
  • 网络skin care cosmetics
  1. 在美容养颜的中药护肤化妆品有着独特的见解和先进的理念,而独树一帜。

    We have distinctive views and new ideas in Chinese medicine skin care cosmetics , so we are unique .

  2. 除药用外,还可作庭院观赏植物,并在护肤化妆品,高级卷烟烟蒂胶,工业上的糊料、浆丝绸、浆纱或作涂料等原料以及酿酒等中广泛应用。

    In addition to medicinal use , it can be used as the courtyard ornamental plants . It is widely used in skin care cosmetics , senior tobacco cigarette glue , industrial paste , plasma silk , sizing or coating materials such as wine .

  3. BB霜有皮肤病学的渊源,最初是为了保护和修复治疗后的皮肤。作为一款全效护肤化妆品,它进入美国前已经在韩国畅销了好几年。

    They had dermatologic roots , intended to protect and heal patients ' skin after treatment , and had been popular as all-in-one skin-care and makeup products in Korea for several years before they came to the United States .

  4. 各种聚甘油酯在保湿护肤化妆品中的应用研究

    Various application study on polyglycerol ester in keeping moisture of skin cosmetics

  5. 我们用品质好的材料、洗发液和护肤化妆品。

    We use quality materials , hair lotions , and cosmetics for skin care .

  6. 护肤化妆品生产技术与生产工艺放大设计

    Skin Care Product Manufacturing Technology and Scale Up

  7. 考察了海洋溶菌酶的物理和化学特性、防腐效果及其与常规护肤化妆品主要原料、表面活性剂的配伍性。

    The physical and chemical properties , bacteriostasis effect as well as compatiblity with surfactants used in cosmetics of marine lysozyme were investigated .

  8. 黄瓜油具有润肤和治疗烧伤作用。本文介绍了黄瓜油的提取方法和用黄瓜油制成的护肤化妆品。

    Cucumber oil has the function of skin moisture and burns healer , the extract method of cucumber oil and cosmetic of skin care product made from it are introduced .

  9. 结论这一方法总结了皮纹的SAR和SSD是最客观、有效和敏感的参数,为皮肤生理病理学的研究尤其是祛皱护肤类化妆品的功效评价提供了满意的定量分析指标。

    Conclusions The method provides approving quantitative analysis index for the dermatic physiopathology study , especially skin protection cosmetics efficacy evaluation .

  10. 中国女性对护肤用化妆品的使用感觉与感情因素的关系

    Relationship between texture of skincare cosmetic products and emotional factor in Chinese women

  11. 高档护肤类化妆品征收范围另行制定。

    The high-grade apperception that protect skin makeup article collect limits to be made separately .

  12. CTR市场研究公司所公布的数据显示,在2010年上半年,几乎有40%的都市男性使用护肤品或者化妆品,其中60%以上为商人。

    Data released by consultancy firm CTR suggests almost 40 percent of urban men used skincare products or cosmetics in the first half of 2010 , including more than 60 percent of businessmen .

  13. 在护肤品和化妆品行业里工作,我察觉到两个差别。

    Working in the skin-care and cosmetics industry , I see tow differences .

  14. 植物类黄酮作为护肤因子在化妆品领域的研究进展

    The Current Research and Development of Plant Flavonoids as Skin Care Factor in Cosmetics

  15. 有些男人每天都使用护肤品和化妆品,有些还佩戴首饰!

    Some mans use moisturizers and makeup every day , some of them even wear jewelry !

  16. 为了延缓衰老,延缓皮肤的老化,各类护肤品和化妆品应运而生,数不胜数。

    Various numerous skin care products and cosmetics have emerged for delaying consenescence and skin ageing .

  17. 有时,因为早上刚刚使用过护肤品和化妆品,我们一般在上午的时候会看上去气色不错。

    Sometimes , we may look very good in the morning after we use the skin products and cosmetics .

  18. 我身边的一些男性朋友和同事,每天都使用护肤品和化妆品,有的还佩戴饰品!

    Some of my male friends and co-workers use moisturizers and makeup every day , some even wear jewelry !

  19. 护肤品已成为化妆品市场的主导。

    Skin care products will become the major category in the cosmetic market .

  20. 随着护肤品市场的快速增长,抗衰老护肤品在化妆品市场的增长中占据着巨大的份额。

    Anti-aging treatments account for the lion 's share of growth in the skin care market with the faster growth of skin care market .