
hù lín yuán
  • forest ranger
护林员[hù lín yuán]
  1. 在遇到护林员的时候我们几乎快要迷路了。

    We were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger .

  2. 另外还有许多非正统的版本,如不可思议的迷宫、护林员等。

    In addition has many unorthodox editions , like inconceivable labyrinth , forest ranger and so on .

  3. 你可以申请成为一名青年护林员,并在今年夏天为当地自然资源管理项目工作8周。

    You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer .

  4. 袋熊停在护林员的车辆前面。

    A wombat stops in front a ranger 's vehicle .

  5. 雷诺·特兰戈西�法国国家林业局护林员

    Renaud Trangosi , Forest ranger11 for the National Forests Office

  6. 除了重新设计它的小护林员计划,还把公园的黑岩路径设为正式的“KidsinParksTrack”路线。

    In addition to redesigning its Junior Ranger program , the park is to designate Blackrock Trail an official Kids in Parks Track trail .

  7. 上个月,公园推出一款全新的、名为“独立小护林员”的移动应用,是给孩子们玩的互动游戏,他们可以在游戏里获得护林员认证和勋章(仅限苹果和iOS设备)。

    Last month , the park unveiled a new Independence Junior Ranger app as well , which offers interactive games for kids who want to earn a ranger certificate and badge . ( Available on Apple and iOS devices . )

  8. 多年前,一位年轻的护林员接管了一项不寻常的新工作。

    Years ago , a young forester took an unusual new job .

  9. 迈克尔·沃克是夏威夷州的消防护林员。

    Michael Walker is Hawaii 's state fire protection forester .

  10. 好的领导者不是孤独的护林员。

    Good leaders aren 't " lone rangers " .

  11. 当渴了时,竹子在护林员手中又变成了水杯。

    When they were thirsty , the ranger would make cups out of bamboo .

  12. 护林员找到了一具尸体

    The park rangers found a body .

  13. 我和护林员谈过。

    I spoke with the ranger .

  14. 护林员都说什么了?

    What did the Ranger say ?

  15. 罗伊·霍奇森仍然相信那个丹尼尔表亲将从护林员完成他的行动到假骰。

    Roy Hodgson still believes that Daniel Cousin will complete his move to Fulham from Rangers .

  16. 公园护林员带领孩子们走过一条小道,并给他们讲述当地的野生动物。

    The park ranger led the children along a trail and told them about the local wildlife .

  17. 护林员可以由县级或者乡级人民政府委任。

    Forest protection personnel may be appointed by the people 's government at the county or township level .

  18. 过去10年,全球有1000多名野生动物护林员被这些团伙谋杀。

    More than 1,000 wildlife rangers across the world have been murdered by these groups in the past decade .

  19. 仅有的14名护林员在过去的一年多时间内没有抓到一个偷猎者。

    There are14 of them , and they have failed to catch a single poacher for more than a year .

  20. 在泰国,过去两年有多名护林员在与柬埔寨非法伐木者的交火中被杀或受伤。

    In Thailand , rangers have been killed or wounded in the past two years in firefights with Cambodian wood poachers .

  21. 为一个流氓阿寄望有用的人才是护林员,它允许您调用动物加入您的党。

    A superbly useful talent for a rogue is ranger , which allows you to call an animal to join your party .

  22. 摩西是彭布罗克郡海岸国家公园的一名护林员,事发时他正好开车经过。

    Moses , who works as a Pembrokeshire Coast National Park ranger , was driving by when he happened upon the raid .

  23. 澳大利亚南部当地的护林员罗斯·安德森说,燕鸥回来筑巢,是一个令人鼓舞的征兆,说明这种鸟群有可能扩大。虽然如此,情况还是不容乐观。

    District ranger Ross Anderson says it is an encouraging sign for recovery of the bird , which faces a number of predators .

  24. 在一个国家公园,公园的护林员有责任在任何时候都来回答问题,并帮助有困难的游客。

    In a national park , park rangers are on duty at all times to answer questions and help visitors in any difficulty .

  25. 但我们饿了的时候,护林员就会砍下一截竹子,放入大米,做竹筒饭给我们吃。

    When we were hungry , the ranger would chop down a bamboo stem , fill it with rice and cook it for us .

  26. 这位来自科罗拉多州温莎市的32岁机械师、前美国海军陆战队队员,找到了肖松尼国家森林公园的一名护林员,并向他陈述了自己的遭遇。

    The32-year-old mechanic and ex-Marine from Windsor , Colo. , found a ranger at the Shoshone National Forest and informed him of the attack .

  27. 护林员的主要职责是:巡护森林,制止破坏森林资源的行为。

    The main duties and responsibilities of a forest protection person are to patrol and protect forests and stop activities that damage forest resources .

  28. 偷猎者现在会利用直升机、自动武器、夜视镜和卫星电话,击败甚至杀害护林员和其他地方机构的人员。

    Poachers now use helicopters , automatic weapons , night-vision goggles and satellite phones to overwhelm and even kill park rangers and other local authorities .

  29. 在泰国,自2009年以来,有数十名护林员遇害,原因是在森林中遭遇盗伐者时发生枪战。那些盗伐者来自偏远的农村或柬埔寨。

    Since 2009 , dozens of forest rangers have been killed in Thailand in shootouts with loggers from remote villages or Cambodia , it continued .

  30. 我不相信我们中的任何一个人会愿意眼睁睁地看着一头大象或犀牛被猎杀,或者一位护林员被戕害,

    I do not think that any of us would stand and watch an elephant or rhino being killed - or a ranger being gunned down