
  1. 旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的。

    Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically .

  2. 你绝不会在任何一本旅游指南里找到这样的景点。

    You 'll never find thisplace in any kind of guidebook .

  3. 今年的指南里最无法预测的问题是哪个?

    The most unpredictable question in the guide this year ?

  4. 旅行指南里是找不到的。

    You won 't find this hostel in any guidebook .

  5. 学习指南里的细则里这么规定的

    Back of the study guide in the by-laws .

  6. 所有这些以及更多的资讯都收录在这本初学者的说明指南里。

    All of this and much more appear in this bountifully illustrated beginner 's guide .

  7. 工作必须当即开展,认真执行指南里的实践方针,维持预防性化学疗法的进程。

    Work must now begin in earnest to implement the practical guidelines in the manual and sustain the progress that preventive chemotherapy offers .

  8. 一本指南里写道,女仆应当忠于它们仅次于忠于这个家庭。

    According to one advice book , a maid should keep a place in her heart for it , next only to family .

  9. 指南里解释道:“夏季冰箱里总是满满的,但其实有一些多余的食物饮料完全可以拿出来。

    It explains : ' During the summer our fridges are crammed full of extra goodies but there are some shelf hoggers than need to be evicted .

  10. 这些问题,或者至少是指南里所列出的近100个问题,涵盖了大范围的话题和经历,轻易就能绊倒候选人。

    The questions , or at least the nearly 100 shared in the guide , cover a fairly vast range of issues and experiences that could easily trip up a candidate .

  11. 他在实践指南里写道:大量文献表明这种方法的演示如同于通往一致的和更佳结果的标准化临床试验。

    " Considerable literature shows that this method performs as well as standard clinical tests in leading to consistent and better outcomes " in the writing of practice guidelines , he said .

  12. 指南里还说第三世界指的是非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的经济欠发达国家或发展中国家,并指出其中部分国家更发达一些。

    It also says that the Third World refers to the economically under-developed or developing nations in Africa , Asia and Latin America , pointing out that some countries in it are more developed than others .

  13. 比奥斯卡要求米其林摘掉他的星星,同时取消他的“品鉴菜单”。不过由于沟通问题,米其林在2014年的推荐指南里并没有及时删去比奥斯卡的餐厅,所以直到2015年的指南推出,比奥斯卡才算是自由了。

    Biosca asked Michelin to remove his star and , in December 2013 , discontinued his tasting menu . Because of a communications snafu , however , Michelin didn 't get the request in time for the 2014 guide , so it was with the November announcement of the 2015 guide that Julio Biosca was free .

  14. 机器人花了几秒,对眼前的景象进行拍照,把每个部位与“指南”里的进行匹配。

    The robot spent a few seconds photographing the scene and matching each part to the one modeled in its " manual . "

  15. 因为不同的羊群会一起在高地上吃草,所以牧羊人有一套耳朵和身体的标识系统来区分不同的羊群,这种方法被记录在了200多年前出版的《湖区牧羊指南》里。

    Because flocks graze the fells together a system of lug ( ear ) and smit ( body ) marks has evolved to identify the sheep , and these are captured in the Lake District Shepherd 's Guide which has been published for more than 200 years .

  16. 他一生做出了许多设计与发明,如水运浑天仪、候风地动仪、指南车、记里鼓车等,并在国际上拥有广泛地影响力。

    He did a number of inventions and designs all his lifetime , such as Armillary , Seismoscope , Southward Pointing Chariot , Li-drum-hodometer and so on , which have wide influence on the international arena .