
  • 网络index trades
  1. 美国监管机构预计将在未来某时制定规则,要求对单一名称CDS进行集中清算,此前监管机构已对指数交易提出类似要求。

    At some point US regulators are expected to write rules requiring central clearing for single-name CDS , following similar requirements for index trades .

  2. 日本的金融厅认为,至少需要建立一家中央结算对手,清算交易量达到特定水平的简单利率掉期和信贷违约掉期合约,比如日本的itraxx指数交易。

    In Japan , the FSA has concluded that at least one CCP will be necessary for the clearing of straightforward interest rate swaps and credit default swaps of a certain turnover , such as itraxx Japan index transactions .

  3. 随着投资者更多地关注于选择可能受益于杠杆收购或并购活动的股票,指数交易的增长趋势可能出现相对良性的逆转,从而降低相关性。

    A relatively benign reversal of the index trade that reduces correlation may occur as investors focus more on picking stocks that could benefit from leveraged buyouts or M & A activity .

  4. 我国开展股票指数期权交易研究

    On the Development of Stock Index Option Transaction in China

  5. 股票指数现货交易制度对股票市场的正面影响大于负面影响。

    This system has more positive influences than negative one on the stock market .

  6. 第五部分讨论股票指数期权交易中的风险控制问题。

    Finally , the risk control of trade in stock index option is discussed .

  7. 关于开展深圳股票指数期货交易的探讨

    On Unleasing Shenzhen Stock index Future Transactions

  8. 股票指数现货交易制度研究

    On Spots Transaction System of Stock Index

  9. 上证指数的交易周的日效应检验及其非线性动态结构分析

    The Examine of the-Day-of-the-Week-Effect and the Analysis of the Statistical Properties of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index

  10. 得出结论开展股指期货,需要一个跨市场的,具有一定特性的成分指数作为交易标的。

    Finally it draws a conclusion that a united and special index is fit for futures trading .

  11. 基于R/S分析的上海证券市场指数和交易量的分形特征分析

    Analysis of Fractals in Shanghai Stock Market Comprising Index and Daily Trading Volume based on R / S Analysis

  12. 据信,魏因斯坦是最早注意到该衍生品指数的交易状况存在令人不安的古怪之处的人士之一。

    Mr Weinstein is believed to be among the first to notice disturbing oddities in the way the derivatives index was trading .

  13. 股票指数期货交易是指买卖双方在金融期货交易所内买卖股指期货合约的一种经济行为。

    Stock index futures trading is the parties in the financial futures exchange trading stock index futures contract within an economic behavior .

  14. 对即将推出的我国股票指数期货交易市场上的投机者与套利者进行套利活动有理论指导意义和实际操作意义。

    It is directive in theory and in practical for speculators and arbitrageurs for the coming of stock index future market in our country .

  15. 道琼斯工业平均指数在交易开始后下挫400点,尾市下降幅度略有减缓收于126点。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down more than 400 points after trading began , but closed the day with a milder drop down 126 .

  16. 本文在实验金融思想的指导下,以金融实验和计算机仿真为主要手段,针对沪市的上证指数开展交易系统研究。

    This dissertation , using the financial experiment and the computer imitation as the main method , under the guideline of the experimental financial idea , makes a trading system research of the Shanghai Stock composite index .

  17. 股指期货是指以股票价格指数为交易标的物的一种期货合约,合约的交易双方约定在规定的时刻,按约定的价格买卖规定数量的股票指数。

    It is an agreement with the stock price index as the trading target and the two trading parties buy or sell fixed number of stock index with a certain price at a certain time in the future .

  18. 指数期货交易的推出不仅能为投资者提供更丰富的投资品种来分散市场风险,更能够促进一个国家金融体系的完善、金融市场的有效运行以及健康发展。

    The introduction of index futures can not only provide investors with a new investment product to diversify market risk , but also promoting the improvement of financial system , the effective operation and the healthy development of financial markets .

  19. 自1982年2月美国堪萨斯市期货交易所上市价值线综合平均指数期货交易以来,股票指数期货日益受到各类投资者的重视,交易规模迅速扩大,交易品种不断增加。

    The stock index futures trading has been attached importance to increasingly by varied investors since Kansas Futures Exchange released Value-line Composite Index Futures on February . , 1982 . Trading scale has enlarged quickly and varieties added have gotten more increasingly .

  20. 当前,由于股票市场的规模不断扩大,国内证券市场的监管与法规日渐完善,计算机技术、通讯水平的不断发展等,推出我国的股票指数期货交易已臻成熟。

    Nowadays , it is the time for China to open Futures for stock market index due to the rapid expansion of security market , the gradual maturity of supervision and legislation , and the development of computer science and telecom technologies .

  21. 投资者参与指数期货交易的实质是将现货市场的预期系统性风险转移至期货市场的过程,因此指数期货作为规避风险套期保值的有效工具在西方发达国家得到广泛应用。

    The nature of stock index trade is a process in which investors transfer the anticipated system risks of spot markets to future markets . Stock index futures as an efficient instrument of hedging and avoiding risks are widely used in the western developed countries .

  22. 结合我国股票市场的实际情况,分析我国开设股票指数期货交易的可行性,及开设股票指数期货可能产生的负面影响,提出了管理建议。

    Combining the present practice of stock market in our country , this essay analyzes the feasibility of the startup of stock index futures trading in our country and the possible negative influence that it may cause , and correspondingly , the management suggests are advanced .

  23. 他同时重申,中国正考虑推出在港挂牌交易的、跟踪国内a股指数的交易所交易基金(etf)产品,并批准更多以人民币计价的债券和股票赴港上市。

    He also reiterated promises that China is considering introducing Hong Kong-listed ETF products that would track the domestic a share index , as well as sanctioning more renminbi-denominated bonds and shares in the city .

  24. 梅摩艺术品指数利用重复交易数据追踪艺术品在一段时期内的售价,方法与标准普尔的case-shiller房价指数类似。

    The index tracks the prices at which works of art sell over time using repeat sales data , in a methodology similar to the S & P Case-Shiller property index .

  25. 欧洲主要股市指数在下午交易中直落。

    Key European stock market indexes were down sharply in afternoon trading .

  26. 指数期货套利交易策略设计

    The Strategic Design for Trading Stock Index Future Arbitrage

  27. 不过,构成指数基础的交易量自然要少得多。

    However , there is naturally a much smaller number of transactions underlying their index .

  28. 恒生指数半个交易日上涨0.8%,收于22635.16点。

    The Hang Seng Index finished its half-day session up 0.8 per cent at 22, 635.16 .

  29. 在引言中,给出股指期货定义是指以股票指数为基础交易物的期货合同。

    In the preface , the Stock Index Futures is defined as a futures contract based on stock indices .

  30. 根据这部法律,以操纵价格为目的,向公开指数提交虚假交易信息是违法行为。

    The act makes it illegal to submit false trading information to public indices with the intention of manipulating prices .