
  1. 上证180指数样本股经营绩效综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of the Management Performance of the Sample Stock of Shanghai 180 Index

  2. 并选取A股所有上市公司和选取沪深300指数样本股为统计样本,进行了实证检验。

    And select the A shares of all listed companies and select the sample of stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index for the statistical sample , carried out an empirical test .

  3. 用事件分析法首次对上证180指数样本股调整所造成股票的交易价格、数量等的波动进行了实证检验。

    Based on the event study method , this paper makes an empirical study on the fluctuation of transaction price and quantity for the fist time because of the sample stock 's adjustment of the Shanghai Securities 180 index .

  4. 作为股指期货标的物的应是沪深两市的统一的成份股指数,且样本股应在300家以上。

    The underlying index should include 300 sample stocks enlisted in both the Shanghai and the Shenzhen stock markets .

  5. 再次,以上海30指数的30只样本股为组合对投资组合的规模、分散风险的程度等作了研究,并提出上海股市投资组合的策略。

    Thirdly , using thirty ( 30 ) samples stocks of Shanghai Thirty ( 30 ) Indexes as the combination , the investment portfolio scale and the disperser risk degree , etc. , were examined , the strategy of investment portfolio in Shanghai Stock Market was also put forward .