
hù háng
  • escort;convoy
护航 [hù háng]
  • (1) [escort]∶护送航行

  • 派兵舰护航

  • (2) [convoy]∶为保护的目的而陪同或护送

  • 由五艘军舰护航

护航[hù háng]
  1. 以舒适温馨的就医环境、卓越领先的医疗技术、诚信平价的收费机制为广大女性的jiankang保驾护航。

    With comfortable warm medical environment , leading-edge medical technology , the good faith parity for the charge mechanism to escort the health of the women .

  2. 你还可以对己方财产进行护航,侦察敌方的资产情况,参与测试新型武器,甚至进行一些特种作战任务(SPECOPS)(可选项)。

    Fly escort missions to protect assets , recon enemy assets , test new weapons , even fly a few missions for SPECOPS ( optional ) .

  3. 那艘轮船在护航下前往一个秘密港口。

    The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port .

  4. 航母由4艘战舰护航。

    The carrier was convoyed by four warships .

  5. 总统座机由五架战斗机护航。

    The president 's plane was convoyed by five jet fighters .

  6. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。

    An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop .

  7. 这些情况需要政府、学校、家庭、社会共同努力,为孩子安全健康负起责任,为他们成为国家栋梁之材保驾护航。

    Keeping them safe requires the participation2 of the whole of society - families , schools and the government - working together . All of us should shoulder the responsibility of ensuring students ' safety so that they can grow up to be the country 's future .

  8. CheckPoint安全方案护航下一代通信服务

    The Security Scheme of Check Point Ensures Next Generation Communication Service

  9. 胰岛素不仅仅负责将血糖运送到细胞,还担负着“护航”维生素C的任务。

    Insulin not only moves glucose into the cells , but it also escorts Vitamin C.

  10. 我国加入WTO后,弱质农业面临市场和自然双重风险的威胁,迫切需要保险为农业发展保驾护航。

    After China 's acceding to WTO , the agriculture needs insurance urgently because of market risk and nature risk .

  11. RFID为食品安全保驾护航

    RFID Safeguards Food Security

  12. ISO9000质量体系为修船企业保驾护航

    Guarantee for ship-repair enterprises by ISO9000 quality system

  13. RickYorn先生,谢谢你在电影业为我保驾护航。

    To Mr. Rick Yorn , thank you for helping me navigate my way through this industry .

  14. 双方的合作很成功,在新的一年里,护航队总是能够避开U艇。

    But somehow the joint system managed to keep going , and in the new year became able once more to divert convoys away from known U-boats .

  15. ApacheShiro是一个功能齐全、健壮、通用的Java安全框架,你可以用其为你的应用护航。

    Apache Shiro is a full-featured , robust , and general-purpose Java security framework that you can use to secure your applications .

  16. Nexus出产的手机一向质量上佳,不仅Google鼎力支持,世界级的手机供应商亦为其保驾护航。

    That 's because Nexus phones maintain high standards , are designed in conjunction with Google , and made by world-class phone suppliers .

  17. 在实现呼叫中心的多媒体功能方面,本文就文字交谈、点击通话、回呼请求和护航浏览四项功能的实现进行详细、全面的描述,并给出了Email呼出的具体实现方法。

    About the multimedia function of call center system , the author explain the realization of Text Chat 、 Escort 、 Call Back 、 Click to Dial function and Email call-out .

  18. 文章阐述了PKI的加密原理及Domino/Notes的PKI体系特点,探讨了如何充分应用Domino所集成的PKI为电子政务的安全保驾护航。

    Elaborated on the encryption principle of the PKI and Domino / Notes-PKI architecture . Discussed how to use Domino-PKI adequately to protect the security of electronic government affair .

  19. 这导致的结果是,自从1941末以来,德国的成功不仅是因为U艇数量的增长,还因为对盟军护航路线了如指掌。

    The result was that since late 1941 , the German successes had been owed not only to the growing numerical strength of the U-boat fleet , but to their knowledge of Allied convoy routes ;

  20. 150t护航清道巡逻艇

    150t Muli-purpose Patrol Craft

  21. 经过持续改进,确保HSE监督质量不断提高,为采油厂原油生产经营目标的实现保驾护航。

    Through continuous improvement , it ensures the quality of HSE supervision rising , to help the achievement of production and management goals of oil production plant .

  22. 尽管无暇号事件使两国关系偏离了轨道,但在其它方面一直存在积极进展,例如中国决定派遣海军舰队前往索马里(HornofAfrica,非洲之角,是索马里的俗称译者注)海域护航,打击海盗。

    While the Impeccable incident steered the relationship off course , there have been other positive developments , including the Chinese decision to send naval ships to help protect waters off the Horn of Africa from piracy .

  23. 在剧中,他有暗恋已久的亲密好友艾瑞斯•韦斯特(坎迪斯•帕顿饰),还有STAR实验室的科学家团队保驾护航:他们不单救过他的命、为他提供精神支持,而且还为他惩恶扬善提供装备支持。

    He 's got close friend and longtime crush Iris West ( Candice Patton ) on his team as well as STAR Labs , a group of scientists that not only save his life , but also provide him emotional support and the gadgetry necessary to fight crime .

  24. 我飞了三个月的护航任务,然后由史蒂夫·里夫斯,詹姆斯·麦纳,还有艾乐·霍特佐朵夫教我全面展示F-22性能的理论课,他们都来自波音公司。

    I flew chase for three months and then took a full-blown course in F-22 academics from Steve Reeves , James Mynar , and Earle Holtzendorf , all from Boeing .

  25. HMAS雅拿号负责护送一支护航队到澳大利亚,但在3月4日被三艘日军巡洋舰和二艘驱逐舰阻拦。

    HMAS Yarra was given the responsibility of escorting a small convoy to Australia , but on4 March was intercepted by a force of three Japanese cruisers and two destroyers .

  26. 在从亚的斯亚贝巴飞往罗马的航班ET-702上,当飞行员去洗手间时,副驾驶把自己反锁在驾驶舱内并宣布劫机。随后意大利和法国的战机紧急起飞,在各自的空域内进行护航。

    When the co-pilot on flight ET-702 from Addis Ababa to Rome locked himself in the cockpit while the pilot went to the bathroom and announced a hijacking , Italian and French fighter jets were scrambled to escort the plane through their respective airspaces .

  27. 这成为日本经济社会建设和国民生活保驾护航的重要力量。

    It escorts the Japanese construction of society and national life .

  28. 十一五基础设施专项规划护航奥运交通

    The 11th 5-year infrastructural planning secures the traffic during the Olympic

  29. 出口信用保险是企业出口的护航者。

    The export credit guarantee is the escort of export enterprises .

  30. 美国随后派出一艘驱逐舰为“无暇”号护航。

    America later sent a guided-missile destroyer to protect the Impeccable .