
yìn xiàng
  • impression;image;effect;feel;idea;percept;sound;sensation;profile;shadow;printingout
印象 [yìn xiàng]
  • (1) [shadow]∶形体映在水或镜等中的影子

  • 海中皆有印象

  • (2) [impression]∶接触过的客观事物在人的头脑里留下的迹象

  • 深刻的印象

印象[yìn xiàng]
  1. 这是一位艺术家对未来新运动场作的印象画。

    This is an artist 's impression of the new stadium .

  2. 她给他的父母留下了好印象。

    She made a favourable impression on his parents .

  3. 关于他们究竟是什么关系,他故意给我们留下错误印象。

    He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship .

  4. 那份报告全面深入,给我留下了深刻的印象。

    I was impressed by the thoroughness of the report .

  5. 他神态轻松潇洒,给人成功的印象。

    He looked relaxed and elegant and had the patina of success .

  6. 求职人员出色的能力给他留下了深刻印象。

    He was impressed by the high calibre of applicants for the job .

  7. 这首歌的音乐和歌词都给人留下非常深刻的印象。

    Both musically and lyrically it is very effective .

  8. 她给主持面试者留下了很好的印象。

    She made a good impression on the interviewer .

  9. 她给人的印象是特别忙。

    She gives the impression of being very busy .

  10. 她的话给我留下了难忘的印象。

    Her words left a lasting impression on me .

  11. 本人的印象是,他们不赞成。

    One gets the impression that they disapprove .

  12. 她给我的印象是她不满意自己的工作。

    She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job .

  13. 他给我的第一印象不错。

    My first impression of him was favourable .

  14. 童年的印象经久不忘,真是不可思议。

    It 's strange how childhood impressions linger .

  15. 这栋建筑物给人以极其深刻的视觉印象。

    The building makes a tremendous visual impact .

  16. 他们的勤奋给我们留下深刻印象。

    We were impressed by their industry .

  17. 我们离开时有一种印象:他们的婚姻并不十分美满。

    We came away with the impression that all was not well with their marriage .

  18. 这是座大城市,却给人一个小城镇的印象。

    It 's a big city but it has the feel of a small town .

  19. 他为了给上司留下深刻印象,不惜走极端,真令人难堪。

    It 's embarrassing the extremes he 'll go to in order to impress his boss .

  20. 初次见面时,她总给人以热情亲切的表面印象。

    When you first meet her , she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness .

  21. 你如果真的想给人留下好印象,就得表演得更好。

    You 'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression .

  22. 他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。

    He doesn 't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase .

  23. 有人对Fareham这个词有印象吗?

    Does the word ' Fareham ' mean anything to anyone ?

  24. 给人的印象是柔和俏丽而不是吸人眼球的性感。

    The effect is soft and pretty rather than drop-dead sexy .

  25. 他加深了人们对英国人不擅长语言的印象。

    He had increased Britain 's reputation for being bad at languages

  26. 那件事更加深了古尔太太对他的好印象。

    That improved Mrs Goole 's already favourable opinion of him .

  27. 相对于他给人的印象,他其实更有生意头脑。

    He 's more business-minded than he makes himself out to be

  28. 他惊人的记忆力让所有见过他的人都印象深刻。

    He impressed all who met him with his prodigious memory .

  29. 在我对学校午餐的回忆中,印象最深刻的就是蔬菜总是炒过头。

    Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners .

  30. 由于一个细节,这篇文章在我脑海里印象深刻。

    The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail