
yáng huò
  • foreign goods;imported goods;imported products
洋货 [yáng huò]
  • [imported goods] 旧指外国进口的货物

洋货[yáng huò]
  1. 市场上充斥着洋货。

    Market was flooded with foreign goods .

  2. 中国近代国内市场上的抵制洋货运动,是反帝爱国斗争的重要组成部分。

    In the modern domestic market of China , the boycott movement against foreign goods is the important component of patriotic struggle against imperialism .

  3. 我们已建成一个凸式码头供远洋货轮停靠之用。

    We have completed a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters .

  4. 近代中国抵制洋货运动研究(1905-1937)

    A Study of Boycotts in Modern China ( 1905-1937 )

  5. 但是,老百姓可以把这些高不可攀的洋货低俗化、民间化。

    However , these privileged foreign games are being simplified and popularized among average people .

  6. 这东洋货问题不但影响到林小姐的所穿,还影响到她的所用;

    The problem of Japanese goods not only affected everything Miss Lin wore-it influenced everything she used .

  7. 集市中充斥的大量洋货,不仅逐步瓦解了自给自足的小农经济,而且促进了人们思想观念上的日益开化。

    Foreign goods in the market gradually disrupted self-sufficiency of small-scale peasant economy and promoted people more public-minded .

  8. 因为手工业复兴了,不怕被机制洋货的倾销挤倒了。

    Revived handicrafts that have no fear of being beaten down by the influx of machine-made goods from abroad .

  9. 我也买了一些带运动会标志的中国造洋货。

    Yes , I also bought some " made in China " foreign goods with the Games ' ' mark .

  10. 洋货正以前所未有的规模和速度占领中国市场,中国已经成为外商最为有利的商品销售市场。

    Foreign goods are occupying China 's market on an unprecedented scale . China has become a favorable market for the foreign merchants .

  11. 五口通商后受洋货直接冲击,传统农业、手工业破产;

    The five ports trading with all countries resulted in bankruptcy of traditional agriculture and handicraft industry because of the direct attack of foreign goods .

  12. 第六篇文章进一步论述了城乡交换的不尽如人意以及引进洋货后这一情形的进一步恶化。

    The sixth essay develops this theme of the unsatisfactory character of the exchange between city and country and the worsening of the situation since the introduction of products manufactured in the West .

  13. 质检总局进出口食品安全局有关负责人强调,这些上了“黑名单”的食品、化妆品洋货均已做退货、销毁或改作他用处理,未进入国内市场销售。

    Officials at the AQSIQ stressed that all these foreign foods and cosmetics on the " blacklist " have been returned , destroyed or converted to other use and did not enter the domestic market .

  14. 随着士绅们逐渐培养起对洋货的品味,当他们中的某些人在与西方贸易的过程中发现新的发财之路时,他们便会开始用收取地租和利息得来的钱去购买洋货。

    As the gentry developed tastes for Western goods , while some of them found new sources for wealth in trading with the West , they came to spend their profits realized in rent or interest on Western products .

  15. 摘要通过对《盛京时报》洋货广告的介绍,阐释广告文化中的殖民文化现象,进而解读这种文化现象背后的文化霸权及其对中国固有的民族文化造成的严重冲击。

    In the paper , the author introduces the advertisement for foreign goods in Shengjing times , expounds the colonial culture phenomenon and interprets cultural hegemony behind colonial civilization and its great impact on the national culture of china .

  16. 中法战争以后,随着龙、梧、邕等城市开埠,大量的洋货输入广西各地市场,促使广西近代新型市场体系的形成;

    After the Sino-French war , hold the port as dragon , phoenix tree , Yong , etc. , a large amount of foreign goods input the regional market of Guangxi , impel the forming of the modern new-type market system in Guangxi ;

  17. 在京山东商人主要经营饭庄、饭馆、洋货铺、绸缎铺、粮食店、布铺等与人的生活紧密相关的行业,其人数和经济实力使得山东人可以与当时第一大商帮晋商相分庭抗礼。

    The main business of the Shandong merchants in the restaurant , foreign goods shop , silk shops , food stores , cloth , and human life closely related industry , its size and economic strength allows the Shandong people can antagonize Shanxi merchants .

  18. 景德镇的陶瓷业与南通的纺织业类似,在近代都是他们各自城市唯一的支柱产业,在近代的发展中遭到了洋货入侵的影响,但又同时表现出对洋货入侵的抵制。

    It is similar for ceramic industry in Jingdezhen and textile industry in Nantong that the industry is the exclusive and backbone one in their cities in recent centuries , which was impacted by importation in modernization development while boycott the importation . 2 .

  19. 重点描述了华商大型零售百货在中国出现之前上海大众消费与日常生活的状况,探讨洋货输入所带来的消费转型以及促进国货设计萌芽的过程。

    This chapter describes the dairy consumption of Shanghai residents living conditions before the advent of large-scale retail in China . Meanwhile , the chapter explores the transformation of consumption caused by the foreign goods input and the promotion the process of domestic products designed budding .