍能在距离篮筐25英寸的地方(三分线外)用假动作将他晃起。

    Davis - as good a defender as the NBA has - was biting on ball fakes from 25-feet .

  5. 然而在NBA,即兴表演、艺术感、欢快、诗意都能在冲击篮筐并飞跃篮筐的过程中展现得淋漓尽致。

    But the NBA is still all about improvisation , artistry , jazz , poetry on the way to and above the rim .

  6. 目前NBA的规则,只有在球整体离开篮筐圆柱体之后,球员才能触球,否则就是干扰球。

    Current NBA rules , only to leave the basket in the ball the whole cylinder , the player can touch the ball , otherwise it will interfere with the ball .

  7. 跳投和不断攻击篮筐,这是选秀日球队将未来的全明星球员布兰登-罗伊(BrandonRoy)交易到开拓者换来弗耶和一些现金时想要的球员类型。

    Shooting and attacking the rim from the jump , this is the kind of player the team envisioned when it traded future All-Star Brandon Roy to Portland on draft night for Foye and cash .

  8. 身体条件的弱势在他每次冲击篮筐时显得格外明显……受限于身高和垂直爆发力,他不具备NBA赛场上理应具有的高度和运动能力在场上完成终结,而且不能成为联盟中高效的篮下得分手。

    These physical limitations can become apparent once he gets all the way to the rim ... He lacks the length and vertical explosiveness to finish through NBA length and athleticism and does not project as an efficient scorer at the basket in the NBA ...

  9. 投篮时,一只手投射,另一只手来调节方向—胳膊要形成一个正对着篮筐的“L”形。

    Use your shooting hand to push the basketball , with your opposite hand as a guidance system - this should create an " L " that points straight towards the basket .

  10. 我的奶奶十分擅长用竹子编篮筐。

    My grandma is very good at weaving baskets with bamboo .

  11. 胳膊是用来瞄准篮筐的。

    Your arms are used to aim the basketball towards the rim .

  12. 不通过身体对抗的话,他们不会让你接近篮筐的。

    They don 't let you near the rim without physical contact .

  13. 他射门,(得分/偏了/球未挨到篮筐)。

    He shoots ; he scores / misses / throws an air-ball .

  14. 球投到篮筐边缘又弹了回来。

    The basketball hit the rim of the basket and bounced off .

  15. 里面有图腾柱、面具、镶缀珠、篮筐以及版画。

    It had totem poles , masks , beadwork , basket and prints .

  16. 把篮球推进篮筐的得分方式。

    A shot in which the basketball is propelled downward into the basket .

  17. 她的投篮砸到了篮筐边沿,弹了出来。

    His shot hit the rim and bounced out .

  18. 我们供应的水果采用坚固的出口用的篮筐包装。

    We supply fruits in strong export crates .

  19. 场地(或球场)的两端各有一个篮筐。

    One basket is at each end of the playing area , or court .

  20. 她设法跳起投篮,球恰好越过那些孩子的头顶飞入篮筐。

    She managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net .

  21. 对于球员来说打篮球的目的是把球投进篮筐里。

    The aim of basketball is for players to get a ball into the basket .

  22. 藤条(用于编篮筐、家具、座椅子等)。

    Rattan stems ( used for weaving baskets , furniture , chair seats , etc )

  23. 旅行箱,柳条或篮筐编结材料制作

    Traveling case , of wicker or basketwork

  24. 如果根本没有篮筐去投,谁还有动力啊?

    Will they be motivated to play if there is no basket to aim at ?

  25. 手在头顶远离篮筐的投篮。

    A shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket .

  26. 篮筐得分运动项目的比较研究

    Comparative Research On Basketball Scoring

  27. 由于最初是用装水果的篮筐作投掷目标,所以叫篮球。

    Since originally a fruit-carry basket acted as a hoop , this sport is thus called basketball .

  28. 在训练营,主教练布拉德-史蒂文斯对布朗在进攻端的角色定义很简单:攻击篮筐。

    In training camp , Brad Stevens simplified his role in the offense : attack the basket .

  29. 那0.5%意味着勒布朗?詹姆斯如果向着篮筐发起冲击你很难阻挡他

    That 0.5 % means LeBron James is hard to stop if he 's driving for the basket

  30. 这就是说只要球碰了篮筐,球员们就可以触球。

    This means that as long as the ball touched the basket , players can touch the ball .