
  • 网络problem on lattice point
  1. Z(n,k)(s)与一个格点问题

    On z_n . k ( s ) and a lattice - point problem

  2. 格点问题便是这类问题中具有代表性的一个。

    The Lattice Point Problem is typical one of these problems .

  3. 本文通过对格点问题构造有效算法来讨论:一,如何根据一个问题所固有的结构关系去选择适当的算法;

    By constructing an effective algorithm for the Lattice Point Problem , we have firstly discussed how to choose a proper algorithm depending on the inherent structural relations of a certain problem .

  4. 平面格点的形心问题

    Centroid Problem of Lattice in the Plane

  5. 此外,利用全光子系统的实验只能研究少数格点的磁性问题。

    Moreover , simulators based on photons can only probe the problems of few lattices .

  6. 本文利用Zou和Anderson的spinon-holon有效哈密顿量,在较大的库仑排斥U下,通过研究玻色子holon的涨落效应,考虑了平方格点上铁磁性问题。

    From Zou and Anderson 's spinon-bolon effective Hamiltonian , for very large Coulomb repulsion U , we consider the problem of ferromagnetism on the square lattice by studying the fluctuation effect of bosons ( holons ) .