
  • 网络Tips;Common Sense
  1. 通过对话学习,掌握实用专业词汇和惯用表达,并补充文化小常识学习。

    Through dialogue and learning , mastery of practical vocabulary and idiomatic expressions , adding cultural learning tips .

  2. 一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。

    A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning .

  3. 今日小常识侯丽节Holi,是印度每年春季中的一个重要节日。

    Holi , the annual Hindu festival , is celebrated3 in Spring across India .

  4. 例句今日小常识鸡蛋含有大量的蛋白质、碘和维生素A,B2和D。鸡蛋也是组成很多种食物的重要原料,如淡黄酱mayonnaise,慕思mousse和冰淇淋icecream。

    Eggs are a good source of protein , iodine4 and vitamins A , B2 and D. They are an important ingredient in many kinds of food , including mayonnaise , mousse and ice cream .

  5. 今日小常识我们的头部可以发送各种各样的身体语言信号。

    The head can send a wide variety of body language signals .

  6. 例句今日小常识著名的埃菲尔铁塔高324米,于1889年落成,每年接待近700万游客。

    It was completed in 1889 and is visited by seven million people every year .

  7. 例句今日小常识滑冰是一项了不起的健身运动。

    Ice skating is great for fitness .

  8. 例句今日小常识官方纪录的最高陆地驾驶速度是763.035英里/小时(1227.985公里/小时)。1997年10月15日,英国人安迪•格林在美国内华达洲的黑岩沙漠里创造了此纪录。

    The official land-speed record measured is 763.035 miles per hour , set by Andy Green on 15 October 1997 in the Black Rock Desert .

  9. 例句今日小常识在发达国家,足月新生儿的平均出生体重大约为3.4公斤,一般范围在2.7~4.6公斤之间。

    In developed countries , the average weight of a full-term newborn baby is approximately 3.4 kg , and is typically between 2.7kg - 4.6 kg .

  10. 今日小常识从1961年到1927年,美国的阿波罗计划从月球上取回了380多公斤的岩石标本。这些带回来的标本对研究月球的起源和构造有很大帮助。

    The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon , which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure .

  11. 例句今日小常识“推车前行”的世界纪录保持者是纽约的阿什利塔•福曼。他所创下的记录是仅用了六个多小时就将一辆汽车推了十七英里远(27.3公里)。

    The world record for pushing a car was set by Ashrita Furman in New York , who pushed the vehicle for 17 miles in just over six hours .

  12. 小常识:一次,玛丽莲梦露被问及用了什么香水,她说:香奈儿No.5。

    Fact : When asked what she wore to bed , Marilyn Monroe replied , " Chanel No. 5 . "

  13. 小常识:在1849年,女继承人AdeliciaAcklen和他的第二任丈夫Joseph,签署了美国第一份婚前协议,协议赋予Adelicia自由处理财产的权利。

    Fact : In 1849 , heiress Adelicia Acklen and her second husband , Joseph , signed the first American prenup , entitling Adelicia to complete control of her property and assets .

  14. 小常识:化妆品巨头雅诗兰黛由纽约皇后区的JosephineEstherMentzer创办,雅诗兰黛的美容王国09年销售额达70亿。

    Fact : Cosmetics mogul Estee Lauder was born Josephine Esther Mentzer in Queens , New York . Her beauty empire had more than $ 7 billion in sales in 2009 .

  15. 小常识:AudreyMeadows曾被认为过于漂亮而不适合出演TheHoneymooners中的Alice,她是用带着肿眼泡并且不化妆的照片最终获得这一角色的。

    Fact : Audrey Meadows was considered too pretty for the role of Alice in The Honeymooners , so she had photos taken with puffy eyes and no makeup - and won the role !

  16. 永远不要让丝巾只是简单地挂在你的脖子上。小常识:据说,针织围巾是1783年冬天由Krakow公爵发明的。

    Never wrap the scarf around your neck as if it were there simply to hold your head on.Fact : According to legend , the knitted scarf was invented by the Duke of Krakow during the winter of 1783 .

  17. 小常识:单身聚会起源于15世纪的斯巴达斯巴达(希腊南部的古代城邦)。

    Fact : Bachelor parties originated in fifth-century Sparta .

  18. 小常识:每年,美国人花费在护肤上的钱比教育经费的还要多。

    Fact : Americans spend more on beauty than on education every year .

  19. 小常识:最外层的皮肤叫做表皮层。

    Fact : The outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis .

  20. 这里介绍一些巧用日常生活小常识。

    Here are some clever uses for ordinary stuff .

  21. 小常识:每5个美国人中就会有1个患有皮肤癌变。

    Fact : 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime .

  22. 这里有5条一直为大家深信不疑的饮酒小常识,其实它们都是不正确的!

    Here are 5 things you 've heard about alcohol and drinking that aren 't actually true .

  23. 提出介绍健康小常识的方法:清楚明白科学,要求学生可以自由组合进行表演。

    Discuss some common senses of health : science is important , encourage students to perform freely in groups .

  24. 小常识:20世纪60年代迷你裙流行起来后,连裤袜也随之风靡。

    Fact : Pantyhose became popular in the 1960s , as a result of the invention of the miniskirt .

  25. 小常识:世界上最大的钻石,库利南钻石,加工前重达3106克拉。

    Fact : The largest diamond ever discovered , the Cullinan diamond , measured 3106 carats in its uncut form .

  26. 用统计的一点小常识来说,这个学校主管不用和没有效率的去问每一个学生;

    Having a little knowledge of statistics , the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child ;

  27. 小常识:你知道吗,过去的罗马天主教会教法要求女人用头纱蒙住头。

    Fact : Did you know ? Roman Catholic canon law used to dictate that women keep their heads covered during Mass .

  28. 小常识:女性帽子的平均尺码是22.5英寸,男性的比女性略大0.25英寸。

    Fact : The average female head size is 22.5 inches around , and the average male head is a quarter inch larger .

  29. 图六:小常识:门卡即使放在公文包里面也能够“晃”开门,不一定要戴在脖子上。

    Fig6 . A tip : Security card could be recognized even in your briefcase , instead of being hung around your neck .

  30. 小常识:1981年7月29日,全世界有10亿人观看了查尔斯王子和戴安娜的世纪婚礼。

    Fact : Over 1 billion people around the world watched the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana on July 29 , 1981 .