
lín jiānɡ
  • Linjiang;close to/by a river;facing/overlooking a river
  1. 本论文的研究性质为利用CFD技术模拟山地城市临江大型建筑的室内外热环境。

    This paper belongs to applying CFD technology to simulate the indoor and outdoor thermal environment of large construction beside the river in mountain city .

  2. 临江堤防破坏时二线堤防对灾情影响分析

    Analyses of the secondary dike effect during the front dike failure

  3. 临江崩滑堆积体岩土接触面抗剪强度分析

    Analysis of Shear Strength of Interface Between Rock and Riverside Slumping Mass

  4. 临江三孔的文学活动

    The Literature Activity of Linjiang " Three Kongs "

  5. 临江以上的河段水流湍急,到处是瀑布和暗礁。

    Linjiang over the fast river currents , waterfalls and rocks are everywhere .

  6. 临江两超长、超大型基坑施工对比与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Two Ultra Long and Large Riverside Foundation Pits Construction

  7. 从概念到形式&哈尔滨市临江广场方案设计构思

    From concept to form in Harbin Riverside Plaza design

  8. 临江地段承压水位变化对地下构筑物影响分析

    Analysis about Influence of Confined Water Level Change near River on Underground Structures

  9. 太阳岛地区临江建筑景观初探

    A Brief Discussion Of Building Landscape Beside The River In The Area Of Sun Island

  10. 某临江超深基坑工程降水计算与设计分析基坑降水引起地表沉降过程数值模拟

    Calculation and Design Analysis for Precipitation of Super-deep Foundation near a River : a Case Study

  11. 敦煌机场扩建工程方案临江水厂扩建工程设计

    Schematic design of Dunhuang Airport Extension

  12. 临江与长春的年平均气温高,植株高大,新梢生长量大,萌芽率及产量高。

    New shoot increment was large , germinating rate was high , and production was high .

  13. 在他回家的途中,要经过一道临江的悬崖。

    His path , it was known , led along a cliff that overhung the river .

  14. 这座木塔临江而建,是著名的古迹。

    The wood tower was built facing the river . it was a famous historic site .

  15. 临江素称“长白山立体资源宝库”,自然资源极为丰富。

    Linjiang is called " Chang bai Mountain Steroscopic Resources Treasure House " With abundant natural Resources .

  16. 德山之巅,那座孤峰临江的塔,依旧挺拔;

    The peak of Changde 's mountains and the tower of the lonely peak are still upstanding ;

  17. 城市滨水区资源优势的挖掘与整合&武昌临江地区城市设计

    Excavation and Conformity to the Resource Advantage of Urban Waterfront & Urban Design of Wuchang Riverside Region

  18. 临江鸭绿江大桥位于临市区内,是横跨中朝两国的国境桥。

    It is located in the downtown of Linjiang , a frontier bridge across China and North Korea .

  19. 临江侧穿越抛石层的三墙合一地下连续墙施工技术

    " Three Walls into One " Construction Technology for Underground Continuous Wall nearby River and through Riprap Layer

  20. 全城依山而构,临江而筑,楼房重叠错落,把山和城融为一体。

    City of mountains and structure , and to build Riverside , overlapping scattered buildings , mountains and cities together .

  21. 江西临江三孔生卒年考

    Making textual research into the year of birth and death of " Lin Jiang 's Three Kongs " in Jiangxi

  22. 哈尔滨市金泰·湖滨绿茵景观规划设计滨水空间·景与观&武昌临江地区环境及景观建筑规划

    Riverside Space , Landscape and Sight - Planning and Design of the Wuchang Riverside Zone Environment and Landscape Construct , Wuhan

  23. 武汉是一个因水而兴的城市,其地理、经济和文化条件在临江城市中属于比较典型的类型。

    Wuhan city is flourishing by its water , its geography , economy and culture conditions are typical in riverside cities .

  24. 了解黄石市临江社区居民的健康状况,以及影响居民健康的危险因素。

    Objective : To investigate the health status of the residents in Linjiang community , Huangshi and the dangerous factors infecting them .

  25. 主导产品哈士蟆油软胶囊、葡利安软胶囊、健脑益气片、娃娃宁、临江风药等小儿系列产品。

    Our leading products are frog fat soft capsules , Pulian soft capsules , brain-strengthening Qi-invigorating pills , Wawaning , Linjiang-Fengyao series .

  26. “四保临江”战役期间,临江为辽东省委、省政府、省军区所在地。

    In the battle of " Four Time Protection of Linjiang ", Linjiang is the residence of Liaodong Provincial Committeeand Provincial government .

  27. 武昌临江地区城市设计是武汉市“两江四岸”滨水区设计的重要组成部分。

    The urban plan of Wuchang riverside region is a significant part of " two rivers and two riversides " plan in Wuhan .

  28. 巴东县龙王庙是巫峡口的一处临江台地遗址,发掘共分三个点。

    Longwangmiao , situated at mouth of wuxia at Badong county , a platform site , was exca - vated in three places .

  29. 东北抗日联军一路军在杨靖宇同志的率领下转战于氵蒙江、抚松、临江等地区,给日本侵略者以沉重打击。

    Comrade Yang Jingyu led the first unit of northeast anti-Japanese allied forces among Mengjiang , Fusong , Linjiang and other regions , sledge-hammering Japanese aggressors .

  30. 这些工业项目全部投运后,将进一步扩充经济总量,为临江早日实现小康社会奠定了基础。

    After the total operations begin , the whole economic volume will be increased , which lay a solid foundation for Linjiang can realize well-off standard of living .