
  1. 论图书馆员职业情感的核心&三爱

    On the Core of the Librarian 's Professional Emotions-Three Loves

  2. 假如,我在星期三爱你,那关你什么事?

    And if I loved you Wednesday , Well , what is that to you ?

  3. 上海三爱环境技术工程有限公司博士;首席湖泊专家;

    Li Xiao ping Ph.D. , Chief Limnologist , Shanghai Sun A Environment Technologies Engineering CO. , Ltd.

  4. 像ThirdLove(第三种爱,一家内衣品牌)和Lively(活力,一家内衣品牌)等初创品牌就是以原本会购买维密产品的女性为目标用户的。

    Startups like ThirdLove and Lively are targeting women who would otherwise have shopped at Victoria 's Secret .

  5. 她补充道,每有一人分享照片,内衣品牌ThirdLove(第三种爱)就会为“支持女孩”(SupportTheGirls)组织捐赠一件文胸。该组织是一家为全美无家可归的女性提供文胸和月经产品的非营利组织。

    She added that for every person who shares a snap , lingerie brand ThirdLove will donate a bra to Support The Girls , a nonprofit organisation that distributes bras and menstrual products to homeless women across the US .

  6. 维密产品的销量在下降,ThirdLove(第三种爱),Knit以及Lively等初创内衣品牌抢占了其市场份额,这些品牌把千禧一代的女性作为目标客户群,而且它们更看重舒适性、包容性和女性力量。

    Sales are down and it is losing market share to startups like ThirdLove , Knix , and Lively , which are targeting millennial women with brands that are much more focused on comfort , inclusivity , and female empowerment .

  7. 三仙姑爱的是青年们,青年们爱的是小芹。

    Third Fairy loved young men , but the young men loved Qin .

  8. 第三,爱是幸福的源泉。

    Thirdly , love was the source of happiness .

  9. 第三,爱是一起变老。

    Thirdly , love is growing old together .

  10. 爱情周预览:本周在星期三随着爱金星进入不安的射手座,爱情关系需要更多的刺激。

    Love 's Week in Preview : Relationships require more stimulation this week with the love planet Venus moving into restless Sagittarius on Wednesday .

  11. 我们将会看到,曾拥有的第三只眼,爱。

    We 'll see , with our own eyes * LOVE .

  12. 每一位新雇员都要花三年时间爱你学习怎么做。

    And each new recruit must spend three years learning how to do it .

  13. 罗伯托人生中的三项最爱——葡萄酒、他的国家和家人——都是巴利奥尼酒店带给游客的体验。

    Roberto 's three loves-wine , his country and family-are all part of the Baglioni experience .

  14. 高师:是啊,青年们会抓住这个机会寻找他(她)们的异性朋友。他们说三月三是个爱的节日。

    Gao Shi : Sure . The youths will seize this chance to find their girl or boy friends . They say " San Yue San " is a love festival .

  15. 第三章挖掘爱的意义,在两部小说中分别体现了人与人之间爱的珍贵,包括女性之爱即姐妹情谊,男女两性之爱以及黑人群体之爱。

    The valuable love between human beings is stressed in the two novels , including love of women & sisterhood , love between men and women , and love in the black community .

  16. 约三16神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信入他的,不致灭亡,反得永远的生命。

    Jn . 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son , that every one who believes into Him would not perish , but would have eternal life .

  17. 这章全部都在谈爱,前三节讲到「爱」是信仰最重要的成份。

    This chapter is wholly devoted to the praise of love .

  18. 给你三字忠告:爱汝邻。

    Three words of advice : Love thy neighbor .

  19. 第三,骗子最爱在后期和你玩猫腻。

    Third , the cheater and your favorite game in the late greasy cat .

  20. 我生命中追求的三件事:爱,知识,开心。

    Three things I lived for my life : love , knowledge and fun .

  21. 有三种类型的爱:糊涂的爱,家庭的爱,夫妻的爱。

    There are three types of love . Infatuation , love of family , and love of your spouse .

  22. 别忘了你身上有三件宝:爱、祈祷和宽恕。

    Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you : love , prayer and forgiveness .

  23. 只开了三周。之后爱窥探、需要建立生活的母亲在前座下发现酒。

    Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat . $ 3,700 / offer .

  24. 本章从爱是付出;爱是尊重和关怀;爱是理解这三个方面阐释爱的本质。第三章试图通过文本细读和特定情境及人物分析,展示了爱如何解决人类的生存问题。

    Chapter Three attempts to illustrate that how love can resolve the the problem of human existence by close-reading of the text and analysis of the specific scenes and characters .

  25. 也许是因为他必须认真听我用新数学法讲课,九年级的他不再像三年级时那样爱讲话了。

    Maybe since he had to listen carefully to my instruction in the new math , he did not talk as much in the ninth grade as he had in the third .

  26. 也许是因为他必须认真听我用“新数学”法讲课,九年级的他不再像三年级时那样爱讲话了。

    Maybe since he had to listen carefully to my instruction in the " new math , " he did not talk as much in the ninth grade as he had in the third .

  27. 他比过去更英俊了,而且还是那么彬彬有礼。因为不得不仔细听我讲解“新数学”,九年级的马克不再像在三年级时那么爱讲话了。

    He was more handsome than ever and just as polite Since he had to listen carefully to my instructions in the " new math ", he did not talk as much in the ninth grade as he had in the third .