
  • 网络Perfect Relationship
  1. 他们怪罪童话与现代爱情故事,令有可能享有一段完美关系这种迷思深植人心。

    And they blame fairytales and modern love stories for perpetuating the myth that enjoying a perfect relationship is possible .

  2. 我们结束了我们的完美关系,我们就没有理由修剪指甲了,只有巧克力和糖会给我们带来些安慰。

    If we break up our perfect relationship , then we have no reason to get our nails done anymore and the only thing that gives us comfort is chocolate and sugar .

  3. 我们建议从以下两个方面理解翻译等值:首先,它是一种理论上的源文本与目标文本之间所能达到的最为理想的完美关系;

    It is advisable to understand TE from two aspects : its theoretical aspect , which aims at an ideal relationship between the source language text ( SLT ) and the target language text ( TLT );

  4. 我们决不允许像上厕所这种芝麻绿豆的小事破坏上万人的完美关系,作者解释说,因此如何如厕成为一个横梗于他们之间的问题。

    ' We could no longer allow something as banal as going to the toilet to continue to destroy millions of perfectly good relationships ,' the authors explain , thus ' How to Poo * ' was squeezed out between them .

  5. 纽约和我并没有完美的关系。

    New York and I didn 't have the perfect relationship .

  6. 我也不能答应你完美的关系没有参数。

    I can 't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments .

  7. 这是一段完美的关系,一对温暖快乐的婚后伴侣。

    This is a perfect connection ; warm and happy married couple .

  8. 此外,欠缺考虑的行动或言论也可能破坏完美的关系。

    Moreover , a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship .

  9. 就像我们是完美的关系。

    It was just a beautiful relationship .

  10. 女孩们抑制她们真实的想法和感受,企图维系和他人的“完美”关系。

    Girls withheld their true thoughts and feelings in an attempt to maintain " perfect " relationships .

  11. 不要期待拥有完美的关系,因为这世上根本不会存在完美的关系。

    Don 't expect to have a perfect relationship because there 's no perfect in this world .

  12. 直到多年以后,我审视过去时,才意识到我跟那个男人拥有了完美的关系。

    It was not until years later as I reflected on the experience that I realized I had had the perfect relationship with this man .

  13. 在乐园开始的动人故事,将会在一个壮丽的城市结束,在这个地方,神和祂的子民享受神原来计划中的完美的关系。

    The grand story that begins in a garden ends in a magnificent city where God and his people enjoy the perfect fellowship God intended from the start .

  14. 另外,劳伦斯把解救社会的希望寄托在完美的两性关系上。

    Besides , Lawrence placed his hope on perfect sexual love to save the decayed society .

  15. 后者进行的是精神探求,注重的是对一种和谐完美的人际关系的获取。

    The latter lead a spiritual quest , focusing on the acquisition of harmonious and perfect human relationships .

  16. 半结构化数据是指带有某些形式的结构但是结构还不足以完美地适合关系模型的数据。

    Semi-structured data refers to data with some form of structure but not enough structure to fit gracefully into a relational model .

  17. 秩序使最完美的人类关系得以改变,这种关系是人类教育的主要来源。&梅育《一瞬间》。

    Order makes possible the highest human relationships which are the principle source of man 's education . & Meyer , A Tick of Clock .

  18. 人生的第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,与亲人、朋友和同事,以及社会上一般人融洽相处、互动良好。我们爱且尊敬他人,而他人也爱且尊敬我们。

    The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships intimate , personal or social with the people we like and respect , and who like , love and respect us in turn .

  19. 我们保持了一年多完美和纯洁的关系。

    We had a beautiful chaste relationship for over a year .

  20. 寓于每种道德、寓于一切完美之中的合作关系。

    A partnership in every virtue , and in all perfection .

  21. 但他们组成了完美的政治合作关系。

    They formed a perfect poiiticai partnership .

  22. 如今关系数据库理论模型已经近乎完美,而且各种关系数据库系统几乎在各个方面都非常成功。

    Nowadays , the model of database system has been developed very vell and almost all aspects of DBMS have been very successful .

  23. 正是在分权无法完美协调央地关系时,中央政府才采用转移支付的形式进行新一轮的调整。

    Since the central government can not coordinate the governmental relationship perfectly under the decentralization , it has to adopt the form of transfer payment with a new round of adjustment .

  24. 地震活动的密集程度及密集带的展布与天山的变形强度、隆升状态和地貌阶段类型的变化规律有着近乎完美的精确匹配关系;

    There are good matching relationships among the distribution and density of earthquakes foci and the intensity of deformation , and the state and amount of uplift of Tianshan Mountains , and the associated changes in topographic styles .

  25. 我们动物可以组织完美的联盟,在斗争中建立完美的同志关系。

    And among us animals let there be perfect unity , perfect comradeship in the struggle .