
jìn zhù
  • Entry;enter and be stationed in;enter and garrison;march into and station there
进驻 [jìn zhù]
  • [enter and be stationed in] 指军队开进某地并驻扎下来

进驻[jìn zhù]
  1. 一觉醒来,你会发现电影摄制组进驻了你家后院。

    You will wake to find film crews camped in your backyard

  2. 首批进驻的公司采取了雇佣东德人并对他们进行全面培训的方针。

    The first companies to go in took a policy of employing East Germans and training them up

  3. 部队已进驻该市。

    Troops have been garrisoned in that city .

  4. 中国自加入WTO以来,中日两国的贸易经济合作不断增加,越来越多的日资中小企业进驻中国。

    Since China joined the WTO , more and more Japanese SMEs entered China .

  5. 加入WTO以后,许多国外的知名品牌进驻中国,使得国内市场竞争加剧,如何在竞争中取得优势地位是当前我国美容企业所要面对的严峻问题。

    After joining WTO , many foreign well-known brands enter China and makes the domestic market competition more severe .

  6. 而公平咖啡亦进驻多间咖啡店,包括大型连锁店星巴克及PacificCoffee。

    Fair Trade coffee is at many cafes , including at the biggest chains , Starbucks and Pacific Coffee .

  7. 尤其是随着我国加入WTO,越来越多的跨国公司进驻中国,并将我国视作全球化的制造基地和销售市场。

    More and more multinational companies are investing in China , regarding it as a global manufacturing entity and a potential world market .

  8. 它将进驻我们的PC、PDA、手机等个人信息终端,无时不在无所不在。

    It will come to the terminals of our PC , PDA or mobile telephone everytime and everywhere .

  9. 中国拒绝加入西方国家的阵营,不愿强迫苏丹允许联合国(UN)维和人员进驻该地区。

    China has refused to join western attempts to press Sudan to allow United Nations peacekeepers into the region .

  10. 1990年,我们进驻加拿大首都渥太华市,在那里我们度过了两年,做一些关于GIS的详细计划。

    Tomlinson : In1990 we got involved with the city of Ottawa , Canada 's capital , where we spent two years doing detailed GIS planning .

  11. 探讨进驻高原不同海拔高度不同时间健康青年血清白细胞介素2(IL2)的活性变化。

    Object : To investigate the changes of serum Interleukin-2 ( IL-2 ) activity in different elevations at different times .

  12. 但是,在国际社会要求结束华盛顿所认为的种族屠杀的不断压力下,该国勉强同意联合国和非盟的混合(hybrid)部队进驻。

    But under sustained international pressure to halt what Washington regards as genocide , it has grudgingly agreed to allow in a " hybrid " UN and AU force .

  13. 唐昊呼吁不要让商业议题进驻G8会谈。

    Tang Hao on the need to keep business out of G8 negotiations .

  14. 根据中国加入WTO时承诺的条款,外资企业逐渐进驻中国,并与国内企业抢占市场份额。

    According to the commitments when China joined the WTO , the foreign enterprises are gradually present in China and seizing the market share with the domestic enterprises .

  15. 1989年开业的半岛酒店(ThePeninsula)是第一批进驻北京的高档国际酒店之一。

    The Peninsula , which opened in 1989 , was one of the first upscale international hotels to come to Beijing .

  16. 之后,成员人数以及进驻地区的规模都在稳步增加,直至2009年时有了一次飞跃,当时密西西比州以及沃尔顿家族基金会(WaltonFamilyFoundation)为它注入了资金支持。

    The numbers and geographic reach expanded steadily but exploded in 2009 because of an influx of funds from the State of Mississippi and the Walton Family Foundation .

  17. ElSistema运动甚至开始进驻日本了。

    The El Sistema movement is even making inroads in Japan .

  18. 政府网络新闻发言人进驻SNS网站,可以更好地发挥政府公关、信息聚合、透明行政等行政功能。

    Network news spokesman moving into SNS has administration function of Government Relations , Syndication and Transparent administration etc.

  19. Uber要进入它有意进驻的所有市场,成本将是多少?

    There is no telling how much it will cost for Uber to enter all the markets it wants .

  20. 雅典的文化领域同样也在焕发勃勃生机。TAF/theArtFoundation以及将画廊与餐饮和现场演出相结合的组织sixd.o.g.s.已经进驻曾为跳蚤市场的地区。

    TAF / the Art Foundation and six d.o.g.s. organizations that combine gallery spaces with food , drink and live entertainment have come to Athens 's former flea-market district .

  21. 金融城权力机构CityofLondonCorporation进行的一项调查发现,全球金融机构将能找到高技能员工列为进驻伦敦的最重要原因。

    A survey by the City of London Corporation , the Square Mile 's local authority , found the availability of highly skilled staff rated by global financial institutions as the most important reason for locating in London .

  22. 随着我国加入WTO、世界一流酒店管理集团的进驻和饭店业的快速发展,国内市场上饭店业的竞争将更加激烈。

    With China 's entry into the WTO , the world famous hotel management groups ' entry and the fast development of the hotel industry , the competition of hotels on Chinese market will be fiercer .

  23. 为此,他减少了欧洲分销商的数量,并关注于经营lamartina旗舰店,而不是进驻百货商店。

    So he reduced the number of European distributors and has focused on flagship La Martina shops rather than department stores .

  24. 两个月前,“占领华尔街”运动(OccupyWallStreet)刚刚进驻位于曼哈顿下城的祖科蒂公园(ZuccottiPark)。

    Just two months after taking over zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan , occupy Wall Street has mushroomed into a national movement , with offshoots in cities from Miami to Seattle .

  25. TAF/theArtFoundation以及将画廊与餐饮和现场演出相结合的组织sixd.o.g.s.已经进驻曾为跳蚤市场的地区。

    TAF / the Art Foundation and six d.o.g.s. -- organizations that combine gallery spaces with food , drink and live entertainment -- have come to Athens 's former flea-market district .

  26. 进入20世纪,特许经营以其双赢模式席卷全球,在加入WTO之后,海外特许经营品牌全面进驻中国市场,国内也如雨后春笋般出现了不少特许经营企业。

    Beginning of the 20th century , the franchise sweeps the world in mutual benefit . After joining the WTO , overseas franchise-found entry into the Chinese market , China has mushroomed in a number of franchise businesses .

  27. 结论:由平原进驻高原3个月后,因受环境等因素的影响,可导致骨代谢相关因子血清IL-6、TNF-α和尿DPD排泄增加。

    Conclusions : The high altitude environment could induce the increase of serum level of IL-6 and TNF - α and urine DPD excretion density .

  28. 路易威登(LouisVuitton)正在一个从未有西方品牌进驻的地点招徕消费者:中国国家博物馆。

    Louis Vuitton is making a pitch to consumers in a spot no Western brand has ventured before : the National Museum of China .

  29. 35岁的巴里集训营(该集训营已于6月份进驻旧金山)教练考特尼o保罗通过他的Twitter标签#wearemachines传播这种心态。

    Courtney Paul , 35 , a trainer at Barry 's Bootcamp , which opened its San Francisco outpost in June , drives this mentality home with his \# wearemachines Twitter hashtag .

  30. 叙利亚国家电视台表示,政府军队正在进驻吉斯尔·舒古尔(Jisral-Shughour)。

    Syrian state television says its troops are moving into Jisr al-Shughour .