
  • 网络Index and;Paasche;ETF
  1. 即便研究人员们考虑了其它能影响端粒长度的因素(比如她们的实际年龄、身体质量指数和吸烟习惯),这些发现依旧站得住脚。

    The findings held even after the researchers took into account other factors that could affect telomere length , including the women 's chronological age , body mass index and smoking habits .

  2. 论API指数和综合污染指数

    On API Index and Comprehensive Pollution Index

  3. 结果显示,三种方法的检测结果具有较好的一致性,其中肿瘤细胞的DNA指数和DNA倍体分布最具有价值。

    The results suggested that DNA index of tumor cells and distribution of DNA were of great value to assess cellular proliferative activity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma .

  4. 创伤性ARDS发生指数和临床意义

    Occurrence Index of Traumatic ARDS and Its Clinical Significance

  5. 它采用非衰减指数和模型与CLEAN方法,将每个散射中心的提取转化为一个非线性优化问题,并利用遗传算法进行优化求解。

    The undamped exponential model and CLEAN method are used in the extraction algorithm to transform 1-D scattering center extraction into non-linear optimization problem with genetic algorithm .

  6. 方法对35例女性更年期抑郁症患者进行情志干预,干预前后进行更年期指数和SCL-90评定。

    Methods 35 female patients with involutional depression in our hospital were nursed based on Chinese medicine .

  7. 在麻醉大鼠,小檗碱(Ber)20mg/kgiv可明显提高心指数和心搏出量指数。

    In anesthetized rats , berberine ( Ber ) 20 mg / kg , iv increased the cardiac index and stroke volume index .

  8. 泥沙对黄河水质参数COD、高锰酸钾指数和BOD5的影响&三论黄河的COD值与高锰酸钾指数不能真实反映其污染状况

    Influences of the suspended matter on the water quality parameters including COD , Potassium Permanganate Index and BOD_5 in the Yellow River , China

  9. 结果:活血化瘀方药能显著改善模型动物的肝指数和血清丙氨酸基转移酶(ALT)水平(P<0.05);有降低动物血清、肝脏甘油三酯(TG)水平的趋势;

    Results : The herbs could improve the index of liver and ALT in serum , and also decrease the level of the hepatic TG ;

  10. 用扫描电子显微镜探测内皮细胞(ECs)计数、形状指数和定向角等形态学指标。

    Morphological indices such as ECs counting , form index and orientation angle were evaluated quantitatively by scanning electronic microscope .

  11. 手术造模24h后进行神经功能损害行为评分,测定脑质量指数和脑梗死指数。

    24 hours after modeling , the assessment was done for behavioral neurological damage and brain mass index and cerebra infarction index were observed .

  12. 计算了模型产生的股价时间序列的Lyapunov指数和关联维,并对其进行主分量分析。

    The Lyapunov exponent and correlative dimension of the stock price time series created from the model are calculated , and a principal component analysis is carried out .

  13. 本文采用Suits(1977)提出的Suits指数和洛伦兹曲线,首次估计和比较了中国汽车消费税和燃油税的累进性。

    This paper uses Suits index and Lorenz curve proposed by Suits ( 1977 ) to explore the progressivity of consumption and fuel tax in the Chinese auto industry .

  14. 在中学生中,BMI指数和肩胛下角部位的皮脂厚度比对照组也显著增加。

    In the junior school students , BMI index and sebaceous thickness of shoulder blade increased more remarkable in the interventional group than in the control group .

  15. 在探讨放牧对群落多样性的影响时,Simpson多样性指数和均匀度指数对放牧率大小的变化更敏感。

    Simpson index and evenness were better parameters to measure the influence of different stocking rates on plant diversity for Artemisia frigida community .

  16. 观察治疗前后压痛点数、VAS疼痛指数和失眠量表评分的变化来评判疗效。

    Observing the number of pressure pain point and the VAS pain index and Athens Insomnia Scale to measure the patient 's condition changes .

  17. BALF的最小表面张力进性升高,滞后环面积、稳定指数和恢复系数进行性下降。

    The minimum surface tension ( STmin ) of BALF increased while its hysteresis area , stability index and recruitment index decreased progressively .

  18. 与新鲜肉相比,冷冻后,pH无变化,持水力下降,蛋白溶解度下降,巯基含量增大,乳化活性指数和乳化稳定性无变化。

    Compared to fresh muscle , pH did not change , water holding capacity decreased , muscle protein solubility decreased , sulphydryl content increased , emulsifying activity index and emulsifying stability did not change significantly ( p0.05 ) .

  19. Tei指数和三尖瓣血流频谱评价左向右分流型先天性心脏病患儿右心功能的价值

    Tei Index and Tricuspid Flow Spectrum Assessment of Right Ventricular Function in Children with Left to Right Congenital Heart Disease

  20. 对决策单元及DEA模型的合理选择进行了研究,提出了铁路运输与社会经济协调发展的有效性指数和状态协调度等概念,以及铁路运输与社会经济协调性测度的一系列公式。

    The choosing principles of decision-making units and DEA models are studied . The harmony degree of state and a series of formulas to measure the harmonious development are also proposed .

  21. 大鼠结扎并剪断双侧颈总动脉,制备急性不完全性脑缺血模型,3h后处死大鼠,测定脑指数和脑含水量。

    Ligating and snipping both common carotids was used to make acute incomplete cerebral ischemia model in rats . After 3 hours , the postoperative rats were executed .

  22. 结果显示BQ注射液22mg/kg、44mg/kg组动物的脑指数和脑含水量均低于模型组。

    The result revealed that BQ Injection 22mg / kg 、 44mg / kg could significantly decreased brain water content and brain index .

  23. NaCl胁迫下,黄瓜种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数以及胚根长和鲜重均显著下降,且随NaCl浓度的增加下降的幅度增大。

    Germination vigor , germination rate , germination index , vigor index , radicle length and radicle fresh weight of cucumber seeds decreased significantly under NaCl stress with the decreasing of salt concentration .

  24. Cesaro的算术均值法和Borel的指数和积分可和法较为突出。

    Cesaro 's method of arithmetic means and Borel 's methods of the exponent and the integration are remarkable .

  25. 结论Haller指数和心脏旋转角是评价儿童漏斗胸的2个重要指标。

    Conclusion Haller index and cardiac rotation angle are important CT signs in diagnosing pectus excavatum .

  26. 第六章使用不同方法计算了上证综合指数和深圳成份指数在不同置信水平下的vaR值,并与实际损益作了比较。

    Chapter 6 calculated VaR values of composite index in Shanghai Stock Exchange and component index in Shenzhen Stock Exchange at difference confidence level using difference methods , and we compared these results with real profit-loss .

  27. Nei氏公式计算品种间的遗传距离指数和品种内的遗传相似指数,NJ法构建系统聚类图。

    Genetic distance indexes among breeds and genetic similarity indexes within breed were calculated by Nei , and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by NJ method .

  28. 结果胰腺与肾脏经HC-A液原位灌注满意,胰岛细胞的活性与冷缺血时间呈负相关,冷保存指数和胰岛细胞活性呈正相关。

    RESULT Activity of islets and the cold ischemia preservation time is in a negative correlation ;

  29. 结果QY-能显著增强小鼠巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,提高荷瘤小鼠的脾指数和胸腺指数,并能增加小鼠血中CAT、SOD和GSH-Px三种抗氧化酶的活性。

    RESULTS The QY ⅰ from earthworm obviously enhanced the mice ′ s swallow ability of abdominal macrophage , increased the Spleen Index and Thymus Index , and activated the CAT , SOD and GSH Px in mice serum .

  30. 应用晶粒生长动力学唯象理论研究了TiO2对ZnO压敏陶瓷的晶粒生长规律的影响,应用晶粒生长动力学方程确定了晶粒生长动力学指数和激活能,探讨了TiO2掺杂对ZnO压敏陶瓷晶粒生长的作用机理。

    The grain growth of ZnO with TiO 2 addition was studied . The grain growth exponent and apparent activation energy were determined by applying the phenomenological kinetic grain growth equation . The mechanism of ZnO grain growth is discussed .