
  • 网络Print Magazine;Printing Field
  1. 自从印刷杂志被消失的大西洋的月刊拼字游戏至今在一年前,它的狂热者一直大声地抱怨之上。

    Ever since the Atlantic Monthly 's crossword puzzle disappeared from the print magazine over a year ago , its fans have been complaining loudly .

  2. 包括电子zines和专门研究的经典电影印刷杂志网站。

    Including both e-zines and Web sites for print magazines devoted to the study of classic film .

  3. 这一消息公布之前,印刷杂志曾遭受另一个打击。

    The news follows another blow to print magazines .

  4. 主题与印刷杂志类似:订阅者向出版商注册订阅,接收指定的杂志。

    Topics are similar to printed magazines : Subscribers register with the publisher to receive a particular magazine .

  5. 流程自动化是最有效的解决方案,保留您的印刷杂志的工具,今天来到这里。

    Process automation is the most effective solution to retaining your printed magazine The tools are here today .

  6. 虽然大多数出版商正在关闭他们的印刷杂志,刘说,但本公司并不担心。

    And although most publishers are in the process of shutting their print magazines down , Liu said the company isn 't worried about doing the opposite .

  7. 悦读网提供的电子杂志保留了印刷杂志的优势,从而带给读者熟悉的阅读体验。

    The magazine withheld the electron that Yue reads a net to offer to presswork the advantage of the magazine , bring what the reader is familiar with to read an experience thereby .

  8. 本文的研究属于实证性研究,因为其主要是基于定性分析所采集的数据,这些数据主要来源于发布在印刷杂志或报纸上的相似体裁的广告,也有些来源于网站上登载的广告。

    The study of this thesis is an empirical one because it is mainly based on the qualitative analysis of the data collected from related topics of similar genres published in the printed magazine or newspaper and some of them from the websites of the ads products .

  9. 人们已经习惯了用精美的亮光纸印刷的杂志了。

    People have got used to nice glossy magazines

  10. 我提到,我偶尔曾想通过想象中的遥控器,调低餐馆里大嗓门人士的音量,还曾想点击印刷版杂志上不存在的超链接,期待它会像在iPad上那样,把我带到不同的页面。

    I mentioned the occasional desire to turn down loud people in restaurants with an imaginary remote , or touch a nonexistent hyperlink in a printed magazine in the hope that it will , as on an iPad , take me to a different page .

  11. 航空公司正在考虑使用质量更轻的餐饮材料和仅在长距离飞行航班上携带毛毯,它们还甚至考虑将印刷版杂志改成电子版杂志。

    Airlines are considering using lighter catering materials , carrying blankets only on long-haul flights and even switching from magazines printed on paper to electronic ones .

  12. 《太阳报》在上周三晚上5点将这组照片发布到了官方网站上,并在印刷版杂志的封面上赫然标注了“全球独家”几个大字。

    The Sun published photos of the pair on its web site around 5 p.m. last Wednesday . The cover of its print edition heralds it as a " WORLD EXCLUSIVE . "

  13. 看涨时代公司的观点是:多年来,这家公司基本上就是在充当时代华纳的摇钱树,催生数亿美元的利润,而又极少得以再投资于自身业务——印刷版杂志带来的财源虽然日益萎缩,但好歹也算稳定。

    Here 's the bull case for Time Inc : For years , the company had basically served as a piggy-bank for Time Warner , generating hundreds of millions of dollars in profit that it rarely got to reinvest in its own business .

  14. 5年后,谁还会阅读印刷报纸和杂志?

    Who will read printed newspapers and magazines in five years ?

  15. 她随意翻阅了一会儿,然后挑了一本印刷华美的杂志。

    She browses a while , then picks up a glossy magazine .

  16. 你在用有光纸印刷的通俗杂志上看到的时装模特儿。

    The fashion models you see in glossy magazines .

  17. 出版商:以出版及推销印刷书籍,杂志或报纸为职业的人士。

    Publisher : One who makes a business of publishing and marketing books , magazines or newspapers etc.

  18. 《无效格式》合集印刷了该杂志的前四期内容,还有个不错的零售价:25美元。

    Invalid Format collects in print the magazines first four issues and retails , ideally , for $ 25 .

  19. 印刷商:杂志和报纸将改用数码纸。

    Printers : Magazines and newspapers will switch to digital paper . paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints .

  20. 一种用劣质纸张印刷的便宜的杂志。

    An inexpensive magazine printed on poor quality paper .

  21. 他们印刷自己的粉丝杂志,为俱乐部成员制作卡片。

    They printed their own fan magazine and created cards for club members .

  22. 我认为我们可以集中在印刷精美的高级杂志上作广告。

    I think we could reduce our print media focus to glossy magazines only .

  23. 这些印刷精美的高档杂志现在也刊登起几年前扔在废纸篓里的产品和服务广告来了。

    The slicks are all carrying ads for products and services that were kept in the Balaam baskets a few years ago .

  24. 福布斯与其他杂志发行商一样,不得不处理消费者及广告商从纸质印刷转投电子版杂志的问题。

    Forbes like other magazine publishers has had to deal with consumers and advertisers shifting away from print into the digital world .