
hù shǒu shuānɡ
  • hand cream
  1. 每个人都可以再来点儿保湿滋润霜或护手霜。

    Everybody can do well with some extra moisturizer or hand cream .

  2. 冬天的护手霜应该富含哪些元素?

    What ingredients should you look for in a winter hand cream ?

  3. 预防“家庭主妇手”,就要勤擦护手霜,在寒冷的天气带上棉手套或皮手套,别忘记在洗碗洗衣服时戴上塑胶手套,并尽量选用不伤手的洗洁精和洗衣液。

    To prevent against " housewife 's hand " , you should using hand cream frequently , wear cotton gloves or leather gloves in cold days , and don ’ t forget to put on your rubber gloves while doing dishes and laundry , buy the kind of dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that is gentle to your hand .

  4. 可以在手上涂抹维E或护手霜之后按摩手指、指甲以及指甲旁边的皮肤。

    A good tip for this , is massaging the hands and fingernails with either vitamin E or hand lotion , which can be applied to the skin on the side of the nails as well .

  5. 它点燃了顾客的热情。不久前一个周六的上午,写着“所有商品均为一欧元”的手工制作大幅海报挂在摊位上方,摊位上堆满了厕纸、妮维雅(Nivea)护手霜和联合利华出品的Timotei洗发水等商品。

    It lights a fire in our customers . ' On a recent Saturday morning , large , handmade yellow posters emblazoned with ' Everything at One Euro ' hung over a stand piled high with products such as toilet paper , Nivea hand cream and Timotei shampoo , a Unilever brand .

  6. 我的护手霜!你是在找这个吧。

    My hand cream ! That 's where you went .

  7. 每次洗手后涂抹护手霜。

    Care for your hands by consistently using moisturizer after each washing .

  8. 此外,把自己最爱用的护手霜厚厚的涂在手上。

    On top of this slather your hands with your favorite hand lotion .

  9. 超高效液相色谱法测定护手霜中5种不同的雌激素

    Simultaneous determination of five estrogens in hand cream by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography

  10. 这可能是我最爱的护手霜了。

    This is probably my favorite hand cream .

  11. 比如这护手霜是他给你买的吧

    Like that hand cream . He bought that for you , didn 't he ?

  12. 或者用纸巾蘸点护手霜把鞋擦亮。

    Or , polish the shoes with a little hand cream poured onto a paper towel .

  13. 介绍了提取中草药有效成分配制防皲裂护手霜的方法,并对其性能进行了评价。

    The paper gives a formula of hand_care cream from Chinese medicinal herbs and its eftects .

  14. 最后擦拭护手霜,防止肌肤干燥。

    Apply hand lotion or cream after washing to soothe your skin and help prevent drying .

  15. 冬季寒冷的季节静电非常普遍,用护手霜为双手保湿。

    Keep your hands moisturized with lotion in the winter months when static electricity is prevalent .

  16. 你能有一个稠密的护手霜供你在白天使用,并且要在睡前再重复涂抹一遍。

    Have a thick hand cream available for use during the day , and reapply before bed .

  17. 你需要用护手霜。

    You need hand cream .

  18. 每天经常使用护手霜,防止手干燥、开裂和去除角质层。

    Use a thick hand cream frequently throughout the day to prevent dry , cracked hands and cuticles .

  19. 在本视频中,她将向大家展示如何制作抗细菌抗病毒的蜜蜂花护手霜。

    In this guide she shows you how to make an anti-viral and anti-bacterial lemon balm hand cream .

  20. 为双手涂抹护手霜,享受全天然的指甲。

    Smooth on a hand cream to moisturize your hands , and wave hello to your au natural nails .

  21. 每晚睡前都应该涂抹护手霜,尤其是冬季。

    You need to use hand cream every night before you go to sleep , in the winter especially .

  22. 盒中装有四至五样化妆品小样,例如睫毛膏或护手霜等,部分产品则可能为较大容量包装。

    One box includes four to five cosmetics samples such as mascara or hand lotion , some in larger sizes .

  23. 我发现了一个秘密:奶奶从早市买来廉价的洗面奶当作护手霜来用。

    I found a secret : she used the very cheap soft soap as the lotion to protect her hands .

  24. 呃我是说折腾够了护手霜和高跟鞋我很乐意去激励更多的人

    Well , I mean , after hand creams and high heels , I 'd be happy to inspire just one person .

  25. 她说你很会保养,每次洗完手还会用护手霜,我们中国男人一般不会用护手霜的。

    She said that you are really taking care of yourself via using the handcream , we Chinese males are normally not using handcream .

  26. 一定要彻底擦满你的手,还要关注你的指甲和表皮(护手霜也能防止他们干燥!)

    Make sure to thoroughly rub into your hands and focus on your nails and cuticles ( it prevents them from drying out too !)

  27. 他走路、提包、涂护手霜、擦唇膏的姿势都将他过分讲究的特质表露无遗。

    His gestures – the way he walks or holds a bag , uses hand cream and applies lip balm – reveal his prissy nature .

  28. 我从来不化妆但一定会涂唇膏和护手霜维克如是说道,我只在脸上涂简单的婴儿霜。

    I never wear make-up but always wear lip balm and hand cream , Vickers said . I use simple baby cream on my face .

  29. 我还是认为护手霜就好,因为你只需要花150元买一个就可能比她现在正在用的质量好的。

    I still think hand cream would be okay , because it 'd only cost 150yuan for one that 's probably better than what she uses now .

  30. 含丙醇基质护手霜中的润肤剂能显著减轻刺激性接触性皮炎物理摩擦作为刺激因素引起或加重接触性皮炎的作用被低估

    Emollients in a propanol-based hand rub can significantly decrease irritant contact dermatitis Physical friction is under-recognized as an irritant that can cause or contribute to contact dermatitis