
  • 网络A Passage to India
  1. E.M.福斯特多部小说作品以旅行为题,其中《印度之行》是福斯特根据自己两次去印度旅行的经历创作而成。

    Many novels of E.M Forster are themed by journeys , among which A Passage to India is written according to his experience of two trips to India .

  2. 爱·摩·福斯特;《印度之行》;节奏;主题;

    E.M.Forster ; A Passage to India ; rhythm ; theme ;

  3. 她听腻了他们的印度之行。

    She was tired of hearing about their trip to India .

  4. 他的印度之行对他的触动很大。

    His trip to India made a strong impression on him .

  5. 这部长篇小说是根据他的印度之行写成的。

    The novel is based on his travels in India .

  6. 选用这种装饰格调是从一次印度之行中得到的启发。

    The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India .

  7. 1986年的印度之行给我留下了难忘的印象。

    My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me

  8. 巴奇尔表示对印度之行很满意。

    Bacher professed himself pleased with the Indian tour .

  9. 第一章作为本论文的引言介绍了以下内容:论文拟运用后殖民批评来分析《印度之行》(APassagetoIndia)的主题。

    The first chapter serves as an introduction to the present paper , which applies the postcolonial criticism to a thematic analysis of A Passage to India .

  10. 她听腻了他们的印度之行。

    She was tired of listening to their jorney to India .

  11. 《印度之行》中西方人对秩序的永恒追求

    E.M. Forster 's Quest for Order in a Passage to India

  12. 论聚焦与自由间接引语在《印度之行》中的运用

    Focalization and Free Indirect Discourse in A Passage to India

  13. 也许会有一次印度之行。

    A trip to India may be in the wind .

  14. 她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行。

    She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travel in india .

  15. 我的印度之行真令我大开眼界。

    My trip to India was quite an eye-opener .

  16. 她的印度之行成了她一生的转折点。

    Her visit to India proved to be a watershed in her life .

  17. 问题:这个男人印度之行的目的是什么?

    Q : What was the purpose of the man 's trip to India ?

  18. 《印度之行》中的意象与节奏

    Image and Rhythm In A Passage To India

  19. 浅析否定词及否定句对《印度之行》主题的帮助

    On the negation in A Passage to India

  20. 《印度之行》是英国作家福斯特的一部印度题材小说。

    A Passage to India is an Indian subject novel of E. M. Forster .

  21. 评《印度之行》中的神秘性

    On Mystery in a Passage to India

  22. 《二马》和《印度之行》的后殖民比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Two Mas and a Passage to India : A Postcolonial Perspective

  23. 她最后一次印度之行是在五月份。

    Her last trip was in May .

  24. 分裂或联结&从后殖民角度分析《印度之行》的主题

    Division or Connection & A Thematic Analysis of a Passage to India from the Postcolonial Perspective

  25. 首相印度之行的官方照片刊登在这本杂志上。

    The official photos of the prime minister 's tour of India are in the magazine .

  26. 这次印度之行,故地重来,倍感亲切。

    Returning to India after so many years has brought back to me many fond memories .

  27. 《印度之行》象征主义的运用

    Symbolism in A Passage to India

  28. 让爱穿越文化的障碍&论福斯特《印度之行》的文化意义

    Let Love Cross Cultural Handicaps & Cultural Significance of E.M. Forster 's A Passage to India

  29. 《印度之行》体现了多元的主体意识以及通过对话进行交流的意识。

    And A Passage to India also demonstrates a multiplied consciousness of subject and communication through dialogue .

  30. 问题5女:你刚刚从印度之行回来

    Question 5 . W : So , you 're just back from a trip to India .