
  • 网络Integrity Control;Integral Control;completely
  1. SqlServer数据库系统中的数据完整性控制方法

    The Method of Data Integrity Control in SQL Server Database System

  2. ORACLE系统数据完整性控制的方法及其实现策略分析

    The Analysis of the Approach to Data Integrity Control and Its Implementation Strategies in Oracle Database System

  3. 采用BOM技术对变更管理涉及的数据进行组织与管理,建立了数据组织模型,讨论了数据的完整性控制;

    BOM technology is adopted to manage the complex data , the data integrality control also is discussed .

  4. 基于实时系统完整性控制机制构建Attack-Tolerant系统

    Implementation of Attack-Tolerant System Based on on-the-Fly System Integrity Control Mechanism

  5. 另一方面,受信任的进程知道系统中存在DIFC,它们设立隐私及数据完整性控制来约束不受信任的进程。

    Trusted processes , in contrast , are aware of DIFC and set up the privacy and integrity controls that constrain untrusted processes .

  6. 提出了一种新的系统完整性控制机制,以及如何基于该机制构建Attack-Tolerant系统。

    A new system integrity control mechanism and how to implement attack tolerant system based on it are presented in the paper .

  7. 空间数据库的安全性控制、完整性控制策略;

    The control strategy of security and integrity of spatial data ;

  8. 时滞线性系统完整性控制的容错性研究

    Fault Tolerance Studies on Integral Control of Linear Time-delay Systems

  9. 动态大系统的分散完整性控制

    Decentralized Integrity Control for Dynamic Large - Scale Systems

  10. 通过这两个安全协议,我们解决了现有系统的某些安全缺陷。另外,我们的安全机制还提供了完整性控制机制。

    Besides the two protocols , the security mechanism also includes integrity control .

  11. 包括多服务器协同技术、事务处理的完整性控制技术。

    Include the multi-server collaboration technology and the integrity control technology for business processing .

  12. 一类完整性控制系统的设计及其在挠性航天器中的应用

    A design method of control systems possessing integrity and its application in flexible spacecraft

  13. 迁移工作流管理中的过程完整性控制算法

    Process Integrity Control Algorithm in Migrating Workflow Management

  14. ②完整性控制:保证数据的正确性、有效性和相容性;

    The ② integrity control : Accuracy , usefulness and compatibility of assurance data ;

  15. 时变时滞不确定系统鲁棒完整性控制

    Design of robust integrity controller for a class of uncertain systems with time-varying delay

  16. 水电站监测系统的完整性控制

    Integrity Control on Hydropower Survey System

  17. 该框架将用户权限控制、进程权限控制和完整性控制有机地结合在一起,从权限控制和完整性控制两方面实施了恶意代码防御技术;

    Privilege control and integrity control are perfectly combined in MDF as two aspects of defending technology .

  18. 另外,鳖甲煎丸化裁中剂量组对荷瘤小鼠肿瘤包膜完整性控制最好。

    Furthermore , the medium-dose Biejia decoction of the need group in doses of the Dutch Group neoplasms mouse tumors Baomo integrity control best .

  19. 众所周知,加密算法是鉴权认证和完整性控制的基础,因此我们还介绍了选用加密算法的原则。

    As we know , the encryption is the footstone of authentication and integrity control , so we introduce the principle of choosing encryption algorithms .

  20. 在研究基于任务片的迁移工作流网络和执行模式的基础上,提出迁移工作流过程完整性控制算法。

    This paper proposes a process integrity control algorithm for migrating workflow , it is based on the research of migrating workflow network and executing mode of task block .

  21. 介绍了架构的组成和安全机制,设计了所需的鉴权和密钥协商机制,同时介绍和分析了架构的安全机制中所需的加密算法和完整性控制方案。

    This article introduces the middleware architecture and its security mechanism , including the design of authentication and key agreement , discusses the encryption algorithm and the scheme of integrity control .

  22. 异构数据库的各个组成部分具有自身的自治性,实现数据共享的同时,每个数据库系统仍保有自己的应用特性、完整性控制和安全性控制。

    Each part of the heterogeneous database has its own autonomy quality . At the time of realizing the data sharing , Each database system have its own application characteristic , the integrality control and the security control still .

  23. 数据库层,数据库服务器存储大量的数据信息和数据逻辑,所有与数据有关的安全、完整性控制、数据的一致性、并发操作等都在数据库层完成。

    For database hierarchy , the database server stores massive volume of data information and data logics , and all the security and integrity control , data consistence , concurrent operations related to data are accomplished in the database hierarchy .

  24. 面向复杂工程对象的定义和操作,多版本数据的管理,定义、生成和操作局部库以支持工程应用长事务、完整性控制的局部化和模式的修改,是COHORL的主要功能。

    The language features the complex engineering object definition and manipulation , multi-version data manage - ment , local database definition , generation and manipulation for supporting long term engineering application transactions , the integrity control localization , and schema modification .

  25. 实时系统完整性控制机制能够实时检测系统非正常改动并自动恢复,确保系统服务在受到攻击的状态下运作正常,保证了系统的机密性、有效性与完整性。

    On the fly system integrity control mechanism detects unauthorized modifications and restores the system automatically as quickly as possible , ensures that system can continue providing critical services despite ongoing attacks , and keeps the integrity , availability and confidentiality of system successfully .

  26. 一般性的安全防护措施:存取控制、标识和认证、完整性控制、密码技术、防火墙系统、审计和恢复、操作系统安全、数据库系统安全、计算机病毒防护和抗抵赖协议等。

    Run-of-mill measure of security defence , including access control , symbol and identification , integrality control , password technique , firewall system , audit and resumption , safety of operating system , safety of database system , defence of computers ' virus and resisting-deny protocol .

  27. 本文按照数据完整性的控制机制,阐述分析了Oracle系统实现完整性控制的定义方法和检查方法以及违约处理,同时给出了实例说明。

    According to the control mechanism of data integrity , this paper expatiated the definition method , inspection method and default handling of realizing the date integrity control in Oracle , and gave out the example to explain .

  28. PARP-1在维持基因组完整性和控制细胞周期具有重要作用。

    PARP-1 plays a key role in the maintenance of genomic integrity , control of cell cycles by physiological stimulation .

  29. 这些标准工具功能相近,但是,它们把对文件系统完整性的控制限于有suid和sgid标志的文件。

    These standard tools are similar in functionality , but they limit the file system integrity control to files with suid and sgid flags .

  30. 我们提供工具,支持贵司的总额协议,保证数据的完整性,控制预订质量。

    We provide tools to support your corporate volume agreements , ensure data integrity and control for quality at the time of booking .